The snake bearing the name bushmaster (other names - surukuku, dumb crotal) is a very rare species of reptiles. It belongs to the viper family and the subfamily of rattlesnakes (rattlesnakes, pit vipers). This is one of the most poisonous reptiles on the American mainland.
Surukuku lives in South America and in some areas of equatorial Africa, and only in uninhabited areas. It is clear that in our time their numbers have been greatly reduced, and they are already very rare.
Read about the features of the most dangerous bushmaster snake in this article.
The body length of the surukuku snake is from 2.5 to 3 meters. But there were specimens up to 4 meters. The section of the snake's body looks like a triangle. Weight - no more than 5 kg. The color is variegated, characteristic of vipers. Drawing in the form of brown diamonds on a yellowish-brown background.

The end of the tail is hollow with hard scales, when it hits plants and stones, a quiet rumble is heard, which is usually compared to the sound of rattlesnakes rattles.
On the head,which is also characteristic of all rattlesnakes, there are two pits that are sensitive to infrared radiation, which allows the snake to successfully hunt. After all, the body temperature of a potential victim of a reptile is higher than the surrounding air. Thus, with the help of these "primitive eyes" (but the snake itself has good eyesight), even in pitch darkness, the snake finds its prey. As a rule, these are small mammals, sometimes birds.
Ribbed (keeled) scales, large poisonous teeth (2.5 cm, and according to some sources up to 4 cm), large eyes with vertical pupils are another distinguishing feature of the Bushmaster snake. In terms of habits and lifestyle, this reptile is closest to the rattlesnake.
Where lives
The range of surukuku consists of some areas of South America with the capture of part of the south of North America. Hiding from direct sunlight, the snake prefers to hide in tropical lowland wet thickets. The jungle thickets of countries such as Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Colombia, Guyana, Peru are the habitats of the most dangerous bushmaster snake in the world. This creature can also be found in the equatorial countries of South Africa.

Bushmeister does not like noise and human proximity, so you will not meet him near human settlements. During the day, he lies in the jungle, hiding among the foliage. A motley pattern helps him disguise himself. Animals that have disturbed daytime sleep, the bushmaster snake, in order not to waste poison in vain, drives away with tail blows. As a rule, having heard this peculiar rumble, they leave.
This reptile comes out to hunt at night and ambush near animal trails. Usually the bushmaster patiently waits for prey among the foliage, lying in a motionless ball. In tracking down victims, this snake, like all pitheads, is helped by thermolocators. When the potential prey is close enough, the hunter bends the front body in the shape of the letter S, makes an attacking throw and stings the victim, injecting a large dose of poison (about 400 mg) into it. This attack can be made already from a distance of 50 cm - it is at this distance that the bushmaster begins to "see" his victim.
A bushmeister or surukuku killed animal is usually swallowed completely. The muscles of her throat are strong enough, they are designed in such a way that they are able to push food through the esophagus while it is being digested. The snake's stomach enzymes are so strong that they can digest the animal along with the skin and bones.

According to the stories of the Indians, surukuku is especially dangerous for travelers because it remains completely immobile until a person approaches. That's when the snake attacks, and this throw can be fatal for an unsuspecting traveler.
A Bushmaster specimen reaches sexual maturity at two years. With the onset of the mating season, which usually happens in the spring, the male goes in search of a partner, focusing on the pheromones that she releases during the mating period. Some time after the courtship dance in a shallow hole, the female will lay a dozen or more eggs. From above she will cover themmoist soil to keep a constant temperature in the nest. It will take about 80 days, and the hatched already quite independent young snakes will go on the first hunt.
What is interesting about Bushmaster?
Here are some facts known to science that will help you better understand the nature of this mysterious creation of nature.
Experimenting, zoologists sealed the eyes and ears of the snake, but this did not prevent her from continuing to perfectly hunt down and attack prey.
In its original habitats, the bushmaster snake is called the "pineapple snake" due to the thickness and roughness of the skin.

Despite the fact that this reptile is considered the most venomous snake in the world, only 25 cases of a surukuk bite have been officially recorded. However, only 5 of them ended in death. At the same time, many tragic stories have been preserved in history about how people became victims of the bites of these snakes.
Surukuku is so rare to be found in nature, and if it happens, it causes such horror with its size, speed of reaction and strength that the locals have formed many legends and beliefs about it.
One of them says that this snake is able to extinguish the flame of any power thanks to the evil spirit that lives in its body. According to another, the bushmaster steals milk from cows and women while they sleep. Or one more thing: this snake is able to lull the traveler with its gaze, hypnotizing him, after which he will surely drag him into the thicket, where he will devour him.
Poison value
For all the danger this snake poses,there are people who have chosen hunting as their profession, including hunting for this type of reptiles. The fact is that Bushmaster's poison (Lachesis) was popular long ago and was used in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, veins of the lower extremities, joints and a number of other diseases.

Its pharmacological action, like many snake venoms, is based on the destruction of blood elements. Once in the blood, the poison dilutes it, so it is important to comply with the dose in the treatment.
Today, bushmaster snake venom is included in many homeopathic medicines.