Men's questions

Fantastic weapons: description, features

Fantastic weapons: description, features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Weapons are an essential attribute of any science fiction books and films. Often the whole plot of the works is wrapped around them. Therefore, it will be very interesting for any fan of the fantasy genre to learn more about them

The most expensive weapon in the world: melee and firearms

The most expensive weapon in the world: melee and firearms

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The world has created a huge number of different types of weapons. However, in this industry there are the most expensive copies, which can also be called a work of art. Naturally, first of all, exquisite edged weapons appeared, and later they began to decorate firearms. Information about the most expensive representatives of the industry, their features and price will be presented in this essay

Critical age in men: concept, periods and features

Critical age in men: concept, periods and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The critical age for a man is a serious problem that everyone will have to face to some extent. In the vast majority of cases, this period occurs between 37 and 42 years. It is believed that this is the most difficult time in the life of a representative of the stronger sex. Some even call it "forties fatal". In this article we will tell you how to transfer this period with minimal losses

How to reduce fuel consumption: ways to save money and proven tips

How to reduce fuel consumption: ways to save money and proven tips

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

How to reduce fuel consumption: recommendations, methods, features. How to reduce fuel consumption on a carburetor and VAZ injector: tips, interesting facts, pros and cons. Proven tips for reducing fuel consumption at VAZ

St. George's weapons: description, history and photos

St. George's weapons: description, history and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Golden St. George's Arms "For Courage" is an award classified as an insignia in the Russian Empire in the period from the 19th to the 20th century. It was made of precious metals, encrusted with diamonds, emeralds and other stones. About St. George's weapons, their varieties, history and manufacture will be described in the article

Air rifle Crosman 1077: features, review, reviews

Air rifle Crosman 1077: features, review, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Pneumatic shooting units and accessories are produced by a considerable number of different companies. One of the largest manufacturers of wind weapons is the American company Crosman Corporation. According to experts, this manufacturer occupies a leading position not only in the United States, but throughout the world. In 1994, the company's designers developed and soon patented the gas-balloon air rifle Crosman 1077

Frolovka, 32 caliber: characteristics, shooting, photo

Frolovka, 32 caliber: characteristics, shooting, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Along with some advantages, the 20-gauge frolovka, like the 32-gauge version, had one significant drawback. It consisted in a weak ejector. The beveling of the tooth of this element and the wear of the spring led to delays in the operation of the mechanism. With intensive use of weapons, a ramrod was required to push out stuck cartridges

Traumatic weapon: application and wearing rules

Traumatic weapon: application and wearing rules

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

It is allowed in Russia to have a means of self-defense. We are talking about a traumatic gun (popularly it is called a trauma). This weapon does not pose such a threat as a firearm counterpart, but it also requires competent use and only in necessary situations

What should be the waist for men? Norm. How to reduce the waist?

What should be the waist for men? Norm. How to reduce the waist?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What the waist should be in men is of no small importance, moreover, for the guy himself. Why is it so? The fact is that the waist of the correct size is not only a beautiful figure, but also good he alth. Its circumference is more than 102 cm - this is a clear sign of abdominal obesity. This type of fat in the human body is perhaps the most dangerous

Tula gun TOZ-200: description, specifications, reviews

Tula gun TOZ-200: description, specifications, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

For lovers of firearms, many different models of shooting units have been created. Therefore, many are interested in what kind of gun to buy for a novice hunter? The fact is that each weapon variant has both strengths and weaknesses, which are difficult for a beginner to understand. Judging by the numerous consumer reviews, the TOZ-200 shotgun is in great demand. This model is suitable for both hunters and hunters, and for lovers of sports shooting

Engineering ammunition: classification and precautions

Engineering ammunition: classification and precautions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The armed forces of the Russian Federation were created taking into account the situation in the world that developed after the collapse of the USSR. In addition to combined arms, there are also special troops that solve their combat missions using special equipment. In the engineering troops, special equipment is engineering ammunition. Their use during combat operations inflicts serious losses on the enemy. You will learn more about engineering ammunition from our article

Hunting with kurtshaar: description of the breed, education, training

Hunting with kurtshaar: description of the breed, education, training

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Hunting with kurtshaar has been known since the end of the 19th century. However, the descendants of this breed have been involved in fisheries since time immemorial. Moreover, at that time there were no firearms, faithful dogs got game, lined with birds of prey or knocked down with nets, from swamps and backwaters. The official name of the noble breed is "German Shorthair Pointer Pointer". The definition of the breed in specifics appeared only in 1879

Easel grenade launcher: history of creation, performance characteristics and review

Easel grenade launcher: history of creation, performance characteristics and review

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The appearance of any new weapons in the early stages greatly affects the course of hostilities. After some time, military designers are given samples of tools, the task of which is to adequately resist the new weapon. So it was with the tanks that first appeared on the battlefield in the First World War. As experience has shown, the use of barbed wire and machine guns against these vehicles turned out to be ineffective. For such military equipment, more serious field artillery is needed

Aerobatics with names

Aerobatics with names

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Aerobatics at all times were performed by cadets of military schools and experienced pilots to conduct air combat with the enemy. Currently, aircraft are being modernized and are almost completely under automatic control, and therefore air maneuvers are used mainly for competitions, holiday shows and training of future pilots

Top 10 fastest planes in the world

Top 10 fastest planes in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The fastest aircraft in the world: review, brief characteristics, photos, interesting facts. Top 10 fastest aircraft in the world: description, features, manufacturers, parameters

Folding knife "Magnum Boker": features and reviews

Folding knife "Magnum Boker": features and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Judging by the numerous reviews, there are situations when you can’t do without a cutting product. In the market of knife products, a wide range of various warehouses is presented to the attention of buyers. The folding knife "Magnum Boker" is very popular. With excellent technical characteristics and attractive design, it received a lot of positive feedback from the owners. You will learn more about the folding knife "Magnum Bocker" from this article

The biggest tank in history

The biggest tank in history

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

For a long time, tanks were considered machines that are not able to effectively integrate into the combat environment. However, with the outbreak of the First World War, the opinion of leading strategists changed. The largest tanks at that time were a wonderful sight: several towers and machine gun nests around the entire perimeter of the tank

Bowie knife: description, shape, purpose, interesting facts

Bowie knife: description, shape, purpose, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Judging by the feedback from consumers, Bowie-type knives are especially popular among hunters. The birthplace of these blades is the United States of America. From the 30s of the 19th century to the present day, the Bowie knife has been considered a universal version of edged weapons. Along with the legendary Colt, this blade has become a symbol of the United States. Information about the history of the creation of the Bowie knife, interesting facts, as well as the description and purpose of this cutting product is contained in the article

Pheasant hunting in winter in the snow

Pheasant hunting in winter in the snow

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Today, hunting has become an interesting and exciting hobby for many men. Today it is more of a sport than a vital necessity. Judging by the numerous reviews, pheasant hunting has become very popular. The very tender meat of this bird is a real delicacy that will decorate the table. Information about the features of pheasant hunting in winter in the snow is contained in the article

Is it worth joining the army

Is it worth joining the army

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Why join the army? What can an army give a young man? Of course, adulthood. People exist here in such a close society that it sort of squeezes out all their hidden qualities

Contract service in the army

Contract service in the army

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Contract service is far from a job, as it is commonly believed, because such soldiers are truly professional defenders of their Fatherland. Today, one of the main tasks of many countries is the improvement of the Armed Forces in all respects. In this process, the main priorities are the selection of reliable soldiers, not their number. It is for this reason that contract service is practiced

Box haircut: masculine feature and ease of creation

Box haircut: masculine feature and ease of creation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Meet by haircut, and see off by clothes! Perhaps someone will not agree with this cutting-edge rule, but you can’t run away from the public eye. Today, a boxing haircut for a man is one of the most popular and sought-after among real gentlemen who are used to the classics. Neat styling on the head gives a man self-confidence, brutality, masculinity and gallantry. What is this hairstyle and what are its features? We will understand the delicate male topic

Operation of stoves at working out

Operation of stoves at working out

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A mining stove is a useful unit that will help save on heating. Often used by car owners in garages. Now let's take a closer look at these devices

Hunting for capercaillie: features and methods

Hunting for capercaillie: features and methods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

All hunters, both professional and amateur, have at least once tried to catch a wild bird. Capercaillie is a very rare bird and is found only in coniferous forests and moss swamps. The prey is quite large (up to 5 kg). Despite the large parameters of the bird, hunting for capercaillie has its own characteristics

Submachine gun: description, device and performance characteristics

Submachine gun: description, device and performance characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The creation of compact small arms, in the store of which a large number of cartridges would fit, was done by many designers. However, several samples of submachine guns turned out to be successful. Description, device and performance characteristics of the most successful shooting models are presented in the article

AGS-17: specifications and purpose

AGS-17: specifications and purpose

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

AGS-17: description, purpose, features, design, characteristics. AGS-17 grenade launcher: review, photo, device, parameters. What is shooting from the AGS-17?

What is the most powerful pistol in Russia, in the world?

What is the most powerful pistol in Russia, in the world?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Pistol is the most widely represented type of weapon. Mostly it is used by the military and employees of special units. Ordinary citizens acquire these weapons exclusively for sports shooting or for self-defense. This category of the population is interested in the question: which pistol is the most powerful? Information about the most lethal traumatic, pneumatic and real pistols available on world and Russian arms counters is contained in the article

Intercontinental ballistic missiles: names, characteristics

Intercontinental ballistic missiles: names, characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are used by many countries as the main means of nuclear deterrence. Similar weapons are available in Russia, the United States of America, Great Britain, France and China. Information about which ballistic missiles are in service with the countries of the world, their description and performance characteristics is contained in the article

PSM pistol: photo, specifications

PSM pistol: photo, specifications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

One of the unique examples of small arms, created by Russian military technologists, was a self-loading small-sized pistol PSM. This model has been in operation since 1972. Description, device and technical characteristics of the PSM pistol are presented in the article

BTR-70: photo, device, specifications

BTR-70: photo, device, specifications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the armies of Russia and the young republics that gained independence inherited a rich legacy. One of the copies of military equipment created by Soviet weapons designers was the BTR-70. This combat vehicle, as in the years of the USSR, is still used today by motorized rifle units as a means of transporting soldiers during hostilities. Description, device and performance characteristics of the BTR-70 are contained in the article

Which troops have green berets?

Which troops have green berets?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

You have probably heard the mention of maroon berets more than once, but there are also green military berets. And to some extent, they are no less important than, say, maroon hats. About the meaning of green berets, their use and history - in this article

Apache helicopter: description, characteristics and photo

Apache helicopter: description, characteristics and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

During the Korean War, helicopters, contrary to the expectations of American generals, effectively carried out fire adjustment, reconnaissance, paratrooper landings and evacuation of the wounded. The second place in the world in terms of prevalence after the Soviet "turntable" Mi-24 was taken by the American Apache helicopter. Since 1980, it has been considered the main strike combat vehicle of the US Air Force. Description, device and performance characteristics of the Apache helicopter are presented in the article

The best traumatic gun: review and rating

The best traumatic gun: review and rating

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

On the modern arms market, a wide range of various traumatic pistols is presented to the attention of buyers. What is the best model of non-combat weapons to buy? What factors should be considered in order not to regret the money spent later? What traumatic pistol is better? Information on what nuances you need to pay attention to is contained in the article. The rating of the best traumatic pistols is also presented

Tactical knives: purpose and important features

Tactical knives: purpose and important features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

According to experts, blades that belong to the category of tactical knives are considered quite effective. The versatility of such a product is that it can be used as a weapon and a technical tool. Information about the types of tactical knives, their device and purpose is contained in the article

Until how many years are drafted into the army, or everything about military registration

Until how many years are drafted into the army, or everything about military registration

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Serving in the army brings a lot of trouble to many citizens. How long and how long are they drafted into the armed forces of the Russian Federation? What you need to know about conscription in the army in Russia?

Birch camouflage color

Birch camouflage color

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Thanks to the intensive development of military technologists, today a wide range of different camouflage suits is presented to the attention of consumers. Each of them has its own color scheme. For the border troops of the USSR, the "Birch" camouflage was developed. The history of creation and description of this camouflage suit are presented in the article

The best Russian sniper rifles

The best Russian sniper rifles

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In many armies of the world there are special units that use this type of weapon. According to experts, the SVD is by no means the only copy used by Russian specialists. There are also new sniper rifles in Russia

Tank "Merkava 4": photo, design, characteristics

Tank "Merkava 4": photo, design, characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Unlike most main battle tanks, for which an equal ratio of firepower, protection and mobility is provided, in the Israeli Merkava MBT, protection is a priority. For the needs of the Israeli army, the country's arms industry produces four modifications of this tank. An interesting design has a new version, which is listed as "Merkava-4". Information about the layout, armament and performance characteristics of this MBT model is presented in the article

Tank T-62: photo, specifications

Tank T-62: photo, specifications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

During the years of the Soviet Union, one of the first production tanks of 115 mm caliber was the T-62. According to experts, the appearance of this model has made a huge contribution to the development of domestic tank building. For ten years, the industry of the USSR produced at least 20 thousand units of this equipment. Information about the device, combat use and performance characteristics of the T-62 tank is contained in the article

Ranks in the Russian police in order

Ranks in the Russian police in order

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

We all know that the designation of differences in ranks by the use of certain signs and the distribution by ranks is generally characteristic of the structure of the Russian army. However, shoulder straps are not only military. In the police, ranks and shoulder straps are also running categories