Until how many years are drafted into the army, or everything about military registration

Until how many years are drafted into the army, or everything about military registration
Until how many years are drafted into the army, or everything about military registration

Almost every young person sooner or later thinks about how old they are drafted into the army. This question can be interpreted in different ways. We will study all possible scenarios. Indeed, without awareness of the draft age, a person can get a lot of problems. And his plans for life are seriously disrupted. To prevent this from happening, we will study military duty and conscription in the army as a whole. Remembering the basics of these areas will not be difficult.

How long are they drafted into the army
How long are they drafted into the army


Until what age are drafted into the army? At the moment, there are several options for the development of events.

First, let's talk about what time a citizen goes to the draft board for the first time. Primary military registration is carried out in the 10th grade. Schoolchildren are taken to military training camps, and then to the military registration and enlistment office. This is approximately 15-17 years old.

After being registered with the military commissariat, a person receives a registration certificate. It will come in handy when sending to the army. But a similar moment will come in a few years.

When they join the army

Until what age are they drafted into the Russian army? To properly answer thisquestion, will have to pay attention to the foundations of the current legislation. And remember when, in principle, they can be taken to military service.

All citizens over the age of 18 are subject to conscription into the armed forces of the Russian Federation. The onset of emancipation does not affect the speed of conscription in the army. This is quite normal.

Important: before the age of 18 in Russia, no one is called up for urgent and contract service. Until then, boys are considered children.

Army in Russia
Army in Russia

When you can breathe easy

Until what age are they drafted into the army? There are several answers to such a question. It all depends on how you interpret the problem.

Let's start with the simplest - from military age. As we have already found out, a person can be drafted into the army for military service from the age of 18. Until when will a young man have to fear being drafted?

Today, a young man up to 27 years old is considered a conscript. After that, he is not called up for military service under any circumstances.

Important: At the moment, there is an active discussion of extending the draft age to 30 years. However, such innovations have not entered into force. This means that the person will be released from the emergency call for the 28th anniversary.

After 27

We found out how old men are drafted into the army. It's only for urgent service. Under the contract, a citizen can go to the armed forces of the country until retirement. To be more precise, until deregistration at the military commissariat.

What happens after 27 years?As soon as a citizen has served in the army, he is transferred to the reserve and issued a military ID. Under no circumstances will such a person be called up for military service again under any circumstances.

If a man under the age of 27 did not serve in the army for one reason or another, he will either be given a "military man" with a corresponding mark, or they will issue a certificate of the established form.

Important: the lack of service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation causes a lot of trouble in finding employment. For example, a man cannot be a civil servant or a military man.

When do you get a military ID?
When do you get a military ID?

Military training and "repositories"

Until what age are drafted into the army? We have already studied the answer to this question. From the foregoing, it follows that after 27 years, a man may not worry about military service. She does not threaten him under any circumstances.

However, up to a certain point, men are in the reserve of military commissariats. They may be called up for military training. But, as a rule, no more than 1 time in 3 years.

Unlike military service, military training can be skipped. In this case, the citizen will simply be issued a fine in the amount of about 100 rubles. And nothing more.

Important: on average, they are "removed" from the stock by the age of 65-70. The exact term of being a "reserve" depends on the rank of the person.

Reason for delay

We were able to find out how old people are drafted into the army. And under what circumstances is a person given a legal reprieve?

Here are the most common scenarios:

  • presence of fractures and diseases;
  • getting higher education;
  • presence of children under 3;
  • having 2 or more children;
  • caring for a sick relative;
  • presence of a pregnant wife (for a period of 20 weeks).

No deferment is granted without reason. Nevertheless, the citizen will still be invited to the military commissariat to pass the commission and receive a temporary or permanent release.

Early Freedom

Now it is clear how old people are drafted into the army. But under certain circumstances, a citizen can be released from conscription much earlier. Then, when he has reason to do so.

Service in the Russian army
Service in the Russian army

For example, they include:

  • being in the status of a father of many children;
  • disability;
  • serious diseases that are not treated and interfere with military service.

In addition, civil servants and employees of the State Duma are not called up for service. As long as a person works there, he does not have to worry about an urgent call.

Important: for evading the army, a citizen faces imprisonment for up to 2 years and a criminal case.
