Hunting with kurtshaar: description of the breed, education, training

Hunting with kurtshaar: description of the breed, education, training
Hunting with kurtshaar: description of the breed, education, training

Hunting with kurtshaar has been known since the end of the 19th century. However, the descendants of this breed have been involved in fisheries since time immemorial. Moreover, at that time there were no firearms, faithful dogs got game, lined with birds of prey or knocked down with nets, from swamps and backwaters. The official name of the noble breed is "German Shorthair Pointer Pointer". The definition of the breed in specifics appeared only in 1879.

Shorthaired pointer on the hunt
Shorthaired pointer on the hunt

General characteristics

Hunting with kurtshaar has become popular due to the fact that these dogs are born getters. They have excellent flair, excellent stamina and patience. Additional advantages of this breed are clear execution of commands, excellent obedience, search on the trail. Training this dog is not burdensome, as he is naturally intelligent and obedient.

The main purpose of hunting breeds of this type is to seek out and capturewaterfowl. In kurtshaars, the wool gets wet very slowly, dries quickly. Strong and short limbs with webbing in the interdigital space provide good swimming ability with the ability to climb the most slippery and marshy parts of the coast.

The considered breed of dogs has a distinctive feature - entering the rack, the animal stops abruptly and freezes. The dog is able to stand in this position for a long time, without being distracted by any extraneous things. A pet can get out of such an enchanting stupor only at the command of the owner or by obtaining living creatures.

Character traits

When choosing a method of hunting with a shorthaired pointer, you must remember that this dog is peaceful, has a calm disposition, and is well suited for apartment keeping. The dog gets along well with people, excellent contact with children and their environment.

These animals are loyal to guests or strangers, but their final reaction directly depends on the command or behavior of the owner. In general, the kurtshaar is a sociable dog that is difficult to survive alone and suffers from loss or change of owner. Therefore, you should only get such a dog if you can give it enough warmth and attention.

Photo of a dog breed Kurzhaar
Photo of a dog breed Kurzhaar


As for the exterior, it has a characteristic color, which is expressed in a brown tint of the head, a camouflage spotted color of the body and paws. Mostly drathaar and kurtshaar for hunting are considered only as hunting breeds. In circlescynologists do not have disputes about their possible belonging to exhibition or working breeds, unlike most other stripes. This parameter says a lot, especially to knowledgeable people.

Representatives of these breeds have a short coarse coat that fits snugly to the base, while the undercoat is absent. Brief description - aristocratic dogs with strong bones, a wide "brisket" and iridescent muscles under a shiny skin.

Hunting breed Kurzhaar
Hunting breed Kurzhaar

Pros and cons

Hunting with kurtshaar is a universal action. With it you can go to the feathered game, large and medium-sized animals. Bear in mind that males try to dominate, so it's important to prioritize from an early age. Representatives of this breed require increased attention. When acquiring such a friend, it is necessary to calculate the time not only for his walking and feeding, but also for coaching according to the “profile”, as well as working with the dog in “field” conditions.

It is noteworthy that you can keep an animal in an apartment and a private house, where you need to equip him with a personal space with bedding and toys. Nevertheless, the minimum number of walks is three times a day, and walking on a leash is not an option. The dog needs free runs. Otherwise, owners may find out how active and aggressive the dog is within the living area, which will be consistent with imitation hunting with a kurtshaar for a pheasant or a hare.

For dogs provide two meals a day. Dry food should be given according torecommendations on the box, fatty foods should be excluded to the maximum. Maintaining optimal weight is one of the most important factors in keeping these dogs. The clear visibility of the last three edges testifies to the normal weight.

Kurzhaar puppy
Kurzhaar puppy


To make hunting for hares with kurtshaar in winter and summer enjoyable, you need to take care of the timely education of the dog. This process should be started from puppyhood, given that animals are highly trainable. The main thing is that the little four-legged hunter immediately clearly understands what is possible and what is not. After that, they begin to teach the dog basic commands.

Puppies are distinguished not only by intelligence, but also by sociability. They always strive to be close to the owner, which allows them to create a friendly and comfortable environment from the early months. Just at this moment, you should enter the installation on the understanding of subordination and obedience. On walks, puppies should not be allowed to be distracted for no reason by birds, animals and foreign objects. Otherwise, in "combat" conditions, they will lose their dexterity and concentration, leaving in pursuit, and not aiming at patient work.

Kurzhaar in action
Kurzhaar in action

Basic Training

Training with kurtshaar to hunt hare and other game begins at about six months of age. According to experts, it is during this period that the corresponding instinct wakes up in the dog. The main thing is that up to this point the puppy must unquestioningly carry out the commands of the owner.

First lessonswith a dog can be carried out in a house or apartment. After honing the basics, they move on to street activities. As soon as the pet begins to clearly follow all the commands, it's time to move on to the exercises in the field or forest.

First of all, the shorthaired pointer must learn to track down and haul small birds, after which you can move on to larger game and animals. The main task of this plan is to teach the dog to stand on the feather. As options, hunting with "eights" or "shuttle". The latter method is used more often by modern hunters. This is due to the fact that in the same time the dog will be able to explore a larger area. At these stages, you should ensure that the dog keeps the right distance and can catch the owner's orders in a timely manner.

Photo of a Kurzhaar puppy
Photo of a Kurzhaar puppy

Developing search skills

The main part of the initial training for hunting with kurtshaar in winter is carried out where there are no numerous bird settlements. The carcass prepared in advance is thrown in such a way that the pet does not see the moment of throwing. To do this, you need to move to the wind flow at a right angle, command the call "search". After the dog finds the trophy, the command "give" is given. At this stage, you must wait until the dog completes the specified task in accordance with all the rules.

During the first field lesson, you need to take into account the moment so that the four-legged assistant is not distracted by third-party stimuli. If the dog does not follow the commands, you should go into cover so that the kurtshaar loses sight of the owner. He will soon rush himself in search, after which he will not be so careless, listeningwhat he is told.

If the dog refuses to stand up, this position is worked out with a long leash. This procedure is performed as follows:

  • after finding the bird, pull the leash;
  • forced posture maintained for several minutes;
  • repeat the trick, if everything is fine, the training can be considered successful.

Choosing a puppy

When choosing a small pet, pay attention to the following details:

  • A month-old kitten must weigh at least three kilograms.
  • External examination of the eyes, which should shine.
  • The correct configuration of the skull.
  • Short and thick paws.
  • Shine of the skin, which should easily lag behind the base.
  • Checking for meat, which of the kids will find it faster, he will be more active on the hunt.
  • The most active puppy is not the best hunter, as it will initially be aimed at dominating the pack or family.
  • Checking for vigilance by throwing an object at the moment of distraction of the dog (which reacts or runs up to the object, that is the best candidate for helpers).
Training puppies of the Kurzhaara breed
Training puppies of the Kurzhaara breed

Hunting with kurtshaar for wild boar and other animals

In the case of competent work on training a dog of this breed, the pleasure of hunting with such a smart pet is difficult to overestimate. The main thing here is that a person and his four-legged assistant work as a single mechanism. Wild boar, hare, game birds - all this is within the power of the kurtshaar. In addition, he will delightowner with their devotion and affection. When purchasing a dog of this breed, it is necessary to remember its internal hunting instinct, which requires the allocation of certain time for walks when the hunting season is closed.
