Do you know what happens if a car is struck by lightning?

Do you know what happens if a car is struck by lightning?
Do you know what happens if a car is struck by lightning?

Thunderstorm is not always predictable and sometimes destructive. A terrible danger is represented by lightning discharges, which, under certain conditions, can kill. Those most at risk are those caught in the storm in the open, in the mountains, in the fields or on the road.

It is best not to get into such situations and carefully study the weather forecast before traveling, not hoping for a chance. But weather forecasters are not always accurate, and urgent trips in a thunderstorm also happen. Therefore, the question of what will happen if lightning strikes a car is very relevant for some.

What happens if lightning strikes a car
What happens if lightning strikes a car

Suppose a thunderstorm with rain and lightning caught you somewhere on the road, far from possible shelters. In this case, your car can save your life. Since its body is made of metal, in the event of a thunderstorm it will serve as a lightning rod. Of course, this is not one hundred percent protection and certain rules will need to be followed. How dangerous is this, and what happens if lightning strikes the car?

Not all cars are equally safe

Consider that youlucky if in a thunderstorm you will be in a car with an all-metal body. Because, as a rule, it serves as a kind of Faraday cage (protective shell from the electromagnetic field). People in such a car will be shielded and protected from external influences. And yet, can lightning strike a car? And under what conditions is it inevitable?

The car will be able to let electricity in during a lightning strike if metal objects in the cabin come into contact with the body. Another reason may be the abundance of electronics in the car.

can lightning strike a car
can lightning strike a car

However, do not panic and, moreover, go outside and run somewhere. In this case, you will greatly reduce your chances of survival. But you can increase them if you follow some safety rules.

How to behave in a thunderstorm while in the car?

First of all, do not panic and soberly assess the situation. To prevent lightning from entering the car as much as possible, it is necessary to lower the antenna (if any), close all windows, turn off the radio, GPS navigator, mobile phones and other devices that can attract a charge. Do not under any circumstances keep moving. First, lightning can strike a moving object. Secondly, its flash itself can blind, and on wet roads it is very easy to lose control and get into an accident.

car after lightning strike
car after lightning strike

But you also need to choose the right place to stay. During a thunderstorm, do not stop near trees and poles. In higha lightning tree is more likely to please. It may catch fire and fall on the machine. In the cabin, do not touch door handles or other metal objects.

Can lightning strike a car when all precautions are taken? Yes, this is possible, especially if the vehicle is on a hill. There are also places where the soil itself has a high electrical conductivity. They can be identified by the presence of damaged trees in the area.

What happens if a car is struck by lightning?

Most likely, the lightning charge will hit the top point, that is, the roof of the car. The current will disperse along the surface of the body and through the wheels will go into the ground. Also, the interior material will serve as good insulation. There are several possible scenarios in this situation.

You can expect the following consequences from a lightning strike on a car. In the best case, the case will be damaged, tires pierced, electronics burned, and you will get off with a slight fright. In the worst case scenario, the car could catch fire, because the temperature of the lightning exceeds the temperature on the surface of the Sun. Then survival will depend on the speed of your reaction. You need to get out of the burning car as soon as possible. Be that as it may, the car after a lightning strike will be too damaged to continue driving it. However, according to statistics, the death toll from a lightning strike in a car is not that high. It is much more dangerous to be outdoors.

lightning strike in the car consequences
lightning strike in the car consequences

Real life incident

An example of what would happen if inthe car is struck by lightning, one case with a Peugeot car can serve. The electric charge landed just in his antenna. It burned down and the paint on the roof melted off. Tires and wheel rims were also damaged. But the most interesting thing is that even the asph alt under the car was pierced by a lightning strike. At the same time, the people in the cabin remained safe and sound.

You shouldn't be too afraid. Statistics confirm that even in the most adverse weather conditions, the chance of lightning striking a car is very small.
