Reproach is Meaning and Examples

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Reproach is Meaning and Examples
Reproach is Meaning and Examples

Video: Reproach is Meaning and Examples

Video: Reproach is Meaning and Examples
Video: 🔵 Reproach or Rebuke or Reprimand or Reprove - Difference Meaning Definition Examples - ESL English 2024, October

Everyone knows the word we're going to look at today. The verb “to reproach” fell into the zone of our special attention, and this, on the one hand, is interesting, but on the other, it is sad. But the reader must learn the meaning of the word.


reproach it
reproach it

From early childhood, each person can, if he sets a goal, collect a whole collection of slips for which he was poked. At first it was scattered toys on the floor, then unlearned lessons, and then, when he grew up and got married, his wife, not his mother, began to saw him on various occasions. But do not think that only spouses can reproach. This is not true. Authoritarian parents do this just as often, criticizing their children for eating wrong, sitting, and generally full of all sorts of shortcomings.

The reader loses patience waiting for the meaning of the word, but according to the preliminary part, its meaning could already be reconstructed. The explanatory dictionary says the following: "To reproach someone for something, to reproach someone for something." To be honest, a vague explanation, so let's replace slightly outdated concepts in the definition of an explanatory dictionary with more modern ones. And we get, for example, this: “Reproach is to make remarks to someoneabout his behavior or blame some actions.”

Well, now it's somehow clearer.

Reproach is pointless

After we figured out the meaning, it is worth saying how effective and useful this educational technique is in the fight against human "shortcomings". The last word is in quotation marks, because the peculiarities of people cannot be taken right away and smashed to different sides of the barricades. It is impossible to tell from the very beginning where is good and where is evil. Interestingly, if you ask those who suffered in childhood, to reproach - is it good or still bad, what will be the answer?

reproach what is
reproach what is

So, blaming a child, husband, wife, parents is completely ineffective. Why? Because scandals, and this is precisely what systematic claims lead to, only undermine the psyche of the parties and lead to a triple resistance of the one they are aimed at.

Speak, discuss, argue and show by personal example much better and more productively.

If parents ask that a teenager not smoke, and, perhaps, even tell very talentedly about what diseases await him if he does not quit, but they themselves quite successfully smoke, smoking 3 packs a day, then it is unlikely that even severe reproaches will help here.

Quite a banal thought, isn't it? But for some reason I have to remind her again and again.

We have learned what it is to reproach. We hope the reader understands that complaining is not the best way to educate.
