Is it worth joining the army

Is it worth joining the army
Is it worth joining the army

Is it worth joining the army? The answer to this question can only be given with confidence by someone who has experienced all the intricacies of such a service and knows about the internal order of this organization. Unfortunately, all the ideas that we get about the army from the media or the stories of interested parties, which include the worried mothers of these guys, do not give an accurate picture and understanding of what is happening behind the walls of this institution.

is it worth going to the army
is it worth going to the army

Who can say with certainty whether to join the army? Now, as far as I know, the service is in many ways very different from the one that our guys went through 10 years ago. Various human rights organizations exert considerable pressure, and it can be said with confidence that the rights of soldiers are not violated in any way. Mothers of such soldiers can see their children, come to visit them and freely take an interest in everything that happens to their children.

Often, there are also members of the media in military units. They are happy to inflate and describe in detail any incident that occurred outside the walls of this institution. They savor all the details and, with their characteristic drama, describe in the brightest colors all the existing and notexisting details, presenting it to us in the form of fresh investigative journalism.

Why join the army? Let's look at it from the other side, what can the army give to a young boy. First of all, they grow up here and acquire a different way of thinking. Educators here are different - life. Not those adult aunts and uncles who, according to the old school, teach university students to live, or even better, dormitory mates. Here a young person learns to be independent, and it's not about the ability to save money or find a part-time job, but about the ability to organize oneself, develop elementary rules of discipline and responsibility.

Cook to eat? Do not count on the soups and scrambled eggs prepared in the hostel - this is the limit that a young guy is capable of. Do you think peeling a few buckets of potatoes is a simple punishment that does not teach a soldier anything? Not at all.

A retired soldier completely gets rid of his youthful categoricalness, he learns to assess the situation soberly and balanced, not emotionally and impulsively, as is often the case with children escaping from parental care, but reasonably - in an adult way.

I'm afraid to join the army
I'm afraid to join the army

A young man for the hundredth time asks himself the question of whether to join the army. And looking at his peers, he continues to rush about in thought, conventionally believing that such a pastime is a sign of a lack of money to buy a fake certificate from parents who are ready to buy their son from the army at all costs. But are they doing good for their offspring? Will he appreciatesuch sacrifices on the part of parents or take it for granted?

To date, the human rights authorities have taken enough care that the conscripts had a Sunday dream. This whim was an unaffordable luxury during the service of our fathers, now a soldier can rest in peace in his bed at the time legally allotted for this.

An important advantage can be considered the fact that does not give the right to send conscript soldiers to the places of hostilities. Today, our guys can sleep peacefully in their unit, undergoing only special training, which properly prepares them for possible military operations. No one wants to think about the bad, but you need to be prepared for everything and, if you call yourself the defender of the motherland, be kind enough to faithfully fulfill all commands and worthily wear your uniform and the title of a soldier. That's why you should join the army.

It is not surprising that during the entire period of service, soldiers often practically did not take part in any decent exercise. Incomprehensible tasks associated with races with shells, meaningless patience with cold or, on the contrary, terrible heat. Often, completely unprepared soldiers were thrown into such tests, who could get serious he alth problems.

why join the army
why join the army

Needless to say that in our country there is a fairly high percentage of draft dodgers who simply do not want to serve in the army, considering it a meaningless occupation and a wasted year of life. Young guys are ready to inflict small injuries on themselves, break limbs and so on, and all this in one simplereason, justifying the phrase: "I'm afraid to join the army."

Crazy tales about the so-called demobilization, which force young conscripts to carry out humiliating assignments, remained in the distant 90s. The existing discipline and control in the army has long eradicated such events, and now the soldiers have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Speaking about the benefits for guys who served in the army, we can note preferential conditions for admission to universities, employment, etc. In the end, these are the guys who can rightfully be called real men and defenders. I would like to believe that by their example they will be a worthy model for the younger generation of young people.

At the end of the day, a year of military service means new real friends, not just drinking buddies. And the comrades who lived with you shoulder to shoulder for a whole year, sharing joys and sorrows with you.

So is it worth joining the army? There is no exact answer to this question. Only one thing can be said with certainty - this is a personal matter for everyone and everyone will have to act according to their conscience.
