The critical age for a man is a serious problem that everyone will have to face to some extent. In the vast majority of cases, this period occurs between 37 and 42 years. It is believed that this is the most difficult time in the life of a representative of the stronger sex. Some even call it "forties fatal". In this article, we will tell you how to transfer this period with minimal losses. We will give specific advice from psychologists, not only to the men themselves, but also to their wives, and also dwell on other dangerous time periods.
A real disaster

This is how many experts characterize the critical age in a man, which comes around forty years. The previous problem period passes more easily, although then problems have to be faced.
Critical is comingage in men and in their thirties. Then, first of all, their social role is affected. The problems associated with this period relate to issues of self-determination, choosing the right path in life. In most cases, they do not affect their personal lives at all. But at the age of forty, a real disaster occurs.
This does not have several reasons that can be compared with the so-called identity crisis.
Summing up

Most importantly, a person during this period begins to sum up the preliminary results of his life. If by the age of forty he has reason to consider himself successful, then we can assume that at least his social ambitions are satisfied.
He begins to consider himself a winner, who deserves an award and applause, admiring glances of fans. It is important when at this moment he has a family in which he would play the role of the head, so that everything in it is in its place, in perfect order.
At the same time, the man himself is convinced that he perfectly fulfills his social roles. In addition to work and at home, he forms a social circle, hobbies and hobbies, which are external attributes of success. It seems that everyone around is simply obliged to admire his achievements. However, in practice, everything turns out to be completely different. The crisis age of a person at 40 years old consists of several components at once.
Components of the crisis

This is the main features of this problematicstates. An important place in a man's life is occupied by his wife, who has been by his side for many years, witnessed his ups and downs, saw both triumph and humiliation.
She stopped praising her husband a long time ago. Even if he achieves some next goal, he can say that he is doing well, but after that he will definitely add that in order to be completely happy, he still needs to complete a whole list of urgent tasks.
They are in no hurry to admire the father and his children, who by that time, as a rule, reach adolescence, when they themselves experience the first serious psychological crisis in their lives. They themselves are undergoing a global reassessment of everything. Most often, the attitude towards parents is skeptical.
As a result, a man reaches a critical age of 40, when he needs to be admired, but there is simply no one to do it. For most, the way out remains obvious. Admiration and attention can be received from young girls who will be captivated by the image of a successful and successful alpha male.
In this situation, a man cheats on his wife with a young girl, not because she is 20 years younger and more attractive, but because he needs recognition of his success like air. At home, he has not received this return for a long time.
Besides, he is trying to understand what is worth in this life. Admiration from friends and colleagues is a long-gone stage. He needs admiration from women, the most important thing is how they feel about his powerful and capable personality.
The so-called hunger for recognition appears, mixed with fear of anotherthe impending birthday, when you have to exchange already the fifth decade.
He alth failed

At the age of 40, there comes a critical age for men in terms of he alth. A person feels how youth passes irrevocably. Increasingly, one or another internal organ is disturbed, nerves are naughty, the heart hurts, migraine occurs more and more often, blood vessels or kidneys are disturbed. As a rule, by the age of forty, the list of diseases is quite extensive.
Suddenly there is a clear realization that the best years are behind us. All the most interesting and bright that could happen has already happened. When this realization hits a person, a full-blown critical age for a man sets in.
The first signs of erectile dysfunction are especially insidious. Problems in sexual life turn into a serious blow, which not everyone, in principle, can cope with. A man feels that he is losing his strength, that he ceases to be the alpha male that he imagined himself to be throughout almost his entire conscious life. In fact, at this moment the whole world is collapsing. As a result, any hormonal disorder at this age leads to hassle and tension. Decreased potency, fear of possible impotence cause real panic.
It seems that impotence is the irrevocable end of life. This is how the critical age manifests itself in men after 40.

You can recognize the midlife crisis both by external and byinternal features. The person becomes irritated and withdrawn. When looking in the mirror, as a rule, he sees a man still full of strength and he alth, but at the same time, at the subconscious level, he understands that time does not stand still, very soon he alth will finally fail. Especially male. Therefore, he begins to hurry to have time to feel, understand, try, experience as much as possible. Still can.
A feature of the critical age during this period is a pathological desire to restore he alth. Sometimes it turns out to be so zealous that a man hurts himself, but this only scares him more. As a rule, the wife is blamed for all the troubles and failures, the situation in the family is heating up to the limit.
All attention to the personal front

The critical age for men after 40 is expressed in the fact that all their attention is focused on intimate achievements and potency. Self-identification suffers extremely strongly, as successes on the personal front become symbols of well-being, victories and success.
At the same time, there is an absolute certainty that the relationship with his wife has completely outlived itself, all feelings have long been forgotten. Only debt and children remained, for the sake of which we still need to stay together. However, a sense of duty is what inspires a man least of all in his life at this time. It is not able to make him happy, turning into an annoying burden. During this crisis, a man becomes convinced that his wife does not give him the opportunity to develop and realize himself, to feel young. As a result tointimacy with his wife, the man finally cools.
There is a feeling of misunderstanding, endless loneliness. During this period, sentimentality and even tears become characteristic manifestations. The very fact that self-pity appears is a sign of deep suffering.
Reasons for disappointment and dissatisfaction
The main reasons for the dissatisfaction that a man formulates for himself at this moment are that his wife has become completely uninteresting and unsexual for him. There is simply nothing to talk about with her, as she is obsessed with her friends and household chores.
The man believes that his wife has ceased to understand him, leaving him all alone. For example, he makes claims to her that she does not play sports, because of which she becomes flabby and unattractive.
A man feels a consumer attitude towards himself. He feels the need for freedom, he can say that he has worked for the family good for so many years, and now he wants to live for himself. Most importantly, he understands that there is only one life, so he strives to do as much as possible.
Sentimentality and falling in love
At forty, a man becomes surprisingly sentimental. The thirst for freedom rolls over in him, and work and past hobbies can no longer satisfy him, as before. Everything that was important is depreciated, you just want to jump on the last car of the outgoing train called life.
At this age, a man is not just interested in the opposite sex, but really craves a sincere romantic relationship.
The critical age of a person is characterized by vulnerability and sentimentality. He truly falls in love. From now on, I am ready to accept only unconditional recognition.
In addition, at this age, the amount of testosterone in the body begins to decrease. Which makes him too sentimental and sensitive. At the same time, his wife, if she is the same age, on the contrary, becomes stronger and more self-confident. A man needs a soul mate, in search of her, he begins to meet young girls.
Risk of divorce

It is at this time that the likelihood of divorce increases. It is worth understanding that if a man divorces, having married a second time to a charming and attractive girl who will admire him, he will inevitably soon begin to compare her with his first wife. The most surprising thing is that he will begin to try to create a copy of her, an analogue to which he is accustomed, which is familiar to him and more understandable.
It is important for a woman to understand that during this period her man most of all needs help, reliable support and support from her. At the same time, he is not able to ask for this, and often does not realize that he can get everything he needs from the hearth without rushing into the abyss of debauchery. It can be difficult to establish contact in such a situation, as a man behaves defiantly and aggressively, therefore, in response, many begin to push him away and condemn him. The main thing is to try to understand this for both spouses, try to find a common language and compromise.
When I turned fifty…
The critical age for men after 50 also comes inevitably. Some tolerate it easier, but problems still happen. And quite serious.
During this period comes the real maturity that follows middle age. The boundaries of this state are blurred, as a rule, maturity comes at 45-60 years. The main thing is that a person is at the top of his professional, personal and life path. As a rule, it is during this period that he achieves professional skills, a certain status and position in society, and begins to pass on his accumulated experience to younger generations. There is a critical rethinking of life values, while a person finally gets rid of unjustified hopes and illusions.
During the critical age in men after 50 years, actions are determined solely by their own conscience. Personal guidelines become the main ones.
There is a need to find purpose, ideas and meaning in life. The older generation feels the need to take care of those who will replace them.
The critical age for men after 50 ends with a period of self-improvement, when public and personal goals are combined.