Today, developed countries have developed a range of remotely controlled projectiles - anti-aircraft, ship-based, land-based and even submarine-launched. They are designed to perform various tasks. Many countries use intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) as their primary nuclear deterrent.
Similar weapons are available in Russia, the United States of America, Great Britain, France and China. Whether Israel possesses ultra-long-range ballistic projectiles is unknown. However, according to experts, the state has every opportunity to create this type of missiles.
Information about which ballistic missiles are in service with the countries of the world, their description and performance characteristics are contained in the article.
ICBMs are ground-to-ground guided intercontinental ballistic missiles. For such weapons,nuclear warheads, with the help of which strategically important enemy targets located on other continents are destroyed. The minimum range is at least 5500 thousand meters.
Vertical takeoff is provided for ICBMs. After the launch and overcoming the dense atmospheric layers, the ballistic missile turns smoothly and lays down on a given course. Such a projectile can hit a target located at a distance of at least 6 thousand km.
Ballistic missiles got their name because the ability to control them is available only at the initial stage of flight. This distance is 400 thousand meters. Having passed this small area, ICBMs fly like standard artillery shells. Moving towards the target at a speed of 16,000 km/h.
Beginning of ICBM design
In the USSR, work on the creation of the first ballistic missiles has been carried out since the 1930s. Soviet scientists planned to develop a rocket using liquid fuel to study space. However, in those years it was technically impossible to fulfill this task. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that leading rocket specialists were subjected to repression.
Similar work was carried out in Germany. Before Hitler came to power, German scientists developed liquid-fuel rockets. Since 1929, research has acquired a purely military character. In 1933, German scientists assembled the first ICBM, which is listed in the technical documentation as "Unit-1" or A-1. The Nazis created several secret army missile ranges to improve and test ICBMs.
By 1938, the Germans managed to complete the designA-3 liquid-fuel rocket and launch it. Later, her scheme was used to work on improving the rocket, which is listed as A-4. She entered flight tests in 1942. The first launch was unsuccessful. During the second test, the A-4 exploded. The rocket passed flight tests only on the third attempt, after which it was renamed V-2 and adopted by the Wehrmacht.

About V-2
This ICBM was characterized by a single-stage design, namely, it contained a single missile. A jet engine was provided for the system, which used ethyl alcohol and liquid oxygen. The body of the rocket was a frame sheathed on the outside, inside of which there were tanks with fuel and oxidizer.
ICBMs were equipped with a special pipeline, through which, using a turbopump unit, fuel was supplied to the combustion chamber. Ignition was carried out with a special starting fuel. There were special tubes near the combustion chamber, through which alcohol was passed in order to cool the engine.
The FAU-2 used an autonomous software gyroscopic guidance system, consisting of a gyrohorizon, a gyro-verticant, amplifying-converting units and steering machines associated with rocket rudders. The control system consisted of four graphite gas rudders and four air ones. They were responsible for stabilizing the body of the rocket during its return entry into the atmosphere. The ICBM contained an inseparable warhead. The explosive mass was 910 kg.
About the combat use of A-4
Soon the German industry launched mass production of V-2 missiles. Due to the imperfect gyroscopic control system, the ICBM could not respond to parallel drift. In addition, the integrator - a device that determines at what point the engine is turned off, worked with errors. As a result, the German ICBM had a low hit accuracy. Therefore, London was chosen by German designers as a large area target for combat testing of missiles.

4320 ballistic units were fired into the city. Only 1,050 units reached their targets. The rest exploded in flight or fell outside the city limits. Nevertheless, it became clear that ICBMs are a new and very powerful weapon. According to experts, if German missiles had sufficient technical reliability, London would have been completely destroyed.
O R-36M
SS-18 "Satan" (aka "Voevoda") is one of the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missiles in Russia. Its range is 16 thousand km. Work on this ICBM began in 1986. The first launch almost ended in tragedy. Then the rocket, leaving the mine, fell into the barrel.
A few years after the design improvements, the rocket was put into service. Further tests were carried out with various combat equipment. The missile uses split and monobloc warheads. In order to protect ICBMs from enemy missile defense systems, the designers providedthe possibility of throwing decoys.
This ballistic model is considered multi-stage. High-boiling fuel components are used for its operation. The rocket is multi-purpose. The device has an automatic control complex. Unlike other ballistic missiles, Voyevoda can be launched from a mine using a mortar launch. A total of 43 launches of "Satan" were made. Of these, only 36 were successful.

Nevertheless, according to experts, Voevoda is one of the most reliable ICBMs in the world. Experts suggest that this ICBM will be in service with Russia until 2022, after which a more modern Sarmat missile will take its place.
About performance characteristics
- The Voyevoda ballistic missile belongs to the class of heavy ICBMs.
- Weight - 183 t.
- The total salvo fired by a missile division is equivalent to 13,000 atomic bombs.
- The hit accuracy is 1300 m.
- Ballistic missile speed 7.9 km/sec.
- With a warhead weighing 4 tons, an ICBM is capable of covering a distance of 16 thousand meters. If the mass is 6 tons, then the flight altitude of a ballistic missile will be limited to 10,200 meters.
About R-29RMU2 Sineva
This NATO third-generation Russian ballistic missile is known as the SS-N-23 Skiff. The submarine became the base for this ICBM.

"Blue"is a three-stage liquid-propellant rocket. When hitting a target, high accuracy was noted. The missile is equipped with ten warheads. Management is carried out using the Russian GLONASS system. The indicator of the maximum range of the missile does not exceed 11550 m. It has been in service since 2007. Presumably, Sineva will be replaced in 2030.
Considered the first Russian ballistic missile developed by the staff of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 1994 was the year when the first tests were made. Since 2000, it has been in service with the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. Designed for a flight range of up to 11 thousand km. Represents an improved version of the Russian Topol ballistic missile. ICBMs are silo-based. It can also be contained on special mobile launchers. It weighs 47.2 tons. The rocket is made by workers at the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. According to experts, powerful radiation, high-energy lasers, electromagnetic pulses and even a nuclear explosion are not able to affect the functioning of this missile.

Due to the presence of additional engines in the design, Topol-M is able to successfully maneuver. The ICBM is equipped with three-stage solid propellant rocket engines. Topol-M's top speed is 73,200 m/sec.
About the fourth-generation Russian missile
SSince 1975, the Strategic Missile Forces have been armed with the UR-100N intercontinental ballistic missile. In the NATO classification, this model is listed as SS-19 Stiletto. The range of this ICBM is 10 thousand km. Equipped with six warheads. Targeting is carried out using a special inertial system. UR-100N is a two-stage mine-based.

The power unit runs on liquid rocket fuel. Presumably, this ICBM will be used by the Russian Strategic Missile Forces until 2030.
About RSM-56
This model of the Russian ballistic missile is also called the Bulava. In NATO countries, the ICBM is known under the code designation SS-NX-32. It is a new intercontinental missile, which is intended to be based on a Borey-class submarine. The maximum range indicator is 10 thousand km. One missile is equipped with ten detachable nuclear warheads.

Weighs 1150 kg. The ICBM is a three-stage. Works on liquid (1st and 2nd stage) and solid (3rd) fuel. He has served in the Russian Navy since 2013.
About Chinese designs
Since 1983, the DF-5A (Dong Feng) intercontinental ballistic missile has been in service with China. In the NATO classification, this ICBM is listed as CSS-4. The flight range indicator is 13 thousand km. Designed to "work" exclusively on the US continent.
The missile is equipped with six 600 kg warheads. Targetingis carried out using a special inertial system and on-board computers. The ICBM is equipped with two-stage engines that run on liquid fuel.
In 2006, Chinese nuclear engineers created a new model of a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile DF-31A. Its range does not exceed 11200 km. According to NATO classification, it is listed as CSS-9 Mod-2. It can be based both on submarines and on special launchers. The rocket has a launch weight of 42 tons. It uses solid propellant engines.
About US-made ICBMs
The UGM-133A Trident II has been used by the US Navy since 1990. This model is an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of covering distances of 11,300 km. It uses three solid rocket motors. Submarines were based. The first test took place in 1987. Over the entire period, the rocket was launched 156 times. Four starts ended unsuccessfully. One ballistic unit can carry eight warheads. The rocket is expected to serve until 2042.
In the United States, since 1970, the LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBM has been serving, the estimated range of which varies from 6 to 10 thousand km. This is the oldest intercontinental ballistic missile. It first started in 1961. Later, American designers created a modification of the rocket, which was launched in 1964. In 1968, the third modification of the LGM-30G was launched. Basing and launching is carried out from the mine. ICBM weight 34 473 kg. ATThe rocket has three solid propellant engines. The ballistic unit is moving towards the target at a speed of 24140 km/h.
About French M51
This model of intercontinental ballistic missile has been operated by the French Navy since 2010. ICBMs can also be based and launched from a submarine. M51 was created to replace the outdated M45 model. The range of the new missile varies from 8 to 10 thousand km. The mass of M51 is 50 tons.

Equipped with a solid propellant rocket engine. One ICBM is equipped with six warheads.