As the main battle tank in the Israeli army, the Merkava has been in operation since 1979. The amazing layout of this MBT has become the subject of controversy among many military experts. According to experts, a change in priorities is noticeable in the design of the tank. This is due to the fact that during the design, Israeli weapons designers took into account all the advantages of defensive tactics. Working on the Merkava, the creators tried to provide the crew with maximum protection. Unlike most main battle tanks, which provide an equal balance of firepower, protection and mobility, in the Israeli MBT, protection is a priority. For the needs of the Israeli army, the country's arms industry produces four modifications of this tank. An interesting design has a new version, which is listed as "Merkava-4". Information about the layout, armament and performance characteristics of this MBT modelpresented in the article.

The Merkava-4 tank (photo of military equipment in the article) was first seen by the general public in June 2002. Since 2003, MBT has been mass-produced. As stated in the authoritative American military-political agency Forecast International, of all the battle tanks created to date, the Merkava-4 is one of the best. Translated into Russian - this is a war chariot. According to military experts, the main characteristics of the Israeli MBT are superior to the performance characteristics of the German Leopards. Also, according to experts, it is superior to Merkava-4 and T 90.
About constructor
The Merkava-4 (photo of the main battle tank below) was created by the legendary Israeli General Israel Tal. Throughout his military career, this man had to fight in different parts. He also headed the officers' courses. Tal founded the armored forces of the IDF. After analyzing the Six Day War and the Sinai campaign, Israel Tal came to the conclusion that the tanks in service with the Israeli army do not meet the requirements of the country's military doctrine. The Israeli army needed a fundamentally new combat vehicle. In working on the MBT, Tal took into account his own experience and the wishes of the tankers.
About Design
Design work on the fourth model was carried out on the basis of the Merkava-1 tank. A new Israeli MBT "Mk-4" was created by 35 specialists. Using his authority, Israel Tal minimized bureaucratic nuances. Such parameters as maneuverability and firepower, attention inlittle work was done. In the Merkava-4 tank, the designers primarily focused on protecting the crew. Tal planned to create such a combat vehicle that, even if it failed, would not take the life of Israeli soldiers. According to statistics, tank crews die as a result of the detonation of ammunition. Therefore, in the Merkava-4, the ammunition load must be securely covered.
What did you need to improve?
Production of the Israeli MBT "Merkava-4" is carried out taking into account the latest ideas of tank building. In the manufacture of the case, casting technology is used. Armor fastening is carried out with the help of special bolted connections. The Merkava-4 (photo of the main battle tank below) has a fully computerized control system.

For its development, the latest design technologies of Israeli gunsmiths are used, which have no analogues all over the world. For the first time in the history of tank building, the principle of active armor was introduced in this tank.
About layout
According to experts, the layout of this Israeli tank model has fundamental differences from similar combat vehicles produced in the US and Europe.

The front part of the Merkava-4 became the place for the control compartment, the central part for the combat compartment, and the rear part for the engine-transmission section. In an effort to provide crew members with additional protection, Israeli designers placed the engine in front of the tank. Similar design decisionwas a forced measure, since most of the shells often hit the frontal part of the tank, and this MBT zone should have been reliably strengthened.
About the tower
The Merkava Mk-4 tank is equipped with an updated turret with completely new armor modules. They cover the roof, sides and frontal part. Unlike previous versions of the MBT, in the Merkava Mk-4, the commander's hatch is more massive and contains a special electronic mechanism by which it is opened and closed. The additional hatch used by the loader was removed in this MBT model. As a result of this design of the Merkava-4, the tower is characterized by stepped outlines. On the right side there is a place for installing a machine gun, from which you can shoot 360 degrees. The top of the turret is equipped with smoke grenade cassettes.
About the gun
The Mk-4 has a 120mm smoothbore gun. Due to its ability to withstand high pressure, it became possible to fire powerful high-explosive fragmentation projectiles. Using such ammunition, the crew commander, depending on the combat mission, can already program the charging gun. The gun is equipped with an integral heat-insulating casing, which had a positive effect on the effectiveness of the fire. In addition, this casing prevents wear of the gun.

The tank is equipped with a 7.62mm machine gun and a new 60mm mortar. Behind the armored partition in the MBT there is a place for a special semi-automatic device responsible for loadingtools. The machine has an electric drum, designed for 10 shells. They are transferred to the tanker automatically. The remaining 38 are contained in a special protective container. Such precautions were taken by the designers to prevent the detonation of shells inside the Mk-4. Thanks to a special management system, it is possible to perform auto-tracking of the target. The system is represented by improved television and thermal imaging channels. For the gunner and crew commander, the use of independent stabilization sights is provided.
About the engine and transmission
According to experts, the 4th model of the Merkava uses a power plant, the characteristics of which differ significantly from the engines of early Israeli MBTs. The engine power indicator in the Mk-4 is at least 1500 hp. with. The unit itself has improved mass-dimensional parameters and fuel efficiency. Improvements have affected the turbocharging system. According to experts, the oil and liquid cooling of the pistons in the Merkava-4 is more intense. The power supply system is equipped with individual fuel pumps. The fuel supply in the tank can be adjusted.
By introducing a more advanced oil pan and an additional flat oil tank into the MBT, Israeli designers managed to achieve normal engine operation with any roll of the combat vehicle. The control of the power plant in Merkava-4 is computerized - all the necessary information is displayed on the driver's monitor.

The 4th model has a five-speed automatic hydromechanical transmission using a hydrostatic slewing mechanism. It is manufactured by the German company Renk.
About active protection "Trophy"
According to military experts, the active protection of the Merkava-4, whose characteristics are considered revolutionary by many world experts in the construction of armored vehicles, is the pride of Israeli engineering. A combat vehicle equipped with such a system is capable of detecting, tracking and destroying modern anti-tank missiles from long distances. Produced "Trophy" in Israel. In the 80s, a similar system was installed on Soviet tanks. There is an opinion that the Israeli "Trophy" is one of the improved versions of the Soviet systems.
About accessories
To protect the commander of the tank crew, the creators equipped the inside of the Merkava-4 with a special turret. In an effort to facilitate the process of controlling the MBT, the designers equipped the tank hull with four video cameras, the image from which is displayed on the driver's screen. Judging by the reviews of military personnel, the quality of the picture on the screen does not depend on the time of day. In addition, a special system is provided for this Israeli tank, which is responsible for automatic fire extinguishing. In an effort to protect the lower part of the Merkava-4 from hand-held anti-tank grenades, Israeli weapons engineers installed several chains with balls on the turret of the combat vehicle. The maneuvering of the tank in narrow places became possible thanks to thespecial marker pins.
About performance characteristics
- Merkava-4 is the main battle tank.
- Weight MBT: 65 t.
- Combat crew consists of 4 people.
- Total length of tank with gun: 904 cm.
- Case length: 760 cm
- Tank height: 266 cm
- Ground clearance: 53 cm
- MBT "Merkava-4" is capable of moving at a maximum speed of 65 km/h.
- Fuel range: 500 km.
- The tank is able to overcome ditches, the width of which does not exceed 3 m and a ford 138 cm deep.
- The combat vehicle is equipped with cast steel, spaced modular, projectile and anti-cumulative armor.
- As a weapon, the MBT is equipped with a modular, combined 120 mm MG253 smoothbore tank gun and a coaxial MAG anti-aircraft machine gun, caliber 7, 62 mm, as well as a 60 mm mortar.
- In the "Merkava-4" artillery fire is carried out by unitary ammunition with partially burning cartridge cases.
- MBT is equipped with a laser rangefinder sight with a thermal imager.
- The combat vehicle is equipped with a 12-cylinder four-stroke water-cooled diesel engine GD 83.
- The fuel tank of the tank is designed for 1400 liters of fuel.
- Propulsion capacity: 1500 horsepower.
About rearmament
In the Israeli army, "Merkava MK-4" has been used since 2004 as the main armored vehicle. The first in 2005, the 401st brigade of the Israeli regular army was transferred to these tanks. AT2013 the 7th brigade was re-equipped. By this time, the change of combat vehicles also affected the reserve units. Combat operations involving new tanks allowed military experts to draw certain conclusions about the effectiveness of MBTs and modernize them.

About Shining Lightning
As a result of modernization, Israeli engineers have created an improved model of the tank. In the technical documentation, the new armored military equipment is listed as Merkava Mk-4 Barak Zoner, which means “shining lightning”. Simplified - BAZ. For the tank, the Israeli company Elbit Ltd has developed an updated fire control system. The introduction of this system makes it possible for projectiles fired from combat armored vehicles to automatically follow the target. As a result, the probability of destroying the target already from the first shot increases significantly. In addition to this complex, commander's panoramic optics are attached. According to the manufacturer of the updated fire control system (FCS), the abbreviation BAZ is applicable not only to the 4th model of the Merkava. This designation will be used for all models of armored vehicles equipped with this FCS.
Israel Self-Defense Forces tasked weapons designers with the task of bringing tanks up to the level of BAZ. Modernization was started with "Merkava-4". In total, 400 MBT units of this model were subject to improvement. In order to meet the BAZ level, the tank must be equipped with a new active armor protection system (SAZB). Installation of complexes in tanks began in1999. Two variants of systems were tested: IMI and Rafael. By the beginning of serial production of the Merkava-4, a third version of the SAZB appeared - Trophy. However, financial difficulties in the country prevented further design work on this active protection system. By the time of mass production, the Mk-4 Trophy was not yet finished. Nevertheless, Israeli designers have provided for the possibility of installing this SAZB in the future.

Engineers opted for the ASPRO active protection system. The installation of SAZB is carried out both on the Mk-4 and on early models. The first 30 tanks upgraded to the BAZ level were ready in 2009. Most of the armored vehicles were completed in 2010. In 2011, work on fine-tuning the MBT was completed.
About Israeli combat vehicles LIC
According to experts, the Merkava-4 tanks (photo of this model of the Israeli OTB in the article), upgraded to the BAZ level, turned out to be very effective in urban battles. The modified 4th model was named LIC. It was developed on the basis of the Merkava Mark-4 tank. In a city tank, Israeli gunsmiths decided not to install a standard regular machine gun, caliber 7, 62 mm, on the turret. The Mk-4 LIC is equipped with a 12.7 mm machine gun, the firepower of which has a sufficiently high density, so that the artillery part of the weapon can not be used.
Since the use of a tank gun in urban areas can lead to significant civilian casu alties, the main weapon in suchcase does not apply. The crew of the combat armored vehicle uses a remote fire control module. In this tank model, all parts vulnerable to small arms and fragmentation grenades are reliably protected by a special metal mesh. It is designed to protect optical and ventilation devices, as well as motor exhaust ports.
In order to preserve the asph alt surface in the city, this model of combat armored vehicles is equipped with special caterpillar shoes. Poor visibility and night time does not prevent the successful passage of the Mk-4 LIC through the city. If necessary, the crew can use LED optics. In 2006, military operations against Hezbollah were carried out using these military vehicles.
About vehicle modeling
A wide range of different models of military armored vehicles is presented on the shelves of specialized stores for the attention of consumers who are fond of modeling. Judging by the numerous positive reviews, the products of the South Korean company "Academy" are very popular. The assembled Merkava-4 is a 1:35 scale plastic version of an Israeli tank. The total length of the model is 248 mm. Kit comes with:
- Special frames in the amount of 7 pieces.
- Stickers.
- Vinyl tracks.
- Detailed instructions in English.
- A special scheme that is recommended to use when painting an already assembled tank.

Glue and paintthe product is not included. Also, the master will additionally have to acquire a model knife, needle file, wire cutters and a special model lens.
In conclusion
Defending its borders and independence from the encroachments of terrorists, Israel is forced to fight. To withstand the onslaught, the state had to intensively develop its armed forces and military-industrial complex. Today, according to experts, the Israeli army is one of the strongest in the world.