How to reduce fuel consumption? This issue worries many car owners, especially along with the constant rise in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel. At the same time, the problem worries the owners of both new cars and used vehicles. This effect can be achieved in several ways. The recommendations are relevant for almost all injection and carburetor cars. Let's try to understand these methods in more detail.

Average fuel consumption for VAZ models
Before we figure out how to reduce fuel consumption at the VAZ, let's consider the "appetites" of various modifications. For example, on version 2106, this parameter ranges from 7.6 liters on the highway to 11 in the city. A slightly higher indicator for a similar model with a 1.5 liter engine and version 21061. A 1.6 liter carburetor "six" consumes from 8 to 12 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers.
It is worth emphasizing that these characteristics are relative. As many owners note, over time, this figure increases by 1.5-2 liters. Sometimes it comes to the point that a standard "passenger car" "eats" fuellike a full size SUV.
What influences gasoline consumption?
Let's find out what affects consumption and how to reduce consumption at the VAZ. Of course, it will not be possible to reduce the needs of the vehicle to absolute zero, since the engine cannot function in air. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to reduce this figure to a minimum. Any additives and fixtures are a dubious option. Most of all these “gadgets” are just another way to swindle funds from gullible customers.
Criteria that may adversely affect the "appetite" of domestic cars from the VAZ manufacturer:
- technical condition of the vehicle;
- operational details;
- violation of the engine, transmission, running gear.

Cylinders and pistons
The following is one way to reduce fuel consumption. The power unit, the working resource of which has been exhausted almost completely, significantly increases gasoline consumption. The limiting wear of the cylinder-piston block leads to an increase in the gaps between the walls of the rings and cylinders. This causes excessive ingress of exhaust gases into the under-piston compartment along with the air-fuel mixture.
The same problem affects the compression drop, and the fuel does not burn completely, just flying out the exhaust pipe. In addition, the motor power parameters are reduced, the dynamics and speed indicators are falling. In order to stabilize the car, the driver has to work harderdepress the gas pedal. To obtain savings, it is necessary to diagnose the power unit. This includes measuring compression, listening to it for the presence of extraneous noise and sounds. If excessive wear occurs, the assembly should be overhauled with the replacement of defective elements.
How to reduce fuel consumption on a carburetor?
The gas distribution mechanism plays an important role in this moment. In the event of the formation of carbon deposits on the valves and seats, a violation of the tightness of the fit of these parts occurs, which leads to a loss of compression. You can solve the problem by repairing the cylinder head and lapping the valves.
In case of disruption of the gas distribution phases, fuel consumption also increases. In this direction, the operation of the block is affected by the wear of the camshaft, rockers, valves, drive chain, and the appearance of an excessive thermal gap. Trying to optimize the "appetites" of the car, you should replace heavily worn parts, correctly adjust the thermal gap.

Power unit
If you need to reduce the consumption of the carburetor, you should pay attention to the car's power system. If this assembly is heavily contaminated and incorrectly adjusted, the fuel dosage is violated. In this regard, this part must be regularly inspected and washed. Also, the condition of the air filter affects the consumption of gasoline. A clogged element significantly loses its throughput, there is not enough air in the system, an enriched fuel composition is supplied to the cylinders. To prevent this, the filterneed to be changed in a timely manner.
To set the carburetor correctly, the flow rate must be adjusted. Significant savings can be achieved if the installation of jets with a reduced cross-section and the corresponding screws of good quality. It is worth noting that in this scenario, there is a decrease in the parameters of the power and dynamics of the machine. Such a design negatively affects the acceleration of the car, and you can completely forget about overtaking on the highway. Proper adjustment of the carburetor is to achieve optimal harmony in terms of gasoline consumption and power parameter. In this case, the jets will not need to be changed.
Next, consider how to reduce engine fuel consumption in terms of the ignition system. The following points have a significant impact on consumption:
- heavy pollution of candles;
- Incorrectly set ignition;
- excessively depleted working resource;
- losses due to breakdowns of high-voltage wiring and lugs.
If these problems occur, you must replace and clean the defective parts, as well as correctly set the ignition. If you change the standard distributor to a non-contact version, this will also positively affect fuel consumption down due to reduced voltage losses and easier maintenance of the unit.
All deformed wiring must also be replaced. Checking it is easy, you need to put the car in a dark garage or place. Opening the hood, you will immediately see which cables and wires break through to ground. How to reduce consumption even more?For example, consumption is affected by the quality of the lubricant. High-quality synthetic oil will make it possible to reduce friction between parts of the engine. This approach will also make it easier to start the engine at sub-zero temperatures.

Transmission unit
In this system, checks should begin with the main components, which are repaired and adjusted if necessary. In addition, the technical compositions in the gearbox and rear-wheel drive should be changed in time. This will reduce friction and load on the motor.
How to reduce fuel consumption at a VAZ with a four-mode gearbox? To do this, it is simply changed to a five-band analogue. In the city, this will not give significant savings, but on the highway the result will be obvious.
In the undercarriage design, deformed or overtightened wheel bearings create increased rolling resistance. The way out of the situation will be to service the hubs while tightening the bearings with the appropriate force. Uncoordinated camber/toe angles give a similar result. This requires the obligatory correct installation of these elements.
An additional hindrance when driving is the wear of the components of the steering column. By adjusting the node, this problem can be solved. Tire pressure must be constantly monitored. When it decreases, the contact patch of the wheel with the track increases, creating additional rolling resistance. In addition, you need to use rubber inaccording to the season. In particular, this is noticeable if you drive on winter tires in the summer. Softer rubber creates additional resistance. The attachment body also affects fuel consumption. All elements of the body kit greatly reduce the aerodynamics of the VAZ, which is not considered the most optimal anyway.

Performance Features
How to reduce consumption on a VAZ carburetor using driving style and car maintenance? Aggressive styling does not accompany fuel economy. Sharp rolls and accelerations increase the "appetite" of the vehicle. You can save money if you switch to quiet control with smooth pedaling and starting the “engine” with a slight interference.
As practice shows, the engine speed of the "six" gives the best result at the level of 3-5 thousand revolutions per minute. If most of the traffic on the road is carried out in these ranges, the percentage of fuel savings can reach 25%. Rejection of solid music design reduces the load on the on-board system and excessive consumption of gasoline.
Other recommendations
There are still effective ways to reduce fuel consumption. It is necessary to reduce the use of electrical equipment. It is also recommended to remove everything unnecessary from the car in order to reduce the weight of the car. This is due to the fact that excess weight is an increased consumption of gasoline. Of course, you should not get too carried away, leaving the most necessary elements in the form of a spare tire, tool, jack.
Windows open while drivingbecome a kind of wind tunnel. In this case, the air flow enters the passenger compartment with considerable effort, resisting movement. The more they are open, the stronger the impact of the incoming flow. Since the air conditioner is not provided in the standard version in the sixth VAZ model, in the summer it will still not be possible to move with the windows closed. Working cabin ventilation deflectors will save some money. The above recommendations will not create a special miracle, however, they will make it possible to reduce the "gluttony" of the car to a certain extent.

How to reduce fuel consumption at the injector?
In this case, it will be a little more difficult to achieve the expected result. This is due to the fact that electronic equipment is responsible for the supply of fuel, capable of working with certain violations. Therefore, if excessive fuel consumption is observed, it is necessary to diagnose the machine and identify a faulty sensor. In addition, cleaning the nozzles allows you to achieve positive changes. They are checked for tightness, replaced if necessary. One of the effective ways is to reprogram the controller, which allows you to put the motor in the most economical mode of operation.
Other recommendations to reduce injector consumption:
- minimizing external body kits that impair dynamics;
- tire pressure monitoring;
- lightening the weight of the vehicle;
- prevention of prolonged operation of the engine at idle when the throttle valve closes,causing an increase in fuel supply;
- as in the carbureted version, it is desirable to observe a calm driving style;
- keep the air filter clean and set the ignition correctly.

I would like to note that the consumption of gasoline is affected not only by the above points, but also by the quality of the fuel itself. Poor-quality fuel with impurities will be consumed in a larger volume. It does not burn out completely, reducing the power and dynamics parameter, requiring increased depressing of the gas pedal. Good quality gasoline, although more expensive, but in the end gives a small savings. By following all these recommendations as a whole, it is quite possible to reduce fuel consumption, which is not cheap, and domestic cars are not initially thrifty.