The mining oven is a great design that many people love. All due to the fact that the cost of the unit is low, it is easy to get fuel, and again it is cheap. Some people still don't know what the term "workout" means. Let's figure it out now.
What is a working off?

Mining is a budgetary fuel that can be used for the operation of special furnaces. Waste oil can be motor, industrial, transmission, it can be found in large volumes at various service stations or even at motor transport enterprises. Disposing of such a product is easy, but wouldn't it be better to reuse it? This will help you to work out the stove. If you reuse the oil, you can save a lot of money. In addition, the heat output from the used oil is large and equates to a full-fledged electric heater of 15 kW. Then the question arises of what the stove gives for working out the consumption of this fuel. At the same time, expenses are small - up to a couple of liters per hour.
Why are these stoves popular?

The mining stove is in great demand due to the fact that the fuel is cheap, it is not difficult to create a unit, it will come out very budget. Many craftsmen create such devices at home as an experiment and install them in garages so that they can repair the car in warmth and comfort. In addition, many people adapted and made a profitable business out of working stoves: it’s usually cold in garages, a heater is an expensive pleasure, so car owners are looking for budget options, and this is where the stove comes to the rescue. A good device will be inexpensive and profitable for garage owners, which is why they buy them for themselves, especially those who do not want to make them themselves.
How does the device work?

Are you wondering how to make a working out oven? Then you should know in advance its principle of operation. The process consists in the splitting of fuel with heavy impurities (it has an extremely complex composition). This action is also called pyrolysis, during it there is a lack of oxygen and combustion will not be the fuel itself, but its vapors.
This process is not easy to start, you need to evaporate the oil, and then heat the steam to a temperature of about 300-400 degrees Celsius, and after burning it will be carried out on a random basis, you only need to wait for the oil to burn.
What are the benefits of using used oil?
Any oil extraction stove applies the principle of direct air heating, as a result of this application it is possibleheat workshops, garages, greenhouses. Often such units are used in car services, because it is profitable, they do not need to look for fuel, because it is always at hand and in large quantities.
The advantages of this method are as follows:
- using the stove is simple, there will be no difficulties;
- when fuel is burned, there is no soot and burning, which means that the room will not need to be ventilated;
- the unit is fireproof, because the oil does not burn, only its vapors burn.
It would seem that there are so many advantages, it is already possible to start creating a unit, but do not rush. Before you make a stove for working out with your own hands, you should also learn more about the shortcomings of this device.
What are the disadvantages of stoves that use oil?
The following disadvantages are worth mentioning:
- Unrefined waste oil supplied by technical services is not suitable for boilers, because such a product contains water, alcohol, impurities in large quantities. The use of such oil will cause the boiler filter to quickly become clogged, which is unsafe and can cause an explosion. Therefore, for boilers, the oil will need to be pre-cleaned, filtered, and it is impossible to do such procedures at home. Therefore, most often they buy it for boilers, and the cost of such a product is approximately twelve rubles per liter.
- All state-owned motor transport enterprises, and indeed any car service, are required to conclude contracts with companies that are engaged in the disposal of used oil. In other words, car dealerships pay money to get rid of used fuel, and they won't give away oil to everyone.
- Waste oil must not be kept in the cold. On the street, it will quickly freeze, which means that it must be kept warm, in a heated room, or the barrel should be buried to the depth of soil freezing.
What types of stoves are there?

Now the most popular are pyrolysis furnaces and turbo-burners. How are these devices different? A do-it-yourself pyrolysis stove for working out uses used oil in operation, which heats up when there is a lack of oxygen in the first chamber, where the oil is decomposed. The decomposition products begin to burn in the second chamber, where there is already enough oxygen and at the same time a huge amount of heat is released. The process temperature can be controlled: reduced or increased by supplying air to the pyrolysis chamber. Such an oven also has a drawback - it is the need for regular cleaning, because a lot of fractions accumulate in the chamber, in addition, there is no way to maintain the temperature at a constant level in automatic mode.
As for turbo-burners, they operate on the principle of diesel engines. Oil enters the chamber, the vapors begin to burn. Such units have several disadvantages: the unit is highly sensitive to fuel quality and the oil will need to be heated before being supplied.
Don't know how to make a working out stove? Then you should also find out in advance,that by design, the units are divided into the following types: created from a gas cylinder, designs with drip oil supply and devices with blowing.
Creating a unit from a gas cylinder

It is easy to make an apparatus from a carbon, oxygen or gas cylinder. The cylinders have a very good wall thickness, so the resulting unit will serve you for more than one year. One device can heat a room up to ninety square meters. In addition, the structure can also be converted for water heating. It is worth noting that the apparatus does not require forced oxygen supply, and the oil will flow independently. If you do not want the cylinder to reach dangerous temperatures, then you will need to set the height of the structure contour in accordance with the height of the combustion source inside the device.
It is easy to create a stove for working out from a gas cylinder, however, you will need to prepare the following materials:
- burner pipes;
- Bulgarian;
- file;
- chimney pipes (diameter not less than 10 centimeters, wall thickness - not more than 2 millimeters, and length - not less than 4 meters);
- level, roulette;
- welding machine required to work electrodes;
- drill, drill set;
- steel angles;
- fuel tank, its volume should be 8-15 liters.
Now you can start creating the design. First, take a fifty-liter seamless cylinder, it should have a thickness of up to one and a half centimeters. If athe walls are too thick, then the structure will not be able to warm up enough from the inside and the oil vapor will not evaporate. The boiling point of the oil in this case is three hundred degrees Celsius, and in the chamber it will be above six hundred degrees Celsius. Next, you will need to eliminate the unpleasant odor of the odorant in the bottle. For this purpose, it is necessary to drain the condensate, rinse a couple of times with water, and then fill the bottle to the top with water, put it vertically in a special pan or bury it for a stable position.
Cut off the upper part of the structure with a grinder, after the first cut, the liquid will drain into the pan or onto the ground. After the water drains, you can continue to cut off the top. Most of the bottom will be used as a chamber, and the cut off top with a valve will become a lid.
Weld steel corners to the bottom of the cylinder by welding, these will be the “legs” for the furnace. Then put the balloon on the "legs". In the upper area, step back 10-15 centimeters from the sawn off part and cut a hole for the exhaust pipe by welding according to the diameter of the latter.
For the hood, select a thin-walled chimney pipe with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters and a length of at least 4 meters. Insert the hood into the created hole, hold it vertically and carefully weld it. You will need to make a hole in the chimney and cover it with a plate so that you can control the air supply inside.
Further away from the welding point, back up 10 centimeters, make a small hole with a welding machine (the diameter should be a couple ofmillimeters). Step back 5 millimeters and make another hole, so you need to make 10 more of the same holes, and the last one should be at a height of 50 centimeters from the weld.
In the same pipe, at a height of about a meter, make a hole for the second pipe, the diameter of which should be 5-8 centimeters, its length should be 2-4 meters. Insert the pipe parallel to the floor and weld.
In the cut off upper area of the cylinder, cut a hole, the diameter of which will be 5-8 centimeters, this is where the fuel will be poured. That's all, the cylinder stove is ready for operation!
How does a balloon stove work?
Used oil is poured into two-thirds of the bottle, then you need to set fire to a paper sheet, put it on top of the oil and close the lid. After some time, the temperature inside the unit will begin to rise, the oil will begin to evaporate, spontaneous combustion of vapors will occur.
Don't forget: it is forbidden to add oil to the existing furnace, it is also forbidden to use kerosene and gasoline as fuel.
After the stove has worked and cooled completely, it will need to be cleaned of the contents inside.
Drip stove

A drip-type stove is created simply, because many craftsmen have made a good home business on this. Among consumers, this type of unit is in great demand, and all due to the fact that the devices are safe and economical. Oil onheating is supplied in small doses, the consumption is negligible, which means that the savings are obvious.
The main advantage is that a do-it-yourself drip-type stove is created quite easily. The unit can be made by yourself for personal purposes, because it is an effective means of heating. In the form of fuel, transmission, engine oil can be used. There is a special regulator in the design for changing the temperature of the furnace. At the same time, the oil tank is always located at a certain distance from the structure itself, which means that heating of the fuel can be easily avoided. The main advantage of such devices is that the oil burns out completely inside them. This is due to the fact that the oil, when it enters the hot pan, begins to heat up instantly, evaporates and burns out. Cleaning this unit is easy. The stove fires up easily and shuts down just as easily, all operations are safe.
For the production of a stove for working out with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following materials:
- Fifty liter used full propane tank.
- A 4mm steel sheet of approximately 0.5 square meters that will form the bottom of the upper chamber, cap for the pan.
- A two-meter steel pipe with a diameter of one hundred millimeters. It is necessary to create a burner, a heat exchanger housing and the chimney itself.
- A pair of quality clamps.
- Hose designed to supply fuel.
- Door hinges.
- Used Freon bottle that has a workingneedle valve. It will be used as a fuel storage tank.
- Cast-iron brake disc, which must fit the diameter of the cylinder.
- Steel corner fifty millimeters in diameter, the length of which is a little over a meter. It will be used to create a stand, internal parts, door handles.
- A half-inch valve that will shut off the oil supply.
- Half-inch water pipe for supplying oil to the stove.
How is a do-it-yourself drip stove created for working out? First you need to prepare the balloon. Drill a hole in the bottom. Next, fill the bottle with water, which will drain on its own. Do all the manipulations on the street. After the water is drained, make a couple more holes: one in the upper part for the combustion chamber with a heat exchanger, and the second in the lower area for the pan and burner. The distance between the openings should be approximately 50 millimeters. At this stage, it will also be necessary to provide for the presence of a side in the upper zone. Flush the can again.
The bottom of the chamber will be created from a steel sheet with a thickness of 4 millimeters. First, drill a couple of holes, the diameter of which is 3-4 millimeters, place them as close to the edges as possible. The bottom will need to be installed so that the holes are at an equal distance from the door.
The burner is a pipe, the length of which is 200 millimeters. Drill a lot of holes in random order, this is necessary for air supply. Clean the burrs, then weld the burner to the bottom of the upper chamber, the finished structure is placed insideballoon.
Now we create an oil pan from a cast iron brake disc, it is highly heat resistant. The main purpose of the sump is that the oil, if it gets inside, should heat up and evaporate.
Weld the bottom to the lower chamber, install the cover on top where you need to make an opening for air, and also install the counterpart of the burner. The opening must be large so that oil can enter the sump. Next, you need to make a coupling to connect the burner and the pan. For the coupling, use a piece of 100 mm pipe, which must be cut lengthwise. The water pipe will need to be welded into the furnace body and cut so that the oil enters the sump, install an emergency oil shut-off valve and a special hose from the outside.
For the chimney, use the same 100 mm pipe, weld it in the center of the top of the cylinder. A drip stove for mining also requires a heat exchanger. If you want to heat a residential building with such a unit, where there are traditional water batteries, then it is better to place a couple of coils in the furnace heat exchanger. Connect a circulation pump to the coils.
If you are going to create an air heat exchanger, then place it between the burner and the chimney so that it heats up well. For stable combustion and complete combustion of the oil, it will be necessary to weld a metal plate to the heat exchanger, as well as an air swirler.
From an empty freon cylinder, a container is created to store the fuel reserve. The most useful part of this tank is the needle valve, it willadjust the fuel supply.
Now let's take care of the doors. There must be a hole in the lower door of the structure for the free flow of air into the oven and to the pallet. The second door is needed for better tightness, and provide thrust plates in the opening.
Install a padlock on the top door for secure closure.

You can install the stove for working out in a garage or any other room, the main thing is to follow certain precautions:
- do not place the structure in a draft;
- water must not get into the oil, otherwise it may splash out through the hole in the pipe;
- chimney must be sealed;
- use technical oil for fuel;
- do not place the oven near flammable objects;
- free space around the oven must be required.