Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Russian stock market is one of the largest in the world. It became so thanks to the largest stock exchanges in our country - RTS and MICEX. The history of their creation and development is very fascinating
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Over the years, trade relations have been shaped by economic teachings. The modern world is dominated by the idea of freedom of speech and action, which would not violate the rights of other people. This principle creates signs of a market economy
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Cross elasticity is a coefficient that reflects the relationship between the price of one product and the demand for another. This indicator can be positive, negative or zero
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Already, all financial analysts of the world consider the astronomical deficit experienced by the US budget as one of the main threats to the status of the United States as a "superpower". Since the reign of President George W. Bush, the hole in the American budget has grown steadily with unenviable stability every year, voraciously absorbing more and more money from ordinary taxpayers
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Surplus is a mathematical concept that was developed by Karl Marx. He first began working on it in 1844 after reading James Mill's Elements of Political Economy. However, the surplus product is not an invention of Marx. The concept, in particular, was used by the Physiocrats. However, it was Marx who placed it at the center of the study of economic history
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The beneficiary is the recipient of various benefits and advantages, income and profits, as well as cash payments in accordance with a debt document or agreement
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the face of fierce competition, companies constantly have to fight for survival. To stay afloat, it is not enough to find and occupy a free market niche, you need to maintain and constantly improve your position. In order to solve these problems, companies should regularly conduct a financial analysis of their activities
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Each joint-stock company issues securities, but there are a number of nuances in this activity. In certain cases, the initial and additional issue requires the preparation of a mandatory document - a prospectus for the issue of shares
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Evaluation of fixed assets is an analysis of a part of the resource potential of an enterprise. It includes consideration of the structure of property and the sources of its formation, the composition and movement of the immobilized part of the assets
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Our hero today is Ronald Coase. His biography will be discussed in detail later. We are talking about an English economist who was born in the London suburb of Wilesden
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Every existing enterprise evolves. When the structure of the company ceases to correspond to the situation prevailing in the economy and in legislation, the enterprise is restructured
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An ancient town in the Ivanovo region with a beautiful, slightly non-Russian and strange name is located on the picturesque banks of the Volga. The population of Kineshma is rightfully proud of the beautiful city landscapes that have preserved the true spirit of a real provincial Russian city
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What is the population of Azerbaijan? What nationalities live in this country, and how long ago did they settle there? You will find answers to these questions in this article
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In the media and free Internet sources, there are many materials devoted to the concept of "Golden Billion". It reflects the imbalance in the standard of living between developed and developing countries, becoming the basis for the development of various theories up to the destruction of objectionable races and peoples. In fact, as is often seen in the free media, a lot of noise is made from "nothing", and the so-called "Golden Billion" countries are nothing more than the engines of technical
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Pribaikalsky Krai is the heart of the Siberian part of the country. It is rich in its own traditions, has a hardened mentality and a wide variety of residents. The Irkutsk region, which is a complex of Siberian regions, will be discussed further
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Studying economics, students are faced with such a concept as competition. Examples can be found in absolutely any field of this science. In the specialized literature, competition is understood as rivalry between market participants
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Money is an important link in all production relations. They, together with the goods, have a common essence and a similar origin. Currency is an inseparable part of the market world and at the same time opposes it. If goods are used in circulation for a limited period of time, then the essence of money is so important that this area cannot exist without finance
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Default should be understood as a violation of the payment obligation assumed by the borrower to the creditor. In fact, this is the inability to fulfill the timely repayment of the debt or other terms of the contract. In a broad sense, a default is any form of default on a debt obligation
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Siberia occupies almost three-quarters of Russia's territory. A significant part of the region is represented by forests and tundra. However, on the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia there are many large cities and republics with a population of up to several million people
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In the middle of the twentieth century, the best minds of mankind worked hard on two tasks at once: on the creation of an atomic bomb, and also on how to use the energy of the atom for peaceful purposes. This is how the world's first nuclear power plants appeared
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In a general sense, profit can be viewed as the excess of revenue over costs and resources used for production. However, in the process of financial analysis, its various types are calculated. So, along with net profit, gross profit is determined. The formula for its calculation, as well as the value, differ from other types of income. At the same time, it plays one of the most important roles in assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise
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Greenwich Observatory, which had the status of "royal" for a long time, has become the main astronomical organization not only in the UK, but throughout the world. The initiator of its creation was Charles II. The main purpose of the creation was to clarify the geographical coordinates important for navigators. Scattered data on the location of geographic points often caused the loss and even death of ships. Greenwich Observatory was to become
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is the economic analysis of the enterprise, how and in what order should it be carried out. The value of economic analysis in the work of the enterprise
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Automobile Troops of the Russian Federation (official abbreviation AB Russian Armed Forces) are an association in the Armed Forces. They are intended for the transportation of personnel, the supply of food, fuel, ammunition and other materiel that are necessary for the conduct of hostilities. In addition, automobile troops are used to evacuate the sick, wounded, and equipment. They also transport other units that do not have their own transport
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As a result of market reforms and transformations carried out in recent years, there have been dramatic changes in the living conditions of the population of Russia, which significantly affected the psychological and physical behavior of people, including the birth rate
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Game theory and equilibrium theory by John Nash. The prisoner's dilemma and its solution according to John Nash's theory of equilibrium. Pure and mixed strategies
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Cyprus is the pearl of the Mediterranean. The pleasant climate and local nature make Cyprus a special attraction. The beaches of Cyprus are some of the cleanest in the world, which attracts thousands of tourists every year
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Moving to Canada, like to any other country, should be a responsible and balanced step. Some people would move there without hesitation, but others would categorically refuse or would strongly doubt the correctness of this decision. Today we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a North American country like Canada
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The Crimean peninsula was an integral part of the Russian Empire, it also occupied a significant place in the Soviet Union. It is famous for its resorts, wine and multinational population, as well as for its rich history, without studying which, it is hardly possible to fully understand what the Crimean economy is like today
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Babylon in Egypt, Memphis, Al-Katayi and Heliopolis, which means the City of the Sun, - many names were invented by the neighbors of Egypt to its capital. Marvelous Cairo was founded in 969 AD. e. the first pharaoh of Egypt, Narmer. He united under his rule two kingdoms: the northern Red Kingdom and the southern White Kingdom
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The story of the German gold reserves has been going on for more than a year now. If someone has not heard yet, then Germany demanded that the United States and France return part of the reserves to it. The latter have been in storage with these countries for more than a dozen years. And how did they even get there? And why does the United States refuse to return what is not rightfully theirs?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Blowout is a serious threat to rail transport. Passengers may be hurt. And in the event of such an incident, traffic on the section of the canvas is closed. So what is it and what is it connected with?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Qatar is a little-known country in the vastness of our homeland. Even fewer people know that this state is in the lead in the ranking of per capita income. The we alth of the Qataris exceeds most of the other Arabian countries sitting on oil. Over the past few years, interest in this country has increased several times, especially in the field of tourism
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Surgut is the largest city of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, but it is not its administrative center. The population of Surgut in 2015 amounted to 340.9 thousand people. According to this indicator, it is in 39th place in the country. Surgut is a youth city, the majority of the population is between the ages of 25 and 35. It is an important transport hub, the energy heart of Siberia, an industrial center and the oil capital of Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Fairs had a great influence on the formation of the all-Russian market. Makaryevskaya became the largest and had national significance. Goods were brought here from various regions of the country: Vologda, the west and north-west of Smolensk, St. Petersburg, Riga, Yaroslavl and Moscow, Astrakhan and Kazan
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A small country in Western Europe is Luxembourg. Despite its miniature size, the state has a rich history, a unique culture and a very patriotic population. Luxembourg has a high quality of life, which has a positive effect on the demographics of the country
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
People have always been interested in how others live: what kind of house, car, income does a neighbor have. Is it bad? Scientists say no. First, nothing can be done about curiosity, especially mass curiosity
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Every businessman wondered: "ISO 9001 - what is it?". Today it is the most common certificate confirming the quality of the company's work. The quality management system (QMS) of many companies has been certified for compliance with the standard. But many managers are confused by this question. Below is a detailed discussion of what ISO 9001 is, what benefits a certificate provides, how to get a certificate and the bases on which this standard is built
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Who lives in Orenburg? What statistics are typical for the city? From the article you will find out what size, growth and national composition the population of Orenburg has
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
One of the most important indicators of a bank's condition is the liquidity of its resources. A high level of this indicator means that this financial institution is able to pay its obligations both in the current and future periods. When liquidity, and hence the solvency, of the bank falls, then refinancing is necessary