Chelsea Clinton, whose photo can be found in this article, is the only daughter of the former American president. Thanks to the popularity and fame of her parents, she herself became a public figure.
Chelsea Clinton was born on the twenty-seventh of February 1980 in the USA, Arkansas, in the city of Little Rock. Her parents are world famous personalities. At birth, they gave their daughter the full name Chelsea Victoria. During her childhood, Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas.

She has always been an obedient girl. She loved to sew, cook and clean up, despite the fact that there were always servants in the house for this work. And cooks - even 6 people. Until the age of six, Chelsea did not realize how different her life was from other children.
At this age, she was taken to a training session with a psychologist. This was done so that Chelsea realized how unfair and cruel the political world is. The girl was offered to act as a father, and he became her rival. Chelsea asked to vote for her because she worked hard and helped many unfortunate people. The father, in the role of "opponent", replied that this was not so, but quite the opposite. Chelsea burst into tears.
When Chelsea Clinton was twelve years old, she and her family moved to Washington. She had to go to a new school. Chelsea tried not to stand out from other children in any way, and classmates did not know what her parents were doing. But somehow it happened anyway. She invited the whole class to her place out of good intentions. They just passed through the history of Islam. Chelsea decided that it would be educational and interesting for everyone to get to know the king of Morocco. So it was revealed that she was the daughter of famous politicians.

Chelsea Education
After graduating from high school, Chelsea entered Stanford University. On the speci alty "Pediatric cardiologist". She lived in a separate room in which bulletproof glass was placed. In addition, she was constantly guarded by 25 bodyguards. After graduating from Stanford University, Chelsea entered Columbia University. She decided to complete her graduate school in public he alth.
Youth with "bitterness"
Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton and her husband tried their best to protect Chelsea from the world of politics and tried to raise her as an ordinary American, they failed. From the age of 12, Chelsea was drawn against her will into the world of politics. She is the only daughter of Bill Clinton. And it was already taking its toll on her life.
She has been part of her father's image since she was a teenager. Her life was constantly under the sights of video cameras. She was deprived even of the secrets of her personal life. Her every move, gesture, word or action has always been under public scrutiny.

Chelsea's role in politics
Increased and unrelenting interest in the girl "spoiled" her cloudless childhood. But she had no choice but to accept everything as it is. She could only support her parents. Especially in politics.
That's what she always tried to do. Chelsea was very supportive of her mother when Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee. She needed this to support her husband in the US presidential election.
Life as the president's daughter
After the successful election of the father, the daughter had to try for several more years to find the right line of behavior that would be convenient for her. Chelsea Clinton has many virtues, including intelligence and a sense of humor. Surprisingly, the "star disease" did not affect her at all.
Because of this, she automatically maintained people's positive attitude towards her father. Looking at her, one could say that her parents gave her an excellent upbringing. She ennobled them, created a more favorable and trusting attitude towards them.

President's daughter preferences
Chelsea loved to dance. But such a career was still not for her. She herself understood this. Thus, dancing remained just her favorite pastime. She chose medicine for herself, as she also liked this field, here she could prove herself much better.
Private life
Clinton's daughter Chelsea found her first love in 1998. She became interested in Matthew Pierce. He wasstudent, swimmer. Their romance did not last long and they soon broke up. Scandals in politics have affected Chelsea the most. She was so worried that she ended up in the hospital several times. At that time, the girl no longer thought about love.
But after a while she fell in love again. This time in Jan Klaus. He was at that time a student and a promising football player. But it was just a hobby. True love came to her a little later.
Chelsea Clinton met Mark Mezvinsky. They were going to get married, but at first they just lived together for a while, testing their feelings for strength. Their engagement took place on the twenty-seventh of November 2009. After some time they got married. This important event was called the "wedding of the year" in the United States.