Life in a foreign country: the advantages of Canada

Life in a foreign country: the advantages of Canada
Life in a foreign country: the advantages of Canada

Moving to Canada should be a responsible and measured step. Some people would move to a foreign country without hesitation, but others would categorically refuse to do so, or they would have justified doubts. Today we will look at the pros and cons of Canada as a country to move to permanent residence.

living in canada pros and cons
living in canada pros and cons

Moving to Canada: Disadvantages

Let's immediately name the difficulties that immigrants face on the way:

  1. High rates of competition in employment. The competition here is too high. Even if you have good work experience, good or even excellent academic knowledge, it can still be quite difficult to get a job.
  2. High mandatory spending. If you have stable work, this will not interfere much. Typically, a Canadian has one obligatory expense of about a thousand dollars a month. This includes rent, utilities, internet and communications, and he alth insurance. Products, shipping costs and other necessary costs will alsocost a lot. You need to count on a budget of about $1,500 per month per person (and this is the bare minimum).
  3. Expensive medicine. If a person does not arrange or pay for insurance, then you will have to pay a large amount of money. A simple examination by a doctor costs about $200, and a simple operation (such as removing an appendix) costs about $8,000. Moreover, the insurance policy does not provide quick treatment.

Moving: Canada's Pros

benefits of living in canada
benefits of living in canada

Now let's understand what attracts people to this country so much. This is:

  • high quality of life;
  • low level of corruption;
  • excellent environmental situation in the country.

Thanks to the careful attitude of Canadians to nature, as well as the care of the state itself about it, the habitat can serve as an example for most other countries in the world. Even in a city like Toronto, which is one of the most industrialized metropolitan areas in the world, it is easy to get away from the hustle and bustle in one of the many parks or even just turn off the road into a small street.

Many squirrels, raccoons and clear waters prove the excellent ecological situation. Such a wonderful situation forms the advantages of Canada and life in it, irreplaceable for citizens of this country and immigrants.

But the following factors also play a significant role:

  • low crime rate. By the way, this figure is considered one of the lowest in the world;
  • excellent infrastructure. Roads, buildings, parking lots, various city structures - everything is doneat a high level and constantly supported;
  • he althy eating. Many Canadians follow a he althy diet, which is why almost every supermarket has organic and non-organic products.
pros and cons of canada
pros and cons of canada

General Conditions

Coming to a country for permanent residence, it is very important to know its features. So, the climate in Canada is cold. The main part of the year is cold here, and in summer, on the contrary, there is a strong heat. An exception in such weather is Vancouver. This city is surrounded by mountains, so the temperature here is rarely below zero in winter, and in summer the maximum temperature reaches 30 degrees.

Canadians are polite, friendly, tolerant, and, above all, highly professional. And since this is a country of immigrants, the problem of the language barrier almost immediately disappears. They do not expect perfect knowledge of the language from the inhabitants, in view of this, the advantages of living in Canada include a fairly easy adaptation in it.

Tax collection here, as in any developed country, is high, but among countries of this type, Canada ranks among the lowest in interest rates.

Additional information

advantages of canada
advantages of canada

Canada is one of the countries that provides an opportunity to get a residence permit quite simply for people who do not have close relatives in Canada, but who are highly qualified specialists or good businessmen. This country has an immigrant acceptance plan of over 200,000 per year, making it one of the mostpublic in the world. In this regard, quite a lot of people are interested in moving and the opportunity to live in Canada (the pros and cons of which we have already considered).

The country has an effective system for providing benefits to Canadians who are temporarily without a livelihood (welfare). The state provides high social payments and benefits to pensioners and disabled citizens, which, by the way, can also be considered as Canada's pluses.

Status Features

Moving and living in Canada - the pros and cons of this decision - especially for those who stay there for a long time or permanently. Having the status of a permanent resident of Canada, an immigrant after 3 years has the opportunity to apply for citizenship of this country.

living in canada pros and cons
living in canada pros and cons

The state allows you to have dual citizenship - thus, a person does not lose the existing one and additionally acquires a new one. For example, if a Russian citizen immigrates to Canada, then after obtaining the status of a permanent resident of the country, he can easily visit Russia (without a visa) and return to Canada (also without a visa). And after 3 years of residence in Canada, he receives Canadian citizenship. At the same time, a person can return to Russia again, live and work there, having the opportunity to return to Canada at any time.


Summarizing all the above information can be that for several years Canada has been elected the best country in the world in terms of conditions and quality of life. In addition, 4 cities in this country are among the top ten cities for livingpeace. Well, choosing what to pay more attention to - the minuses or pluses of Canada - is already a personal matter for everyone.
