Having picked up some box, the consumer sees a lot of abbreviations that are not always known to him. In addition, everyone around is talking about the quality of goods and services, certifications and guarantors. A modern person, especially one who owns or manages a business, must be aware of what is happening. Therefore, it is worth delving into this issue and starting with the most popular international standard ISO 9001. What it is, how to get a certificate, what benefits it gives and other issues will be discussed in detail below.
The word "quality" has firmly entered the lexicon of every person. All standards give different, capacious definitions. The quality in the life of an ordinary consumer is the correspondence (or even better, the excess) of what he expects to what he receives. Whether it is services, food, clothing, household items or something else, the consumer expects that they will bring him benefit or pleasure.

Because such an attitude is too subjective, special criteria have been developed, compliance with which will determine the degree of quality. Various independent structures can confirm the conformity of goods or services, while issuing their opinion.
The consumer is primarily interested in the quality of a product or service, but if this issue is not one of the most important for the manufacturer, he will never succeed in achieving serious and long-term success.
Quality check
In many organizations there is an internal review. When a department or certain employees evaluate the work and the product produced. Of course, one can doubt the objectivity of such indicators, but one should not completely abandon them either.
The second type of verification is partnership. For example, when certain requirements are imposed on suppliers, non-compliance with which will lead to the termination of the cooperation agreement. Inspections can be carried out independently or with the involvement of third parties. For example, organizations that certify according to GOST standards or ISO 9001.

Certification can be mandatory or voluntary. It is not worth talking about the possible difference in attitudes towards the quality of the manufacturer in these types. Many products must undergo mandatory certification: children's products, perfumes, medicines, computers, cars, etc. But the mandatory certification does not prevent you from passing the voluntary one and getting the ISO 9001 certificate.
In the Russian Federation, the most commonthe following voluntary certificates: GOST R, TR (Technical Regulations), Fire Safety, Phytosanitary, Certificate of Origin, ISO 9001.
What is it and when should I get a certificate
A company can conduct voluntary certification at any time when it feels the need and strength to implement its plans. But nevertheless, GOST ISO 9001 recommends certification not when the management decides to do this and lowers the directive “from top to bottom”, but when the whole company feels the importance and necessity. Practice shows that if the initiative comes from employees, then the certification process is easier, better and more efficient.

So, let's answer the main question: "ISO 9001 - what is it?" These are international requirements for quality management. It is worth noting that these are not requirements for a particular product or service, they are not a guarantee of their quality, these are requirements for a management system, but the result, of course, affects the final product. This made the standard universal, suitable for both huge corporations and tiny firms.
What does an ISO certificate give you
There are plenty of companies on the market today that provide similar services or products. ISO 9001 certification gives:
- additional increase in the rating and image of the company in the eyes of customers, partners and employees;
- competitive advantages;
- trust of customers and partners;
- ISO 9001 system with properconstruction and further fulfillment of all requirements will ensure order in the organization (planning, control) and, as a result, improve financial performance;
- opportunity to participate in tenders, where the presence of a certificate is one of the conditions;
opportunity to enter the international market.
If your company comes to the conclusion that it's time to get a kind of matura, but not all management welcomes the changes, it is worth introducing them to ISO 9001. What it is, what it provides and how to get certified. It is important to remember that ISO is not only a piece of paper for bidding and image, it is primarily an effective management tool. If you use it at full capacity, and not formally, the results will not be long in coming. There are organizations that “live” according to the ISO standard, but are in no hurry to get certified.
The highlight of ISO 9001
Principles, plans, evaluation, audits ISO 9001 - what is it and how to work with them, managers find out. Often consultants from certification organizations come to their aid.
The main thing to remember and always be guided by in a company that implements an ISO 9001 quality system is the management principle "Plan, Execute, Check, Act". Any actions from the certification area should be coordinated and “driven” through this sequence.
Many managers will chuckle, because this principle has long been known. The ISO standard does not claim to be superior, it only obligesobserve this simple truth at all times and in everything.
ISO 9001 principles
The ISO 9001 standard consists of eight core principles:
- Customer orientation. It is important to note that here we are talking not only about the end consumer, client, buyer (although this is a priority!). Internal departments, employees are considered as consumers of products that are produced by their colleagues. All departments of the company cooperate in one way or another, passing the unfinished product or related products along the chain.
- Leadership leadership. Great if the initiative belongs to employees, but participation, control and important decision-making will be required from management in any case.
Employee engagement. Each employee, regardless of position, must be aware of the importance of product quality and see their role in achieving it.
Image - Process approach. A process is an activity that has inputs, outputs, and results. The ISO 9001 system with this approach touches several departments and takes into account their needs, capabilities and weaknesses.
- System approach. If you look at it, in any organization, each department “pulls the blanket over itself” and sometimes requires opposite decisions. The task of management is to find a compromise and make a decision that will satisfy the needs and tasks of all departments at once, which should be reflected in the quality of products and the image of the company. The implemented quality system will help management in this matter.
Image - Fact-based decision making. Here, reports, audits, evaluations, complaints, analysis of indicators, conclusions on compliance with the plans, etc. will help the management.
- Mutually beneficial supplier relationship.
Certification procedure
The path to obtaining a certificate consists of 10 conditional steps:
1. Assess your system for compliance with international standards. You can do this yourself or with the involvement of third-party consultants.
2. Draw conclusions and make decisions to resolve nonconformities (remember the role of management and staff involvement).

3. Implement your decisions.
4. Evaluate the result, re-audit.
5. If the test results are positive, apply to the certification body.
6. Sign an agreement with a company accredited in the direction of GOST ISO 9001.
7. Provide the external auditor with the necessary documents, provide access to the requested objects, processes, employees (he coordinates his requirements with you in advance in the audit program).
8. Get audit recommendations from him.
9. Follow recommendations or correct inconsistencies.
10. Get ISO 9001 certified. The quality of your company's work is now officially recognized (frame the certificate, post it on the website, congratulate colleagues, employees and inform customers and partners).
Remember that the certificateIt is given for 3 years, while annually it is necessary to pass surveillance audits. And, of course, to comply with everything that is planned for the company, and fulfill all the obligations assumed with the entry into the community of certified organizations.
Disadvantages of ISO
Practice shows that, despite its popularity, the ISO certificate has its drawbacks. And although these shortcomings are easily explained, they should be known:
- A lot of paperwork. Reports, protocols, questionnaires, and so on, but on the other hand, without them, control and an objective decision cannot be achieved.
- Too general concepts, this makes the system universal, but at the same time deprives those who need it specifics.
- Difficult to implement, weak, unprepared companies reduce certification to a formal event (in this case, the certificate costs them three times more than it would cost in real use).
- Cost (expenses for certification, "re-engineering" an established system, services of an external consultant and in-house quality specialist) is another reason to strive for the actual use of a quality system.