In the media and free Internet sources, there are many materials devoted to the concept of "Golden Billion". It reflects the imbalance in the standard of living between developed and developing countries, becoming the basis for the development of various theories up to the destruction of objectionable races and peoples. In reality, as is often seen in the free media, a lot of noise is being made out of "nothing", and the so-called "Golden Billion" countries are nothing but engines of technological and industrial progress that deserve their title.

Short description of the term
In the CIS in the post-Soviet era, thanks to the fact that people managed to find out about the so-called plan of Allen Dulles, the former director of the CIA, conspiracy theories began to multiply. Their main idea is that economically and militarily strongstates, and even the powerful families of magnates from the USA and England, have long been hatching a plan to split large states in order to impose unfavorable conditions for cooperation on them, up to military seizure or enslavement. They also mention the countries of the "Golden Billion", whose citizens, constituting the world elite, will have to populate the liberated territories.

The term “Golden Billion” itself is a silly allegory based on the fact that countries where the population at the time of the “replication” of the hypothesis was 1 billion people have achieved success. There are 7 billion people on the planet today, and 6 billion people do not earn even half of what the Golden Billion has. This is the name of the population of the United States and Canada, Japan and the EU countries, which in terms of numbers is approximately this billion. And the only problem is that such a situation seems unfair and pre-planned, necessary to enslave the remaining 6 billion people to meet the needs of the 1 billion elite.
Raw material "evidence"
Fuel is added to the fire of insanity by the fact that large states with developed economies and included in the so-called "Billion" use much more resources, and their population is much richer. For example, the main consumers of non-ferrous metal and mineral raw materials mined in the 20th century, as well as oil and gas, are residents of the United States, the European Union, Canada and Japan. In 1970-1980, they consumed almost 90% of nickel, copper and aluminum, as well as almost 70% of the oil produced.

The consumption of these raw materials continues to increase in the 21st century, while economic growth is not observed in countries where mining is carried out. The latter fact outrages the public so much that the theory of the "Golden Billion" allegedly fully justifies the division into "masters and slaves." And in the role of slaves, of course, all those who work hard, but do not earn enough to classify themselves as middle class. Rich countries get richer, while underdeveloped countries get poorer.
The authors of the hypothesis propose to refer to the distribution of resources in the world. For example, Europe has practically no reserves of ore, oil and gas, and therefore buys them mainly from Russia. According to "home-grown analysts", the European Union pays Russia pennies, and the citizens themselves deserve more. For some reason, understanding that a resource-based economy cannot be successful is not offered in the description of the “conspiracy”. But it is not difficult to guess that the countries lagging behind in development are forced to sell raw materials, as they do not have the technology to process them.
Technological differences
Technology is as much an achievement as the availability of natural resources. And if Russia does not give free oil, why would a Western state offer technology for free, losing a competitive advantage? The law on market competition is also not considered by such "analysts". The only question is why the funds received from the sale of raw materials are not used for the development of full-cycle production. This is where developed countries are ahead of poor countries, because they already have fundamental technologies that allow them to generate income.from almost everything. And for simple items, many underdeveloped states have to pay, since they themselves are not able to produce such things.

Example from the pharmacology industry
Pharmacological industry should be mentioned as an example. To release a drug, you need to have raw materials for its production, capacities for its processing and packaging, as well as clinical trials. A drug that is bought at a pharmacy already contains these components in its price. And an undeveloped country can invest in them only raw materials extracted from oil. More precisely, to deliver the oil itself, because due to the technical backwardness, it will not be possible to isolate the substrate for the synthesis of the drug in the absence of the necessary equipment.
As a result, an undeveloped country invests only raw materials to extract the molecules from which the drug will be created. But clinical and scientific research, the discovery of the formula of the drug, its testing, synthesis, purification and production of the drug itself lies on the back of our “conspirators”. And when they sell a drug to underdeveloped countries, they get some money. It contains 95% of the contribution of science and technological progress, and only 5% is the raw material component. Therefore, the oil producer receives only 5% of its price, and the producer receives the remaining 95% of the cost.
Since it was the manufacturer who did 95% of all the work, it is natural that he receives 95% of the cost of the final product. And since there are enterprises for processing mainly in developed countries, thenand raw materials they require much more than the rest of the world. In underdeveloped countries, valuable materials can literally lie underfoot and be unnecessary, because they do not have the technology and capacity to process them.

Electronics and radio engineering
A similar situation with non-ferrous metals in electronics. Who will get more money by producing a computer processor? The metal supplier or the company that developed the technology and is using it? And the countries of the "Golden Billion" just form the backbone of the production of high-tech devices. Among them are diagnostic medical equipment, TVs, smartphones, computers, research devices, robotics, military equipment. This is how they made their fortune, not the exploitation of "slaves".
Of course, part of the we alth of developed countries, especially Britain, Spain, Portugal and France, is provided by an active colonial past. Having been a disgrace to the civilized world, today it has no value. All his achievements were spent on the development of technology and production. Today, there are no funds left from the exploitation of the former colonies.

There is a reverse example: Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong. The indicators of the well-being of the population in them are excellent. But this was not always the case, but it happened in the last 50 years due to the active development of the technical industry and the rejection of the resource-based economy. These were poor and conquered countries. But today theythey can also classify themselves as countries of the "Golden Billion", and therefore such a concept should not imply anything negative. This should be taken as a fact that there is a so-called "Billion", where technical and scientific progress was actively and for the benefit used.
Production success statistics
There are few states that can boast of a strong industrial economy, about 1/8 of all countries in the world. There are others who vegetate in the agrarian-raw material economy. The former are much more successful because they work hard and have a strategic development plan. The latter work on the production of food, clothing, extract raw materials, but lose part of their savings for the purchase of high-tech goods. That is why they lose foreign currency, and the rate of their own currency decreases.
Competent import substitution is a good alternative for them, but they prefer not to develop along a difficult path. In general, it has historically developed that in states where economic development is weak, the desire to work among the population is smoldering in the depths of their souls. Whereas the population of developed countries sees prospects, receives a quality education and achieves success through high-tech highly productive labor.
Gradation of states by standard of living
It is indicative to demonstrate an example of successful economic planning and achievement of success in production through the rating of living standards in states. According to the published reports of the UN, the welfare rating is as follows. First place - Norway, second - Sweden, third - Canada, fourth - Belgium, fifth - Australia, sixth - USA, seventh - Iceland, eighth - Netherlands, ninth - Japan, tenth - Finland, eleventh - Switzerland, twelfth - France, for the UK, Denmark and Austria. These are precisely those countries of the "Golden Billion", the success of which we usually envy. There are only 15 of them. They are the best in their industries, take better care of the population and are able to successfully develop further.

Economic rationale for success
The high standard of living in the countries of the world, the rating of which is indicated above, is easy to explain with the help of economic laws. These are states with a developed manufacturing industry. Some exceptions here are Norway and Denmark, which remain suppliers of oil and gas to Europe. The first was a poor country until the 60s. XX century, after which she found resources. By extracting them and providing Europe, she achieved a high level of well-being. And it is explained by greater profits than Russia, since the creation of transport infrastructure did not require so many resources. The way to Europe from Norway and Denmark is much shorter and therefore cheaper.
The situation is similar with Denmark, although alternative energy and industry are developing in both countries. The remaining countries of the "Golden Billion", the list of which was proposed in the form of a rating, achieved their well-being through labor and industrial superiority. They would be able to get ahead of both Norway and Denmark in terms of living standards, but in the casethe latter money is simply spent on fewer people. Therefore, per capita earnings are higher, and social security is higher.
Benefits of the Golden Billion
As can be seen from the above arguments, the concept of the "Golden Billion" cannot be considered negative. This is such an unannounced club of states, which they get into if they succeed in ensuring the well-being of their people. This is not a mythical conspiracy theory, but an objective description of success in the technical industry, in medicine, in information technology and robotics. This is the result of good forecasting and successful implementation of technology.
The so-called "Golden Billion" is the population of the states that are most successful in the economy due to their labor. And other countries, as demonstrated by the example of South Korea and Japan, will easily join this “club” if they raise the level of education by an order of magnitude and invest in high technology industries. They can receive funds in the form of loans or earn from the raw material or agricultural economy. But they must be invested in progress, and not closed off from it, justifying their inaction with elite conspiracy theories.
Criticism of A. Wasserman
Anatoly Wasserman considers the conspiracy theory unlikely, invented by the people themselves. And in order to form any idea, it is enough for a person to bring together a couple of facts, which will already explain any of our failures. The problem is that such conclusions will be gladly supported by any politician who is responsible for the failure of a real achievement. This can also explain all sorts of politicaland economic failures. It is so easy to rid oneself of guilt and one's electorate if there is an interesting collection of ever-winning and omniscient organized minorities. The idea is brought into everyday life that they have been building their plan for centuries and therefore it is perfected to the ideal, there can be no mistakes in it.
This theory breeds ignorance, backwardness and barbarism. In failure, you need to understand and adjust to the surrounding reality, and not explain your own failure with the help of myths. Customers and champions of the idea of the "Golden Billion" are politicians who have become accustomed to confusing decisiveness with fussiness. At the same time, people living under such power suffer from it and from stupid impossible ideas.
Final single-digit concept value
As any psychologist recommends, during a crisis it is important to adequately assess reality and accept it. It is impossible to deceive oneself and blame other people, and in this case organized minorities. This only drags a person deeper into problems, does not allow him to develop determination and a desire to act. In this context, one should unequivocally understand what the meaning of the concept of the "Golden Billion" is. And its essence is only in demonstrating the surrounding reality.
Firstly, the citizens of the states that implemented technical achievements in a timely manner live better. Secondly, in these countries the speed of production is much higher. Thirdly, high rates of industrial activity require more resources. Fourthly, in such states, due to scientific achievements, the epidemic situation is better andmore affordable medicines, medical care.
All this is the result of work and the implementation of scientific achievements, not conspiracy theories. And it so happens that rich countries use more resources, and their territory is home to about a billion people. This is the so-called "Golden Billion" - a set of citizens who, due to objective reasons, live better and longer. There is no conspiracy theory here - this is an objective reality.
Yes, it can be confirmed that the special services of some states have geopolitical plans for the redivision of the world. They represent a set of ways in which one can claim new territories that are important from a military or economic point of view. Of course, such plans will not be made public and exist in Russia, Japan, the United States, France, and Great Britain. But this is a political and strategic reality, not a mythical conspiracy theory. In contrast, the geopolitical plan is kept in the strictest secrecy and will always be denied by the heads of state, not to mention the fact that its achievement is usually carried out by open armed means or informational influence.