Eternal human spiritual values

Eternal human spiritual values
Eternal human spiritual values

They say that times are not the same anymore, human values become obsolete and take on a different form. I can say with confidence that times are not a creator for goodness, truth. They never change, no matter what era we enter, it will always be nice to hear the truth, to know that you are loved sincerely, valued in friendship. But sometimes a person's values can be distorted in the mind.

Teaching the Bible

The moral values of man
The moral values of man

The Bible is rightfully considered the most popular and best-selling bestseller in the world. The wisest of the wise, she is able to instill love for man, freedom, goodness. It is impossible to say with certainty that God does not exist, but this does not diminish the significance of the book. Remember the parables that teach you to love and forgive by practicing forgiveness. Perhaps the Bible was written not so much about God as trying to unite us by faith in the united and eternal spiritual values of man. How many millennia have passed since the book was written, how many generations have changed, what a high level of development humanity has reached - and sincere, pure love is still considered the most noble of feelings.

Are we following spiritual values

In the daily turmoilin today's world, where you need to carve out a place in the sun, we sometimes forget about human values. Education plays a key role in shaping attitudes and priorities. Family members, by their example, show the little person what they believe in, what they value and respect. It is important that words are always backed by actions. Having flown away from the family nest, under the influence of friends or external circumstances, a person often changes priorities. Only when we lose people who love us, we turn to God and the Bible, pointing out our mistakes. The current era is called a return to morality, spiritual values. Animal protection and conservation of nature, charity and donation to the children of poor countries.

Human values
Human values

Undoubtedly, this is a feat on the part of humanity. But the insidious question arises as to whether this is selfishness. We care about nature in order to prevent its revenge in the form of cataclysms, and not because we feel sorry for endangered animal species. We donate huge sums to the benefit of the poor in order to avoid taxes, and a good name does not hurt. Giving a penny to a grandmother sitting near the crossing is considered an oddity: "I earned money by hard work, not in order to give it to her." It is also not our duty to give way to a pregnant woman in transport. But these small, at first glance, actions say what human values are embedded in us.

We and others

When asked what feelings and qualities we value most, many talk about what they would like to see in others. ATIn most cases, a person's values are honesty, sincerity, love, devotion, and the need for a person to be needed. We demand honesty from others, but are we always honest with them? We want to be needed, but do something for this? The moral values of a person lie in their extortion from others, without thinking why others should give us what we are not able to give in return.

Spiritual values of a person
Spiritual values of a person

Man needs to learn a lesson: we always get what we deserve. In order for changes to occur in relations with a person, start changing something in yourself, forgive the offender if you value him. Only a strong and noble person can forgive an offense. Forgiveness is the smell that a flower gives off when it is trampled on.
