Population of Orenburg: number, employment, composition

Population of Orenburg: number, employment, composition
Population of Orenburg: number, employment, composition

Who lives in Orenburg today? What statistics are typical for this city? From our article you will find out what size, growth and national composition the population of Orenburg has.

A little about the city

Orenburg is the main city of the Orenburg region. Located at the confluence of the Sakmara River in the Urals. It is the regional center. The city of Orenburg closely cooperates with 11 settlements.

population of orenburg
population of orenburg

The city got its name from the river Or, on the banks of which it was built in 1735. It was important, as it was supposed to open a trade route to Bukhara, and also serve as protection against nomads.

After that, the city was moved twice more, until it finally settled on the Sakmara River in 1743. It soon became the center of the province. At the end of the 19th century, the population of Orenburg conducted successful trade with the Central Asian countries. The grain and leather industry actively developed in the city, oil was produced. A new impetus for the opening of industrial enterprises was given by the discovery of oil and gas.

Population of Orenburg

The municipality is divided into Northern and Southern districts, the tot althe number of inhabitants of which leaves 15, 6 thousand people. The regional center itself covers an area of approximately 260 square kilometers. The population of Orenburg is 562,569 people.

employment of the population of orenburg
employment of the population of orenburg

The rapid decline in the local population was observed from 1998 to 2008. Starting from 2009, it began to increase and during this period grew by approximately 30,000 people. The natural increase has a positive trend. The number of births in the last year is 1,200 more than the number of deaths. According to this indicator, the city ranks 44th in Russia.

The number of women is 50 thousand more than the number of men. In 2013, there were twice as many marriages as there were divorces. So, about 4,600 couples bonded family ties, and only 2,360 divorced. By ethnic composition, the population of Orenburg is 80% Russian. Tatars predominate among ethnic minorities - they are about 7.8%, which represents more than 40 thousand people. More than 1% are Kazakhs, Ukrainians and Bashkirs. Armenians, Mordovians and other nationalities also live in the city.

Employment of the population of Orenburg

Able-bodied population is 345,000 people. The number of citizens who have not reached working age is approximately 97 thousand, the rest of the inhabitants have reached retirement age. According to data for 2014, there were 101 schools in the city, in which more than 56 thousand students studied.

population of orenburg
population of orenburg

According to the level of attractiveness of the urban environment Orenburglisted in 101st place among other settlements of the country. It is a leading industrial city with a developed gas (extraction and processing), light, chemical and food industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking. In 2016, the average monthly salary was 26.7 thousand rubles. In the city and the region, industrial speci alties and positions in the trade sector are most in demand. There is also demand in the medical field, construction and top management.
