Culture 2024, October

Arabic male names. Beautiful modern names for boys

Arabic male names. Beautiful modern names for boys

In the Muslim world it is very important to give a child not only a sonorous, but also a good name. After all, the Koran says that “on the Day of Resurrection from the dead, people will be called by their names and their fathers”

Examples of taboo: from ancient origins to the present

Examples of taboo: from ancient origins to the present

What is taboo and what does it mean in today's society? What meaning did our ancestors endow this word with and why is it no longer relevant now? Is it worth observing the taboo, or is it now devoid of any meaning? Examples of contemporary taboos in culture and society

What is the name of your sister's husband? There's an answer

What is the name of your sister's husband? There's an answer

Very often, in connection with a change in marital status by you or your loved ones, the question arises of how to call newly baked relatives. One of the topical questions is: "What is the name of the sister's husband?"

Creming a person. What is this procedure

Creming a person. What is this procedure

Of course, the loss of loved ones always becomes a real psychological shock and severe stress for us. When a person dies, his relatives have to decide what type of burial to choose so that the soul of the deceased "finds eternal rest"

The fattest person in the world can grow up in Russia

The fattest person in the world can grow up in Russia

The world's "fattest" person in recorded history lived in a country where today most people are overweight - the United States of America. His name was John Minnock, he was a taxi driver in the town of Bainbridge as long as his size allowed him to fit into a car. Subsequently, he left his job and was constantly at home, while his weight approached the mark of 630 kilograms

The top layer of the privileged class. Who are they?

The top layer of the privileged class. Who are they?

In tsarist Russia, the upper stratum of the privileged class had a great responsibility. These were the main representatives of the state, the face of the country, and they should have looked accordingly

Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Moscow and Murmansk: history and photos

Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Moscow and Murmansk: history and photos

Coming with a religious mission to the Slavic lands, they did a great deed for the development of Slavic culture and science, which cannot be overestimated - they made up the Old Slavonic alphabet. They are brothers, Cyril and Methodius

Why did the Egyptians use identification badges? Historical facts and examples

Why did the Egyptians use identification badges? Historical facts and examples

Even before our era, Egypt was a fairly developed cultural state with its own written language. At first these were separate images - drawings, then hieroglyphs and identifying icons for them

To mediate is Definition, usage, examples

To mediate is Definition, usage, examples

We are always dominated by the indirect and direct. We exist between our consciousness, thinking, perception and communication with the outside world

Pava - who is this? The meaning of the word "pava"

Pava - who is this? The meaning of the word "pava"

The great Russian poet immortalized this word with a bold stroke of the pen. In the fairy tale of Alexander Sergeevich, the princess acted "like a peahen." Did the poet praise her or laugh at her?

"There is a plug in every barrel", or Who is such an annoying person

"There is a plug in every barrel", or Who is such an annoying person

Sometimes you don't need thousands of words to describe this or that situation. Phraseological phrases known to everyone and everyone will always come to our aid. We use them every day, sometimes completely without thinking about it. One of them we will consider in today's publication. So, what does “every barrel has a plug” mean? Where did this expression come from? What lesson should be learned?

Tuvan names: meaning, origin, list of the most beautiful names for boys and girls

Tuvan names: meaning, origin, list of the most beautiful names for boys and girls

The Tuvan language belongs to the Turkic language group. In addition, for a number of historical reasons, Mongolian elements are present in the Tuvan language. This pattern is also reflected in proper names. For Tuvans, naming has always been of great importance, since they believed in a mystical, magical and spiritual connection between an object and a word. About this in the article

"Syzran tomato": folk traditions and general fun

"Syzran tomato": folk traditions and general fun

Syzran Tomato Festival: when and where. Holiday program for 2017. Features of the event. Reviews of tourists about its organization

Ekaterina: the origin of the name, its history and meaning

Ekaterina: the origin of the name, its history and meaning

The name Ekaterina sounds very penetrating and beautiful, therefore its bearer herself seems to be a strong and harmonious personality. It seems that we are talking about an original, original nature that prefers emotional relationships. Ekaterina is a bright personality. Find out the meaning and origin of this beautiful name

Reflections on how a person should treat a person

Reflections on how a person should treat a person

Each of us is a part of society and every day one way or another comes into contact with our own kind. But some people forget about how a person should treat a person

Runes - what is it? Different meanings of the word

Runes - what is it? Different meanings of the word

What are runes and what mysterious do they contain? Different meaning of the word runes. Esoteric meaning and interpretation of the runes

Museums: Crimea preserves the historical past of the country

Museums: Crimea preserves the historical past of the country

The largest open-air exhibition complex is located on the Black Sea coast. It includes military and art, historical and ethnographic museums. When visiting tourists, there is a feeling of admiration and pride for Russia

DIY Easter basket: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

DIY Easter basket: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

Every year we look forward to approaching the bright holiday of Easter. Its celebration is closely intertwined with the rituals of paganism: the meeting of spring, games, honoring the ancestors. The hostesses bake Easter cakes the day before, make curd pastries, decorate eggs. Then they put everything in an Easter basket and take it to the church for consecration. Then they treat relatives and friends with Easter cakes. A hand-made Easter basket has become an essential attribute of a great holiday

Albino guy: photo, description of the disease

Albino guy: photo, description of the disease

Albinism is a disease that is inherited. Occurs with a disorder of pigment metabolism in the human body. The cause of the disease is a lack of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin and hair, nails and eye color

Tregulova Zelfira Ismailovna: biography, nationality, family

Tregulova Zelfira Ismailovna: biography, nationality, family

Everything about the life of the famous Russian art historian: biography and the beginning of the career of Zelfira Tregulova, activities, creative achievements and family

Temples of Nizhny Novgorod - the hallmark of the city

Temples of Nizhny Novgorod - the hallmark of the city

Nizhny Novgorod abounds with temples, churches and cathedrals. Most of them are still active, some of them are only memories and barely visible remnants of the walls; new ones are being built in their place (and in part old ones are being revived)

Phoenix is a bird that symbolizes eternal renewal and immortality

Phoenix is a bird that symbolizes eternal renewal and immortality

Phoenix is an amazing bird that exists in the myths of different peoples, separated from each other by space and time: Egypt and China, Japan and Phoenicia, Greece and Russia. Almost everywhere this bird is associated with the sun and resurrection from the ashes

What is the harmony of life

What is the harmony of life

Do we understand what harmony is? Have we lost this concept in the frantic pace of modern life? And what if you still lost it?

Volgograd Philharmonic: address, repertoire and reviews

Volgograd Philharmonic: address, repertoire and reviews

Volgograd Philharmonic is one of the favorite places of cultural leisure among the citizens. The concert hall can accommodate more than 1200 spectators, pleases with excellent acoustics and a magnificent organ. The repertoire plan is designed for all age groups and a variety of tastes of the audience

The names of the gods of Ancient Greece - let's get acquainted

The names of the gods of Ancient Greece - let's get acquainted

For those who are interested in the history of culture, as well as literature and art, acquaintance with ancient Greek mythology is simply necessary: writers, artists, sculptors, architects of all times and peoples have not ceased to draw inspiration from the plots of Greek legends. There is no art museum where an inexperienced visitor is not fascinated by this or that picture created on mythological material

Civil society is the self-determination of the population

Civil society is the self-determination of the population

The article will talk about civil society. What it is? What are the principles of civil society?

Feast of the North in Murmansk. History of the holiday of the North

Feast of the North in Murmansk. History of the holiday of the North

Winter sports games in Russia are already a tradition that has been established for a long time. The northern part of the country pays special attention to such events. What is the main city during this period? And what is remarkable about such competitions?

Common graves of the Oryol region. Lists of those buried in mass graves of the Oryol region

Common graves of the Oryol region. Lists of those buried in mass graves of the Oryol region

Wars are ending, battlefields are becoming peaceful arable land, and fewer and fewer veterans take to the streets on Victory Day. Only the memory of the great misfortune that the war brought, and the joy of the whole people that came along with the victory, remains unchanged. Huge bouquets of flowers, carefully placed on the mass graves of the Oryol region, speak eloquently of the fact that the memory of the dead continues to live in the hearts of their grateful descendants

What is the difference between a Tajik and an Uzbek: external differences, features of customs and traditions

What is the difference between a Tajik and an Uzbek: external differences, features of customs and traditions

Many representatives (especially for a few peoples) of a certain nationality try to defend their uniqueness. How can you not insult a person of another nation, if you cannot even identify this nation, you cannot distinguish him from a person of another ethnic group? Many people come to work in Russia from Central Asia, it will be especially useful for us to know how the Tajik differs from the Uzbek, because it is the representatives of these nationalities who most often find themselves in our country

Museums of Kerch - immortal glorious city

Museums of Kerch - immortal glorious city

Museums of Kerch are a reason to visit this ancient beautiful city with a great glorious past. What to look for when traveling to Kerch, what places and events to visit. Several stories about people who once lived in Kerch

Palace of Youth, Moscow - a place of rest for the whole family

Palace of Youth, Moscow - a place of rest for the whole family

The Moscow Palace of Youth is the country's main cinema and concert venue. Here, every visitor can find entertainment to their liking. The comfort and convenience of the complex distinguish it from competitors. In the Palace of Youth you can get acquainted with world premieres or just have fun with friends. Therefore, thousands of Muscovites and tourists prefer spending time here

Submarine Museum in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Submarine Museum in Moscow and St. Petersburg

There are several museums around the world equipped on submarines. In our country, submarines are open to the public in Vytegra, St. Petersburg and Moscow

Kunstkamera is a museum and educational institution

Kunstkamera is a museum and educational institution

Ten years after the creation of the collection, Peter the Great realized the second part of the "academic" project. In 1724, the emperor and the Senate established the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. After that, the Kunstkamera and the Library were the "cradle" of the Russian Academy

Celt is a great warrior

Celt is a great warrior

Celt is a representative of an ancient tribe that lived in the first millennium BC in the vast territory of Western Europe. The Celts are the descendants of a single prehistoric Indo-European people

Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25. History and modernity

Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25. History and modernity

Petrovka, 25 also presents the more traditional art of the classics of the Russian avant-garde. Many works of domestic artists were purchased at auctions in Europe and the United States, and then transferred to their homeland. They are now owned by private collectors. The works of avant-garde artists of the beginning of the last century are the core of the collection, which the Museum of Modern Art is proud of

Cyberpunk is a new subculture

Cyberpunk is a new subculture

Cyberpunk is a whole subculture in the modern world. It reflects the decline of society and its culture against the backdrop of the ever-evolving progress of computer technology. The components of this subculture are the most diverse: specific worldviews, cinema, music, literature, and even games

The most beautiful Norwegian women

The most beautiful Norwegian women

What do Norwegian women look like? It is generally accepted that these are cold in expressing feelings and not very attractive ladies with masculine features, who, against the background of stately blond Norwegians with broad shoulders and blue eyes, do not look at all beautiful

Museums of Baku: description, location, opening hours

Museums of Baku: description, location, opening hours

Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan and the largest city in the Caucasus. Sometimes this place is called the "second Dubai". Hundreds of thousands of tourists come here every year to enjoy the mild climate, national color, interesting sights and the leisurely pace of local life. The city has a rich history and culture, which is preserved in the museums of Baku

"Golden Age" - the meaning of phraseology in history

"Golden Age" - the meaning of phraseology in history

"Golden Age" - the meaning of phraseology in history. What does the expression mean in mythology. As used in literature and Spain

Cyril's name day according to the church calendar. List of saints

Cyril's name day according to the church calendar. List of saints

Kirill's birthday is celebrated more than once a year. Angel Day for people with that name happens in almost every one of the 12 months, and besides, several times