They say that a person's name has a huge impact on how his fate will turn out. Of course, each of us scrupulously forges his own happiness and believes only in his own strength, but the wisdom of the ancestors should not be discounted. History knows many cases when people changed the names given to them at birth to others, and their life changed dramatically. What is not proof that the name is inextricably linked with fortune? That is why its choice should be treated not just as a set of sounds, but as a symbol of good luck, happiness and harmony. In this article we will talk about when to celebrate Angel Day for people named Kirill.

Between two calendars
Many people celebrate Christmas without knowing what it is. In fact, this is the day on which the memory of the saint, in whose honor a person is named at baptism, is honored.
Kirill's birthday is celebrated more than once a year. An angel's day for people with that name happens in almost every one of the 12 months, and besides, several times. This is due to the fact that all Orthodox believers in the Lord and Savior use two calendars at once - Julian (old) and Gregorian (the one that is used noweverywhere).
The Julian calendar was used in Russia until 1918 and the day when the Bolsheviks, having overthrown the old government and rejected the church, introduced a new Gregorian calendar. In our time, the difference in dates for these two calendars is 13 days. Thus, the name day of Cyril according to the Orthodox calendar, in accordance with the new system of calculating time, is celebrated:
- January 31;
- 8, 17 and 27 February;
- 22 and 31 March;
- 3 and 11 April;
- 11, 17 and 24 May;
- June 22;
- July 22;
- November 20;
- December 21.
Before the introduction of the Gregorian (that is, the modern) calendar, the name day of Cyril was celebrated according to the church calendar:
- 18 and 26 January;
- 4 and 14 February;
- 9, 18, 21 and 29 March;
- April 28;
- 4 and 11 May;
- June 9;
- July 9;
- November 7;
- December 8.
If you compare all the above dates, you can see that now Cyril's name day according to the Orthodox calendar comes 13 days later than it was almost 100 years ago.

Winter Yuletide
Do you know in honor of which saint the name Cyril is now used? Name days are not just a reason for congratulations, but also a time to honor the memory of your guardian angel.
December 21 is the day of remembrance of St. Cyril of Chelmogorsk, who became famous for converting many pagans to Christianity. He also built a temple and a monastery in honor of the TheophanyLord's.

On January 31, we honor St. Cyril of Alexandria - one of the most influential figures in church history, a gifted theologian, an extraordinary and energetic person. It was he who fought with all his might against the heresy of Nestorius, a Syrian who taught that God is a spirit that inhabited Jesus Christ, and Mary gave birth not from the Lord, but from an ordinary person, therefore she should be called the Mother of God.
Kirill's name day, which falls on February 8, is the memory of the Hieromartyr Kirill, Metropolitan of Kazan and Sviyazhsk. He was a very charismatic person and attracted people to him like a magnet. He was listened to and revered for his love and unshakable faith in the Lord, as well as for his direct statements and inner light. Cyril of Kyiv was one of the first to introduce popular singing at church services in order to more fully introduce people to the church.
February 17 honors the memory of St. Cyril of Novoezersky, who built two churches: in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos and in the name of the Resurrection of Christ.
Cyril's birthday, celebrated on February 27, is the day of memory of St. Cyril Equal-to-the-Apostles, teacher of Slovenia, who, together with his brother Methodius, invented our alphabet.
Spring Yuletide
March 22 is the day on which we pay tribute to one of the forty warrior-martyrs Cyril of Sebaste, who accepted a cruel death in the name of Christ. He, along with 39 soldiers, was stripped naked and driven into an ice-bound lake by pagan Romans. Nearby they heated a bathhouse in which you can warm up, onlydenying Christ. After a while, the Romans saw that the soldiers did not freeze, and in anger they broke their legs and burned them alive.

March 31 - the name day of Cyril of Jerusalem, the saint and archbishop who dedicated his life to the fight against the Arian and Macedonian heresy.
April 3 is the day of memory of the disciple of the Apostle Peter, St. Cyril of Catania, Bishop of Catania in Sicily.
April 11 - name day of the martyr Cyril the deacon.
St. Cyril of Turov is venerated on May 11 - a wonderful preacher and an outstanding writer who accomplished many feats for the glory of the church.
May 17 is the name day of Kirill Alfanov, who, together with his brothers, founded the Sokolnitsky monastery in Novgorod.
Summer and autumn Christmas time
June 22 is the day of memory of St. Cyril of Belozersky, one of the most significant ancient Russian saints. Kirill Belozersky is not only the creator of one of the most authoritarian statutes, but also the founder of the Belozersky Monastery.
July 22 - the name day of the Hieromartyr Cyril, who was a bishop in Gortynia for 50 years. He was beheaded at a very advanced age for the Christian faith.
November 20, the uncovering of the relics of St. Cyril of Novoezersky is celebrated.