Of course, the loss of loved ones becomes a real psychological shock and severe stress for us. When a person dies, his relatives have to decide what type of burial to choose so that the soul of the deceased "finds eternal rest."

Currently, in our country, such a procedure as human cremation is becoming increasingly popular. Agencies specializing in the provision of funeral services are forced to deal with a huge number of issues directly related to cremation. At the same time, many people who, for various reasons, are forced to organize funerals, have no idea what cremation of a person is. The information below will be of great help to them.
So, what is human cremation and how expensive is this ritual?
Cremation is a variation of burial, which involves burning a person's body in a special oven until ash is formed. After that, the ashes of the deceased are placed ina special container that is given to the relatives and friends of the deceased in order for them to complete the burial procedure by one of the following methods: either place the ashes in the grave, or place the urn in the columbarium.

What is the price of the above procedure
It should be noted that the cost of cremation is not so high - it is about 4 thousand rubles.
Considering such a ritual as cremation of a person, the price of which depends on one or another set of necessary services and accessories, it should be emphasized that even buying a coffin for cremation is the prerogative of the relatives of the deceased. Either way, cremation costs are estimated based on their financial capacity.
Currently, there are no problems with choosing a coffin for the deceased. The only requirement is that it be made from materials that are highly combustible.
What is the reason why human cremation as a type of burial is becoming more and more preferred? There are several. And they are individual.

Some experts say that over time, cremation will "crowd out" land burial, as it is a less costly procedure.
Great interest for many is not only the question of how a person is cremated, but also whether it is necessary to cremate him before burning the body. If the cremation point is located at a remote distance and it takes a long time to get to ittime or when the farewell procedure is scheduled immediately before the cremation of the deceased, it is recommended to embalm the body.
The church is very indifferent to the above procedure. There is a position according to which the burning of the body itself does not contradict church canons. However, a certain part of the clergy is extremely negative about cremation. Very little time has passed since the moment when the clergy began to bury the dead directly in the crematorium building.