Albinism is a disease that is inherited. Occurs with a disorder of pigment metabolism in the human body. The cause of the disease is a lack of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin and hair, nails and eye color. Deficiency of the substance entails vision problems, fear of sunlight and a predisposition to the development of malignant neoplasms on the skin.
Causes of disease
Every person is born with a certain color of eyes, skin, hair, which are inherited from parents. With certain disorders at the gene level, there is a partial or complete loss of melanin, which subsequently leads to albinism. The pathology is congenital and can be passed down from generation to generation. It should be noted that albinism can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, a mutation occurs in each generation, in others - only when two defective genes are combined, deviations from the norm are rarely possible without a hereditary predisposition.
The substance melanin (the word melanos - "black") is responsible for the color of the skin, eyes, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. The lower its content in the human body,the more expressive are the signs of albinism.
Types of albinism
Modern medicine knows three main types of the disease: oculocutaneous, ocular and temperature-sensitive. According to statistics, 1 in 18,000 people have signs of this mutation.
Oculocutaneous, or complete
Oculocutaneous albinism is characterized by the complete absence of melanin pigment and is considered the most severe form. This type of disease can be identified by external signs: white skin and hair, reddish eyes. In general, the diagnosis is not a life-threatening sentence, but you still have to adhere to certain rules. An albino is forced to hide his body under clothes all his life, protecting it from direct sunlight. Due to the lack of the necessary pigment, his skin is not adapted to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and can get burned.
With this type of gene mutation, the eyes also suffer. There is redness, nearsightedness or farsightedness, fear of bright light and strabismus. In the photo, an albino guy with pronounced symptoms of complete albinism.

Albinos are often found, in which one gene is complete, and the second is pathogenic. In this case, the latter ensures the production of the necessary pigments and the person looks no different from a he althy one. But there is a risk in the next generation to give birth to a sick child.
Ocular, or partial
This form has deviations only from the visual organs. External signs are poorly expressed. All parts of the body are completepigmented, the skin may be pale, but capable of sunbathing. The male half suffers from ocular albinism, the female sex is only a carrier of the mutated gene. In women, it manifests itself in a change in the fundus and a transparent iris.
The main specific features of partial albinism are:
- myopia;
- farsightedness;
- astigmatism;
- fear of bright light;
- strabismus;
- nystagmus;
- transparent iris.
Temperature sensitive
In this case, melanin is produced only in areas of the body where the temperature is below 37 degrees. This is the head, arms and legs, and closed places (for example, armpits, groin) are not pigmented. Children under one year old have white skin and hair, because up to this age the body temperature in infants fluctuates within 37 degrees. When thermoregulation is restored, cold zones darken, but the eyes remain the same.
Albinism can be a symptom of a number of other serious conditions. As a rule, this happens with more complex gene abnormalities.
Albino discrimination
Now society has become more loyal to people with this pathology. But, unfortunately, this was not always the case. Several centuries ago, albinos were considered the fiends of hell, the devil's children, and they threw them into the fires. In some undeveloped countries, a couple of decades ago, children with white skin were caught and exterminated. The uneducated population of such countries cut off the arms and legs of babies, used organs and other remains to commitvarious rituals, and the preparation of supposedly healing decoctions. It was considered good luck for fishermen to catch an albino guy with long hair.

Some of them wove fishing nets out of their hair to catch big. There was also a belief that the sexual organs cut off from an albino guy have a magical miraculous power of healing. Various body parts were sold for fabulous money.
Fortunately, those days are over. Today, albinos are helped and protected from various kinds of violence and persecution.
Daily life of albino people
The unique and unusual appearance of albinos always attracts attention. In childhood and adolescence, children with this anomaly have to endure general ridicule and the curious glances of others. Someone from an early age tries to hide visible defects by coloring eyebrows, eyelashes and hair. Girls have to try to make their appearance more expressive by applying makeup. Carriers of this disease are trying to correct visible shortcomings with the help of modern medicine and cosmetology. In fact, subject to a number of recommendations while being in the sun and systematically visiting an ophthalmologist, albinos are able to live a normal, full life. But there are those who earn big money thanks to their extraordinary appearance. Now quite often you can find fascinating photographs of albino people in a fashion magazine or in a commercial. Their eerie in its eccentricity andmemorable appearance is very popular in the art world. Portraits of albino guys and art with such images also look mysterious.

Albinos in the modeling business
Special "white" people are in great demand in the advertising and modeling world. In glossy magazines and fashion shows, beautiful albino guys constantly flash. Various agencies are eagerly trying to find an exclusive model for themselves.

Today, the most famous models in the fashion industry are such models as Sean Ross and Stephen Thompson.
Sean Ross
Albino boy - first professional model, born in New York. In his youth he was engaged in dancing, and only at the age of 16 he took the first step in the direction of the modeling business. There was a lot of negativity on the path to success and worldwide fame for the “white” African American. That is why he positions himself not only as a top model, but also as a pioneer of doors for people with an unusual appearance. For 10 years, the albino guy has achieved tremendous success. He takes part in the filming of clips of famous artists, successfully plays roles in films and TV shows, at the same time shines on the covers of major publications, collaborates with popular brands.

Steven Thompson
Like Sean Ross, the albino boy and model couldn't have dreamed of such a career. Luck smiled at him on the street in the face of a photographer who invited him to test photography. From that moment on, the albino guy's life is coolhas changed. An interesting man with an extraordinary appearance, besides his will, fascinates, attracts the eye and is remembered. At the moment, Stephen is the face of the world famous Givenchy brand. A young man with first-hand knowledge of the problems people with low vision have to face helps a center for the visually impaired.

Albinism is a genetic pathology that is inherited. It is characterized by a complete or partial absence of pigmentation of the skin and hair. Since ancient times, albinos have been subjected to persecution. In the modern world, the situation has changed. Albino girls and boys are no longer ashamed of their appearance. This happens thanks to famous people who, despite this disease, achieve great success.