The top layer of the privileged class. Who are they?

The top layer of the privileged class. Who are they?
The top layer of the privileged class. Who are they?

Society cannot be homogeneous, there are always those who can, want, get more, and those who are just trying to survive with all their might. In this article, we will talk about "supermen", or "non-deities", - the aristocracy.


A class is a historically established group of people in a society that has one attitude towards property and the division of labor.

In any society, there are most often three main classes:

  • lower (oppressed);
  • highest (ruling);
  • medium (living on the products of the oppressed, striving for the highest).

In different historical periods there were classes of slave owners and slaves, feudal lords and peasants, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat and others. Each class has its own layers, which further divide, divide people.

Top layer privileged class

upper class privileged class
upper class privileged class

Everyone strives for better living conditions. But there are some peaks in society that are almost impossible to reach, so special you have to be born in order to get into a privileged class.

Princes, nobles, boyars - the elite of Russian society of the 18th century.

In the beginning wasman, in a difficult situation he turned out to be stronger, smarter, faster than others, they began to respect and ex alt him. Glory extended to his children and subsequent descendants.

That is, initially everyone could earn respect and reverence, so a well-known family was formed. Several such genera formed into a class. A person from a higher stratum could proclaim another equal to himself for special merits - give a title (assign to some stratum).

The more actively the society developed (stratified), the more difficult it was to get into the upper stratum of the privileged class. As a result, such an opportunity for the layman practically reduced to zero.

Russian aristocracy

privileged class
privileged class

"Knowledge", "aristocracy" are all terms denoting the upper stratum of the privileged class.

People who were lucky enough to be included in one way or another have the opportunity to get a better education, travel, do science. The whole world is open before them.

But in tsarist Russia, the upper stratum of the privileged class had a great responsibility. These were the main representatives of the state, the face of the country, and they should have looked accordingly.

It was about education, knowledge of foreign languages, the political situation in the world, etiquette, fashion, dance, martial and fine arts - everything. In any sphere of human life, an aristocrat had to be the best.

Children were brought up striving for the ideal - honor, intelligence, virtue, compassion and everything bright that should be inhuman.

Any aristocrat would be much better able to cope with the many difficulties of life in general and everyday life in particular, compared to many modern women.
