Indigenous people of Vermont are Indian tribes. The history of their settlements is calculated for thousands of years. During the colonial period, representatives of the Mohicans, Algonquins and Abenaki ruled the lands of America.

Back to the past
The official version of the development of these places by European settlers says that the French citizen Jacques Cartier was engaged in the study of this area. With special zeal, he studied the floodplains of the rivers and the regions adjacent to the reservoirs. His work at the beginning of the 17th century was continued by Samuel de Champlain. Later, a lake was named after the sailor, and the scientist himself gave the name to the Verts Monts mountain range.
The first defensive structure, Fort St. Anne, was erected in 1666 to protect against Aboriginal attacks. But soon it was abandoned. The iconic settlement founded by the aliens was the Dammer Fortress. It rose several kilometers from the borders of the modern city of Brattleboro.
In the sixties of the XVIII century, control over the territory of Vermont, US state, passed into the hands of the British. A large-scale distribution of land allotments in 1763 attracted thousands of fortune hunters to the Green Mountains, who built new settlements in this area.
Geography and location

Modern Vermont is part of the New England region. According to statistics, it is the smallest state in the country. His possessions cover less than 25,000 square kilometers. The closest neighbors are Canada and the American provinces of Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire.
Remarkably, Vermont is the only county in New England that is landlocked. It operates in the eastern time zone. The physical geography of the region is represented by the following key zones:
- Lake Champlain and surrounding water meadows;
- Taconic Hills;
- Green mountains;
- Valley of Vermont.
Reserved land
The Champlain Lake Valley is located in the northwestern part of the county. It is famous for its vast fertile soils, which are cut by the icy streams and fast-moving rivers of the Vermont Lowlands.
Taconic occupies the southern part of the state. It is part of the Appalachian complex and stretches all the way to Massachusetts and New York. The highest peak is the Equinox. Its height is about 1,200 meters.
Green mountains with an impregnable wall of rocks divide the center of the province into two almost equal parts. They are also part of the Appalachian system and reach a height of 1,300 m. The most recognizable point of the ridge is Camel's Hump.
Weather conditions

Vermont belongs to the zone of influence of the humid continental climate. The farther from Lake Champlain, the harsher nature becomes. Extreme cold temperaturesair is regularly observed in areas of the Northeast Highlands.
Summer is characterized by an abundance of warm, but at the same time rainy days. Winters in these parts are cold and cold. The snow that fell at its beginning covers the ground for a period of at least three months. Thaws in the region are rare. In the capital Montpelier, the temperature in January fluctuates between -15 and -4°C.
In July it reaches 30°C. This is the hottest time of the year in the region. In Burlington, which is located near the lake, summer heat is much more bearable thanks to frequent rains and cool winds.
The landscapes of Vermont are especially beautiful in autumn. September attracts thousands of travelers to the province. There is almost no rainfall these days. The sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear and high.
This is the best time for hiking and cycling. For guests of the Green Mountains, special routes have been laid out, designed for different levels of physical fitness.
Industry and business

Due to its modest size, the state cannot boast of high growth rates and profitability. Its economy is represented by agriculture, hospitality industry, mining and processing of natural resources.
The main we alth of the region is stored in the bowels of the Green Mountains. Massive layers of rocks lie here. The export center of marble raw materials is the settlement of Rutland. Granite is brought from Barre. There is an opinion that the deepest quarry in the world is located near this town.
The state suppliesasbestos, gravel, sand and shale rocks. Produces bulk building materials.
The livestock complex of the province is represented by dairy farms. They provide food for the state of Vermont, the cities of neighboring counties, the metropolitan areas of Boston and New York. The presence of processing plants and combines allows Vermont to occupy a leading position in the production of ice cream, butter and cheese.
Orchards grow on the endless fields of the district. Many of them have been certified and received the status of organic farms. From apples grown in ecologically clean areas, children's purees and juices are made.
Maple forests

The symbol of traditional North American cuisine are lush pancakes, generously seasoned with thick and viscous syrup. It is made from maple sap.
The province is one of the three largest suppliers of this delicacy. Finished products are imported by European and Asian countries. It is also represented in the states of the former USSR.
Vermont has four flavors that vary in color, aroma, and texture. You can try all varieties during the days of the Maple Fair. This action is held in the spring and gathers a huge army of true sweet tooth. In addition to it, the state is known for other gastronomic events. It's the Apple and Cheese festivals.
Interesting facts

Heads Vermont, the state capital of Montpelier. Number of city residentsis only nine thousand. At one time, locals took the initiative to change the age limit for the sale of alcoholic products.
Today in the US hard liquor can only be purchased by those over 21 years of age. The Vermont government tried unilaterally to lower it to 18 years. The American authorities could not prohibit the introduction of this innovation, but warned about the cancellation of financial injections.
For reference, the region receives up to ten million in federal grants annually. This is a solid component of the local budget, which they could not refuse.
In the list of ridiculous legislative attempts, there is a decree requiring a hot bath at least once a week. In the state, you can't whistle while underwater. It is forbidden to explicitly deny the existence of God. In order for a woman to get a denture from her dentist, she needs to get her husband's permission. Previously, there was an item in the list of rights and obligations that prohibited giraffes from being tied to a pole with telephone wires. There is also a special cemetery in Vermont.
The local servants of the people are distinguished not only by original thinking, but also by non-standard behavior. One of the governors of the region with his bare hands and feet drove away wild bears breaking through to bird feeders. He was saved by innate agility and quickness, as well as a nearby hunting lodge. Otherwise, the people of Vermont would have to look for a new manager.
Funeral traditions

Statedistinguished himself not only by the amusing aspects of his worldly life, but also by the afterlife. So, a special cemetery in the state of Vermont is considered a full-fledged attraction. It is located in a small town called New Haven. Its signboard says Evergreen, and a granite slab with a transparent porthole rises among the usual mounds.
It's easy to find. It is located a little further from the main mass of monuments. A window made of durable glass is inserted directly into a horizontal granite ceiling. Its area is 90 square centimeters. The hole points straight to the sky.
If you bend down and look into it, you will see only one wet condensate. They say that before it was possible to see the face of the deceased through it. Timothy Clark Smith, a scientist, researcher and graduate physician, was the man. He suffered from a phobia of being buried alive.
About 130 years ago in Vermont, the idea of using the so-called safe burial was very popular. Craftsmen made coffins equipped with special mechanisms. These devices made it possible to give a sign to the living and even open the lid, if suddenly a person declared dead wakes up.