Temples of Nizhny Novgorod - the hallmark of the city

Temples of Nizhny Novgorod - the hallmark of the city
Temples of Nizhny Novgorod - the hallmark of the city

Nizhny Novgorod is a very old city, with a long and varied history, rich spiritual life, and a significant cultural heritage. Until now, buildings have been preserved in Nizhny, the construction time of which dates back to the 16-17th centuries; True, it would not be out of place to clarify that they mostly belong to the category of “religious buildings”. Those considered civilian are not "older" than the 17th century; however, and this is a great value.

temples of nizhny novgorod
temples of nizhny novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod abounds with temples, churches and cathedrals. Most of them are still active, some of them are only memories and barely visible remnants of the walls; new ones are being erected in their place (and, in part, old ones are being revived).

The temples of Nizhny Novgorod are the cultural and historical heritage of the Russian people. Many of them still have artistic value. And in any case, they are of interest to those who remember and keep their roots. The temples of Nizhny Novgorod (photos clearly illustrate this) still testify to this.

The oldest architectural object

The Pechersky Ascension Monastery remains the oldest in Nizhny. His ageis almost seven hundred years old (according to various sources, from 14 to 16 years remain until the anniversary, which, against the background of the longevity of the monastery, can be ignored). Unfortunately, at the end of the 16th century, the original version was destroyed by a landslide, and rebuilt a little away from the original place, so that it is now dated by historians to the beginning of the 17th century. However, even with such clarifications, few churches in Nizhny Novgorod can boast such a long history.

The Annunciation Monastery can be considered the second oldest. We can say that he is the same age as Nizhny Novgorod, in any case, his name. Its history began in the thirteenth century, but the form in which the monastery has come down to us starts counting towards the end of the seventeenth, and the “additions” even refer to the nineteenth.

Temple of Alexander Nevsky Nizhny Novgorod
Temple of Alexander Nevsky Nizhny Novgorod

Where did Minin find the last shelter

No less famous is the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Cathedral. Its foundation dates back to 1227, although it did not survive to our times as primeval. Like many other temples in Nizhny Novgorod, in the first version it was made of wood, and such structures are easily burned and destroyed. It was given its present form only in the seventeenth century; most of all, it is famous for the fact that since 1962 the cathedral has preserved the ashes of the brave citizen of the city Kuzma Minin.

It is these churches in Nizhny Novgorod that give the city a unique atmosphere of antiquity.

Piety of the Lower

This city has always been distinguished by zeal in church institutions. It is enough to mention that before the victory of the "Great October" there were twomonasteries, 52 churches of various sizes and as many as 4 cathedrals, not counting house churches (there were more than three dozen).

Unfortunately, after all the "combat" events of the twentieth century - the revolution, the civil and Patriotic war, the dissolution of the Union - there are very few "survivors". The temples of Nizhny Novgorod retained more than half of the original number, but the same house churches survived only a third.

Sormovo temple in Nizhny Novgorod
Sormovo temple in Nizhny Novgorod

Sormovo and its main temple

Now Sormovo has become a part of Nizhny Novgorod, its part beyond the river. At the end of the 19th century, it was an ancient, but still a village, not far from the outskirts of the city. The Temple of Alexander Nevsky (Nizhny Novgorod now, the village of Sormovo then) was originally erected in 1882.

An interesting historical fact is that this temple did not have a permanent parish. The worshipers consisted of merchants who came for the time of the fair. Therefore, the peculiarity of the church was the frequency of its work. So, in particular, the building did not even have a heating system - it was closed in winter.

By the end of the century, the temple became too small to accommodate everyone. After sixteen years, a collection of donations began, the purpose of which was to build a new church that could receive the entire parable. It is noteworthy that the money was collected mainly by the employees of the Sormovsky plant, who deducted a penny from their salaries for the construction. For some time the temple of Alexander Nevsky (Nizhny Novgorod) even bore the name Kopeechny - on the one hand, it seems to be derogatory,on the other hand, it was proud: after all, even the poorest people "threw" on it.

The story doesn't end there

The construction was completed in 1903. From that moment on, the Sormovo church (Nizhny Novgorod) received the name "Savior-Preobrazhensky" and became a cathedral. However, this did not become a permanent quality of the building. With the advent of Soviet power, destruction began. First, the belfry was destroyed, then the metal roof. Like many other temples in Nizhny Novgorod, this one was badly damaged and lost its significance. First, a palace of culture for children was organized there, then the building was blocked off with temporary walls and a so-called food store was set up - a warehouse store. So for some time the most remarkable Sormovo temple ceased to exist. Nizhny Novgorod existed without it until the 90s of the last century, when the former cathedral was returned to believers, and they began to restore it bit by bit.

temple of tenderness nizhny novgorod
temple of tenderness nizhny novgorod

Modern look

Today, the Sormovo Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (previously called Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Nizhny Novgorod) is a landmark of modern and historical architecture, made in the style of new Byzantium. Most of all, the facades with columns, blue glass and white cornices attract attention. The appearance of the former temple of Alexander Nevsky (aka the Transfiguration Cathedral) did not leave filmmakers indifferent either. His appearance in the 50s was used in the film "Mother" based on the work of Gorky, whose name was Nizhny Novgorod for decades. Novgorod.

New Acquisitions: Panteleimon

Life does not stand still, and the temples of Nizhny Novgorod can serve as evidence of this. Instead of churches destroyed in the flames of the revolution, civil and World War II, the city is building new churches, remaining a faithful follower of Christianity. It is quite possible that over time they will make up for the loss that the Lower suffered spiritually.

Church of Panteleimon the Healer Nizhny Novgorod
Church of Panteleimon the Healer Nizhny Novgorod

The most outstanding religious buildings are now considered two. The first is the temple of Panteleimon the Healer. Nizhny Novgorod habitually abbreviates the name; the full name sounds like "the church in the name of the holy martyr and healer Panteleimon." In 2001, a temporary, yet wooden, church was consecrated, on the site of which a stone, permanent one will eventually be erected. The place was not chosen by chance: the icon and fragments of the relics of the healer Panteleimon are kept here, in addition, church caretakers are concerned that all places of worship are located in the city center, which the parishioners of the outskirts are deprived of. It is assumed that in the summer of 2014 the temple of Panteleimon the Healer will open its doors to those who pray. Nizhny Novgorod, in any case, strives for this. It is assumed that almost a thousand people will be able to fit in the premises of the new church at the same time.

Another future church

The city is not going to stop there. Another temple was conceived - "Tenderness". Nizhny Novgorod planned it in the Molitovka microdistrict, which is located in the Leninsky district of the city. This is also a place not covered by churches. Whereinit is known for sure that before the coup of 17, somewhere in this place, on the territory of Molitovka, there was a church destroyed by a revolution or a civil war.

temples of nizhny novgorod photo
temples of nizhny novgorod photo

Now a prayer service has already been held here and a letter of the bishop has been laid. The temple will be dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God, known as "Tenderness". Dedication is associated with an abundance of difficulties that accompanied the intention to build a holy house. Modern myths say that only the appeal to the Mother of God and the patronage of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov moved the project of the God's temple that was tightly tied up.

Nizhny Novgorod not only preserves historical heritage, it continues to make history. As was typical of him in the past, he still remains faithful to Christian traditions.
