Recently, one can often hear that one of the main tasks of the country's leadership is the formation of civil society in the state. Although the very concept of "civil society" is far from familiar to everyone, and they don't really know what to form. Let's take a look at what distinguishes him.
Civil society is when a person is the highest value, he has freedom and certain rights. At the same time, the government of the country is making every effort for the stable development of the economy, there is political freedom (which is under the control of the public), there is justice.

The concept of "civil society" includes several features:
- individual personality is independent of the state;
- there is private property;
- diversified economy;
- no state monopoly on the media;
- the person himself chooses the path of realization for himself;
- in society there are various social groups with their own interests;
- society is self-governing;
- the state has no ideology;
-recognize the rights and freedoms of the individual, which are protectedstate;
- everyone has the right to freely express their political views.

Civil society is a kind of structure in the state. It consists of:
- non-state socio-economic relations;
- completely independent from the government of entrepreneurs and manufacturers;
- public organizations and associations;
- various movements and parties;
- non-state media.
This is what civil society is, everyone can have their own definition, but the essence will not change.

The essence of human society is determined by what is represented not by ordinary individuals, but by systematized relationships that unite people into one whole.
Civil society is an association of people living in the same territory, where public relations help to realize private and public interests. The state promotes this.
The concept of civil society originated in philosophy. Gobs T. introduced a new system of civil society. This was in the 17th century. He suggested that society itself arose, moving from a hostile state and fear of death to a cultured society, where citizens are disciplined by the authorities themselves. In this case, the person himself changes, who develops, becomes integral. The philosophers of the "modern time" Kant I., Locke D. and others said something like this: "The union of individuals, wheremembers of the collective acquire the highest qualities of a person.”
The main principles of civil society are the collective, the individual and the authorities. It contains constant movement, all kinds of changes, self-improvement. Transition from less developed to more advanced.
Mutual understanding is the main problem of the state and society. Civil society is the formation of the masses of people, which takes shape outside the state structures, but enters them, since they are created by citizens. State power, the presence of legal opposition, and so on, are not a structure of civil society, but a form that fixes the organization of society itself.