"Syzran tomato": folk traditions and general fun

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"Syzran tomato": folk traditions and general fun
"Syzran tomato": folk traditions and general fun

Video: "Syzran tomato": folk traditions and general fun

Video: Город на Волге песня о Сызрани 2024, October

In Russia, in different cities, folk festivals on various topics are very often held. "Syzran Tomato" has become one of the favorite holidays in the Samara region and beyond.

History of occurrence

Syzran has always been developed at the expense of agriculture. Here, the inhabitants used any "piece" of land for growing vegetables. Thus, the townspeople additionally, and sometimes mostly, earned money.

Today, Syzran tomatoes and cucumbers are in high demand on the market. In order to instill respect for agricultural labor and its products, a decision was made in 2001 to hold a festival in honor of the tomato.

After that, for the past 16 years, this holiday has been held annually on the third Saturday of August. In recent years, even guests from France have come to the festival. For the convenience of the residents of the region, a "tourist train" is launched on this day. The train collects people at the station. "Samara" and carries to Suzdal through the stations "Lipyagi" and "Chapaevsk".

Program "Syzran Tomato"

2017 was no exception. Another festival was held. Collection started at 7:30tourists at the station Samara. Here they boarded the train and at 8.00 left for the holiday. Upon arrival at 10.00, city tours and visits to interactive sites were organized for those who wished.

Until 16.00, guests could go about their business and get acquainted with the decor, visit the fair and just relax. At 16.00, a concert of the folk orchestra began on the square named after. V. I. Lenin.

Syzran tomato
Syzran tomato

At the same time, a festive procession was being built on the square of the Syzran Kremlin. Then a costumed parade began along the main street of the city. At 17.00, the opening of the holiday took place on the square. V. I. Lenin.

At the same time, competitive events began at the playground for children "Gnome":

  • relays;
  • best tomato costume;
  • tasting of tomato dishes;
  • best scarecrow.

At 17.20 there was a concert of the best performers on wind instruments, who participated in the international competition "Silver Trumpets of the Volga Region".

At 19.30, the "tourist train" was waiting for tourists to depart for the Samara station.

Costume procession

This action is considered one of the main events of the festival. Residents of the city have been preparing for it for several months. Almost all children's collectives of the city and employees of the Houses of Culture take part in the procession. All residents of the city who prepared original costumes can also participate.

Syzran tomato 2017
Syzran tomato 2017

"Syzran Tomato-2017" wasdedicated to the theme of "ecology", so decoration, costumes were made in the theme of the four elements. Fire, water, earth and air were depicted in decor and clothing. Children performed dances on these themes.

Holiday traditions

The "Syzran Tomato" festival gathers almost all residents of the city and government officials. An annual tradition is to preserve a certain number of tomatoes in a jar, which corresponds to the last digits in the name of the year. So, this year 17 tomatoes were rolled up in a container.

Syzran Tomato Festival
Syzran Tomato Festival

Funny corrections are made to the names of streets and squares for the duration of the holiday. For example, the alley "My Curly Tomatoes" or "Tomato Square". Thus, a zest is presented in the design of the city. Tourists often take pictures near such nameplates.

Competition program

The choice of "Miss Tomatoes" and "Mr. Tomatoes" is considered the favorite event of residents and guests of the city. Everyone of any age who is dressed up in the costume of this vegetable takes part in this competition. The winner is selected based on the originality and "humor" of self-designed holiday-themed clothing.

Fans of delicious and unusual dishes will have the opportunity to try at the "Let's Hit the Appetite with Tomatoes" contest. Here, skillful housewives from all over the region prepare original dishes, in which a tomato must be present as an ingredient.

Syzran tomato program
Syzran tomato program

In the city of craftsmen there is an exhibition of folk products made by one's own hands. Here you can not only look at the goods, but also buy them. Also on the square there is a competition for the best "garden scarecrow". Children love to take part in it.

Various workshops on growing vegetables are held at the festival. Housewives share their favorite recipes for cooking tomatoes and canning them. Gardeners display their crops. Often here you can see an unusual size and shape of tomatoes.

In between entertainment, tourists can taste traditional Russian dishes. Tea is served in large samovars. Young visitors will be able to please themselves with delicious desserts.

At the end of the holiday, a large inflatable "tomato" is launched into the sky and all the winners of the competitions are awarded.

"Syzran tomato": reviews

On the Internet every year after the next holiday there are new comments about its organization. Tourists are celebrating more people at the festival this year.

The guests also liked the bright design of the city and the order in it. In 2017, more people took part in costume contests. The audience admired the talent and imagination of the participants.

Tourists note this year somewhat inflated prices for dishes from the cafe menu. They also clarify that it is almost impossible to find accommodation in the city at this time, so you need to think about booking in advance.

Syzran tomato reviews
Syzran tomato reviews

In general, the organization of the holiday "Syzran Tomato-2017" is at a high level, judging by the bulk of the comments. Tourists are pleased that all the design of the festival is made in folk style. This is how Russian traditions are maintained.
