Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25. History and modernity

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Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25. History and modernity
Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25. History and modernity

Video: Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25. History and modernity

Video: Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25. History and modernity
Video: In Our Time: The Museum of Modern Art 2024, October

Moscow is a modern city center, actively using all the achievements of civilization and democracy. She actively supports, promotes and develops all kinds of art. One of such venues where his objects are demonstrated is the Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Petrovka, 25.

Museum of Contemporary Art on Petrovka 25
Museum of Contemporary Art on Petrovka 25

Personal collection

In Russia, it is the first state museum specializing exclusively in the art of the 20th - early 11th centuries. The museum opened at the end of 1999, its founder and director was Zurab Tsereteli. The personal collection consists of 2,000 works by famous artists of the 20th century, which became the basis of the museum collection. Since that time, the museum fund has been constantly replenished, and now it is one of the most extensive collections of domestic art of the last century.

The Moscow Museum of Modern Art at 25 Petrovka is filled with contemporary exhibits, includingunexpected objects, such as a dark room with three-liter jars. Works of art occupy not only the premises of the mansion, but also the courtyard of the building. Outside - mostly the work of the ideological inspirer of the museum Zurab Tsereteli.


Petrovka, 25 also presents the more traditional art of the classics of the Russian avant-garde. Many works by local artists were purchased at auctions in Europe and the United States, and then transferred to their homeland, now they belong to private collectors. The works of avant-garde artists of the beginning of the last century are the core of the collection, which the museum of modern art is proud of. The gallery of images consists of paintings by Kazimir Malevich, Marc Chagall, Pavel Filonov, Natalia Goncharova and others, sculptures by Osip Zadkine, Alexander Archipenko.

petrovka 25
petrovka 25

Contemporary artists

The museum houses a unique collection of works by the Georgian primitivist Niko Pirosmani. A large section of the exposition is devoted to the works of nonconformists of the 60-80s: Ilya Kabakov, Anatoly Zverev, Vladimir Yakovlev, Vladimir Nemukhin, Vitaly Komar, Oscar Rabin, Leonid Shvartsman and others.

The Museum of Modern Art at 25 Petrovka regularly replenishes its collection with works by contemporaries, which makes an invaluable contribution to the development of contemporary art. The works of such artists as Boris Orlov, Dmitry Prigov, Valery Koshlyakov, Alexander Vinogradov, Oleg Kulikov, Konstantin Zvezdochetov, Andrey Bartenev are included in the section of contemporary art. The exposition of contemporary art changes everysix months, as opposed to permanent.

Educational activities

The Museum of Modern Art at 25 Petrovka is itself a forge of young creative personalities. It supports and involves young artists in the art direction that is in demand today. The museum has organized a school of contemporary art called "Free Workshops". The course program is designed for two years of study. It is aimed at the implementation of creativity in specific practical activities, and also introduces children to the art market, new technologies in the visual arts, and the problems of modern culture.

museum of modern art gallery
museum of modern art gallery

Petrovka, 25 invites children from 5 years old, there is an art studio called "Fantasy". Lectures and master classes with curators, artists, art researchers are organized for everyone.


The museum is located in an old mansion designed by the architect M. Kazakov for the Ural industrialist, merchant Gubin (XVIII century). It is decorated in the traditions of Russian classicism, but upon entering, visitors immediately notice a massive arch, indicating the new purpose of the house.

Moscow, Petrovka, 25 - this is the address of the main building of the museum, but it has four more branches, which are located on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya street, 15, in Ermolaevsky lane, 17, on Gogolevsky boulevards, 10 and Tverskoy, 9 The five-story building of Ermolaevsky Lane was erected at the beginning of the 20th century and was intended forarchitectural society, then passed to the Union of Artists, and at the end of 2003 an exhibition hall of contemporary art was opened here.

moscow petrovka 25
moscow petrovka 25

The room on Tverskoy Boulevard was the workshop of Zurab Tsereteli for about thirty years. In 2007, a gallery was created here with the most modern masterpieces of art. The mansion on Gogolevsky Boulevard is an architectural monument of the 18th century. It was erected by the same architect who built the mansion for the merchant. Now it is a platform for international projects, symposiums and conferences. Georgian street, where the museum is located, is unique in that its exhibits can be exhibited in an open area.

Connection of eras

It would seem that two incompatible things - modern works of art and old mansions … But the organizers liked this idea, as it allows modern art lovers to self-determine in the cultural space. Postmodernists believe that classical material will play in a new way if it is diluted with modern aesthetics. And they were not mistaken, betting on the connection of eras - today their exposition areas are in great demand in Moscow.

Museum of Modern Art address
Museum of Modern Art address

The main building and its four branches host many thematic exhibitions of paintings and photographs dating back to the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Museum of Modern Art, whose address you saw above, not only demonstrates large-scale exhibition projects, scientific conferences and symposiums are held in its halls. Also here arethematic, group and sightseeing tours, cultural programs for schoolchildren and students are organized. There is a lecture hall for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.
