Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The article explains what the word "unquestioningly" means, when it is appropriate to use it, and when it is not
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The village of Ladoga in the Leningrad region is one of the oldest settlements in northwestern Russia. It was here that Russian statehood was born in the early Middle Ages. In the second half of the 12th century, the Christianization of these lands began. At the initiative of Bishop Nifont, seven (according to other sources - eight) temples were built in Ladoga. Only the church of St. George in Ladoga and the Assumption Cathedral of the outskirts convent have survived to this day
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
For a state, the border is both the beginning and the end. It is the border guards who meet everyone who wants to visit the country and they also see off the guests. Not to mention hostile invasions - and here the burden falls on the shoulders of the border troops to be the first to repel enemy attacks or to identify smugglers and poachers. The well-established nature of this service is a test of the power for a fortress, a sign of its political and economic strength. And Border Guard Day in Kazakhstan is a tribute to those who guard the borders of the Motherland
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Often while watching a movie or news, you can hear the famous expression: "Beware of the Danes who bring gifts." The meaning, however, of this phrase is not entirely clear. Who are the Danaans and why should one be so wary of their gifts? To understand it, it is enough to remember the ancient legends
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In light of social, political and ethnic issues, the question often arises of who is a mestizo. A person whose blood has Indian and European "roots", or one who belongs to the countries of hot Africa? There are two answers to this question, and each of them will be revealed in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Psychologists say that with the help of rudeness, a person tries to attract the attention of others and gain their respect. The rude man is sure that in this way he shows strength. But in reality this is a manifestation of human weakness
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are only three monuments in the world to the nose of Major Kovalev, who is the hero of the famous story by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. And you can see all three monuments in St. Petersburg. The history of their appearance in the Northern capital is very interesting. What we will tell in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Serbian female names impress with their diversity. They not only sound beautiful - each female name is filled with a special meaning and has several abbreviated versions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The national costume of each nation reflects its historical and cultural values. By studying the time intervals of the development of a particular nation, one can trace the changes that traditional clothing has undergone, as well as identify features that have remained unchanged over the centuries. Description of the national costume of Azerbaijan is presented to your attention in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Russian folk patterns and ornaments are the keepers of deep archaism. They take us back into the depths of centuries, into pre-Christian Russia. These signs of antiquity can be found on embroidery, in the decorations that were worn, in the decoration of Russian huts and temples. As a rule, they had the meaning of amulets or they were given other significant differences
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Polish national costumes are bright multicolored clothes. It reflects the originality and uniqueness of the cultural life of the people, tells about its historical development and serves as a real symbol of the nation. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that the costumes of the Poles largely adopted the elements of clothing of other peoples
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The American research center Pew Research conducted a social study on the population's affiliation to a particular religion. It turned out that 8 out of 10 respondents identify themselves with one or another confession. Buddhism is one of the most ancient and mysterious religions in the world
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is "burda"? What is the lexical meaning of this word? Where did this noun come from in Russian speech? The article tells about the word "burda", reveals its lexical meaning. Synonyms, etymology and examples of usage are also indicated
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Each surname hides its own unique story associated with a certain event that marked the beginning of a particular family. The surname Komarov originates from ancient times, and to this day, among others, it is one of the most common and famous in Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Mother Nature continues to amaze humanity, allowing people to be born who are strikingly different from others. These are strongmen, and giants, and funny fat men, and the smallest people in the world. Today we will talk about those who are sometimes called "eternal children", or dwarfs. We will name them, tell a little about the life of unique dwarfs and, of course, show photos
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This term, like many words in Russian, has many meanings. Today we understand: what is a "panorama"? In the most general sense, this is a wide space on which the eye falls
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
To understand who is a brave person is quite difficult, of course, there are heroes of numerous wars, but many of them said that they performed military feats overcoming fear. And by what criterion to understand which people are the most courageous in the world?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Have you ever seen dozens of different trains gathered in one place? Most likely not, if you have not been to a museum dedicated to railway transport. Therefore, you should definitely go to the Museum of the October Railway
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Any city has its own symbols - coat of arms and flag. These are symbols of the municipality, which help to easily distinguish one city from another. Novokuznetsk (as one of the most ancient cities in Russia) has a very rich history associated with changes in its symbolism
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Berlin is the capital of Germany and a stunningly beautiful city with a rich history dating back centuries. It is here that the Museum Island is located, on which most of the local attractions are located. And among them is the notorious Berlin Cathedral
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Do you know Murmansk? The art museum of this city will amaze you with the beauty of its building, the sophistication of the art pieces and the warm welcome
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Surely many people know about the status of the event called Rock-Line, held annually in the capital of the Perm Territory. In terms of popularity, it is in no way inferior to the "Invasion"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Nowadays, quite often you can see a photo of the Yggdrasil tree in the form of tattoos, an amulet-pendant, a drawing carved on a small piece of wood, or simply as a print on clothes. Very often these images are complemented by runic inscriptions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The main character traits inherent in a person determine his attitude towards life and the people around him. This attitude is mirrored in the attitude of others towards a person. In this article we will consider such a human quality as friendliness
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Akin is not just a singer. This is the creator of music that comes from the heart. The one who sings his own poems to the sounds of dombra or komuz. It is believed that a real akyn always sings only his songs and tells the world about stories that happened in the world once - with him or with someone else
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Palace of Culture "Vyborgsky" is one of the most famous Petersburgers not only for its rich history, but also as a place for admirers of Melpomene. It is the large hall of the Vyborg Palace of Culture that gives residents and guests of the Northern capital the opportunity to get acquainted with the masterpieces of domestic and European theatrical art
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The article tells about one of the oldest cemeteries in St. Petersburg - Bolsheokhtinsky. A brief history of its formation is given and the main milestones in the construction of temples on its territory are noted
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Greek language is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Its beauty is manifested in everything: from the name of devices to female names. This article examines the origin of some of them, gives rare and unknown names, and also talks about why Greek names have taken root in Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Modern children are not so reverent and gentle with their toys, as children did several centuries ago. This is because Russian folk toys were not only intended for entertainment, they also had their own magical properties. You can read about this and many other interesting things in the presented article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The ancient Russian city of Tyumen has a long and interesting history. The nature and stages of development of the settlement are captured by various monuments of Tyumen, among which there are traditional monuments, unusual sculptural groups and installations. Also, many monuments of culture and architecture have been preserved here. Let's see what is the history of the monuments of Tyumen and tell you about the most interesting local monuments
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The most terrible people (in appearance) are divided into those whom life, for some reason, deprived of pleasant features (due to diseases), those who disfigured themselves deliberately, most often at the whim of fashion or some other factors, and those who received a specific appearance as a result of accidents, disasters, etc
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Each community has its own norms, values, beliefs, ideas and stereotypes - its own set of cultural codes that determine the perception of reality and dictate human behavior in a given situation. People pass this experience on to the next generation, this is how history flows. But in each specific culture (people, nation, state) there are realities that are common to all people on the planet
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It stays with us for life, so it is very important to know about its origin and meaning. The name Valery is popular and beautiful, so where did it come from? Historical background, pronunciation options, character traits and things that bring good luck to Valeriy - in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The VAZ Technical Museum of Togliatti is one of the main attractions of the city. It was founded in 1998 on the initiative of K.G. Sakharov, who at that time was the vice-president of AvtoVAZ. The museum was subsequently named after him
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
To protect the Russian naval bases in the southern part of Russky Island, not far from Novik Bay, the Voroshilov Battery was built, named after the People's Commissar of Defense
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In literal translation, "kokoshnik" is a "brood hen" or "rooster". It was a festively embroidered headdress for women, which was an indispensable element of national clothing
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Readability is a property that an architecture has. It represents the time and reflects the development of society, its culture, history, aspirations and dreams. Architecture is created by people and for people. All events leave their mark on the architecture. But there are projects that take us far ahead, reflecting futurism. Such architecture waits in the wings on paper before being embodied in forms and being reborn from an idea into a building
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
I wonder what is the most unusual name in the world? Each person has their own opinion on this issue. But there is a category of names that are everywhere perceived as strange
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Funny abbreviations of universities served as the subject of student jokes, however, rather monotonous. Engineering and construction institutes, if they were lucky enough to be in Moscow, Odessa or even Kyiv, were called decently (MISI, OISI, KISI), but in Poltava or Penza
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The article reveals the meaning of the word "offnik". What do they mean when they talk about the offnic subculture? The article describes the signs, symbols and behavior patterns of off-line