Volgograd Philharmonic is the pride of the city and a popular place for music lovers. Concerts of classical, organ, folk music are held here, the stars of the pop genre gather a full hall.
Music for the people
Volgograd Philharmonic was founded in 1936. The purpose of its establishment was to ensure the development of musical culture and concert work. The first group to join the Philharmonic was the Symphony Orchestra. The new musical organization quickly won regular audiences and actively joined the programs of all-Union artistic tours.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Philharmonic did not stop working, but the format of concerts changed radically. The troupe of artists performed as part of propaganda teams on all fronts and during the war years gave more than 750 concerts. The turning point victory at Stalingrad in February 1943 meant the beginning of an offensive operation, and already in May of this year, the Volgograd Philharmonic Society began recruiting singers for the choir.
The new team was the beginning of the revival of concert activity. In the harsh conditions of the war-torncities, artists gave concerts, went to the front. During 1944 alone, the troupe performed 900 concerts in the city and 500 were given on tour.

Post-war renaissance
Gradually, the situation went into a peaceful direction, teams were added. At various times, the Volgograd Philharmonic delighted the audience with a musical lecture hall, a puppet theater, variety and symphony brigades, a puppet theater and performances by many other groups.
The Volgograd Philharmonic Society reached its heyday in 60-70s. At that time, the institution regularly hosted touring concerts of musicians and singers from all over the Soviet Union, and its own musical groups were actively developing. During the period of perestroika, structural and organizational changes took place, the administration tried to preserve the activities of all structures and the artistic and creative potential of each team.
In the autumn of 1999, the Volgograd Regional Philharmonic Society passed into the status of the State Cultural Institution and moved to a new building - the former House of Political Education. In 2011, the Volgograd Central Concert Hall and the Philharmonic were merged. In October 2017, the organization was renamed the Volgograd Philharmonic State Budgetary Institution of Culture.

The Central Concert Hall of the Volgograd Regional Philharmonic is a concert venue where foreign and domestic stars perform, a worthy place in the galaxycelebrities are occupied by creative teams of Volgograd. More than 400 concerts are held annually at the central venue of the city, gathering more than 160 thousand grateful spectators.
The Philharmonic includes groups and artists:
- Academic Symphony Orchestra (head and conductor - E. Serov).
- Choral chapel.
- Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments. Kalinina.
- Ensemble of folk Cossack song "Azure Flower".
- Ensemble of pop and folk songs named after. Ponomarenko.
- Vocal group "Queen".
- Folk Express Ensemble.
- Cherry Orchard Song Ensemble (romance, instrumental music, vocals).
- Intali String Quartet.
- Soloists-instrumentalists.
- Vocalists.
Every year, the Volgograd Philharmonic invites citizens to the subscription fair, where music lovers are invited to choose concerts to their liking. The price of a subscription to this event is significantly lower than the standard price, which attracts a large number of visitors.
The concert organ installed in the Volgograd Central Concert Hall is a unique instrument produced by Rieger-Kloss (Czech Republic). It was presented to the city as a sign of great respect for the hero city and to commemorate the friendship of the two peoples.

The instrument is made in modern style and has a pedal keyboard, 4 manuals, 65 registers, the number of pipes - 4899 units.
The first CDC organ concert took place at the end of March 1989year, the right to become a pioneer was entrusted to Harry Grodberg, a famous Russian organist, People's Artist of Russia. Full-time concert activity began in September 1989.
The presence of an extra-class instrument allowed the Volgograd Philharmonic to hold two international festivals in 1996 and 2000, in which eminent domestic and foreign organists took part. In 2002, Volgograd hosted the International Competition of Organists. O. Yanchenko.
Traditional seasons of organ music are held at the CDC from September to June, with the full interest of grateful listeners. In the daytime, acquaintance with the “king of instruments” is held for schoolchildren, educational programs are being implemented, concerts are held with the academic orchestra and philharmonic soloists.

Philharmonic Projects
The repertoire of the Volgograd Philharmonic Society is carefully selected every season for the pleasure of the public in full variety with the demands of the audience. Every month, the poster of musical events announces concerts of the Academic Orchestra, evenings of romance and organ music, folk groups perform, and stars of domestic and foreign pop music break applause.
Volgograd Philharmonic is the initiator of several major events:
- Festival of Folk Orchestras of Russia. Kalinina.
- New Year's Festival CON BRIO.
- Children's program "Flowers of Music".
- Festival "Ode to the Great Victory".
Music Celebrations
In differentFor years, festivals and events dedicated to certain dates or events have been held at the site of the Central Concert Hall of Volgograd. So, in 2014, the Volga Choral Assemblies festival was held, which brought together young performers of classical music. The competition of organ music performers named after O. G. Yanchenko, also held in 2014, aroused great interest among the public.
In the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Volgograd Regional Philharmonic presented a grandiose festival in the name of peace. The Academic Orchestras of Volgograd and the city of Osnabrück (Germany) took part in the events. The joint speech has become a symbol of the possibility of dialogue between countries that have experienced the hardships of the war in different ways.

In March 2015, Shostakovich's "Leningrad Symphony" was performed in Osnabrück as part of the "Music of the World - Against War" festival. The concert was given by an orchestra of 140 people, it was assembled from musicians from two cities. The event caused an international outcry and gathered more than 2 thousand spectators in Osnabrück.
General reviews of the Philharmonic
Volgograd Philharmonic made a favorable impression on many music lovers. A special pride of the CDC is the panoramic view of the Volga from the hall. Volgograd residents say that this impresses guests and tourists no less than the huge organ in the hall. Positive reviews say that the CDC almost never has empty seats. The public is happy to go to concerts of visiting celebrities, as well as to musical evenings of their artists.
Almost all amateursclassical and organ music believe that the local Academic Orchestra is not inferior in its virtuosity to world celebrities, and concerts are marked by frequent full houses. The organ installed at the CDC attracts a large number of listeners to concerts, and they say that the sound of the instrument evokes a gamut of enthusiastic feelings, as befits high classical music.
Regular viewers note that subscriptions sold at the beginning of each concert season never stale, you have to track the start of sales, otherwise you may miss the opportunity to regularly attend concerts. It is noted that the concert hall was recently restored, and although it still bears traces of Soviet construction, it has excellent acoustics, comfortable seats (1225 seats). Citizens believe that the best concert venue is the Volgograd Philharmonic. No matter how many places there are for the public, they are often not enough.

Event Reviews
Events and concerts held at the Volgograd Philharmonic never go unnoticed by the audience. The administration and teams form programs in such a way as to get feedback from viewers of different ages. Children's programs introduce kids to a musical variety from folk instruments to symphony and organ concerts. It is difficult to find a citizen who has not visited the Volgograd Philharmonic at least once. Address - Embankment street of the 62nd army, house 4.
As the audience notes, concerts at the CDC are always an event that gatherslike-minded people. In 2017, the season was opened by the Academic Symphony Orchestra, the performance caused a flurry of applause and a full house in the hall, which speaks of the love of the townspeople for such events and their orchestra. Not everyone is a fan of the classical repertoire. Frequent tours of pop stars gather a full auditorium, bringing pleasure to the younger generation.
In the reviews, Volgograd residents proudly claim that the townspeople are very kind to the CDC and try to allocate at least one evening a month to attend a concert. Everyone has different tastes, but the hall is never empty. During the New Year holidays, children are especially happy - in the Philharmonic they create an atmosphere of miracles and fill concerts with the magic of Christmas music.

Useful information
Tickets for concerts at the CDC can be purchased at several locations:
- Cash office of the Volgograd Regional Philharmonic. Address - Embankment of the 62nd army, house 4.
- Puppet Theatre. Address - avenue them. Lenina, house 15.
- Underground passage of the Komsomolskaya metro station.
- Hermes Shopping Center. Address - Volzhsky city, Mira street, 31A.