No one will argue with the fact that the name Ekaterina sounds very beautiful. Therefore, many parents call their daughters that. But before you give your child this name, you need to learn more about him. So let's get started:
- Planet - Jupiter.
- Auspicious stone - chrysolite.
Catherine name origin Mind: Considers himself to be highly intelligent.
- Distinctive quality - great store of knowledge.
- Name days: December 7 and 17, September 20, February 5.
- Morals and morality: depends on the social circle and circumstances.
- Unsuitable life partners: Victor, Nikolai, Yakov, Kirill, Philip.
- Successful partners: Anton, Denis, Pavel, Vitaly, Peter, Semyon.
Is a choleric, very emotional. Often there are problems with the nervous system. She is easily angered. Ekaterina, the origin of whose name excites the minds of many people, gives the impression of a person who is very selective in her contacts.
It depends on the psyche. Pay special attention to the nervous system.

Ekaterina quickly gets tired, and it takes a long time to recover her strength. She needs a long sleep.
Field of activity
Does not burn with a desire to do something useful, although others seem to be an active person. Catherine is impatient. Often she chases two hares at the same time. No job attracts her. But there is a chance to realize yourself in the field of advertising and journalism. Ekaterina, whose name origin is of interest to many, can become a good specialist.
Family Life
There is always a large number of gentlemen near this girl, men like her very much, but she creates a family late. She is ready to marry only a person similar to her in character. Catherine will never show her love fervently, but she makes a good mother and an excellent keeper of the hearth. She easily copes with everyday family and domestic difficulties, but a more serious problem may be beyond her strength. She shows attention to all family members, but, as a rule, she does not have hot feelings for anyone.
What else can be said about this name?
The name Ekaterina is very pleasant and many people really like it.

In the past century, children were often called that. There were even common words. For example, dolls were called Katya. Interesting, isn't it? And "to ask Katya" meant to beat. Today itexpression is no longer used. "Catherine" meant to get rich. Do you know why? One hundred rubles, on which the portrait of the Empress was depicted, were simply called "katenki". At the time, this was a huge amount. To date, this name is ranked tenth in popularity. This is quite a satisfactory indicator. And it is not surprising that many are interested in where the name Catherine came from, people want to know his story.
Ekaterina seems unflappable and hard to impress. She dreams of an ideal husband and hopes to meet just such a person, but the years go by, and the desired partner is not found. This girl really loves sex. She is sensitive, responsive and attractive. With a long absence of sex, Catherine is anxious, quick-tempered and even cruel. Paradoxically, in a relationship, she rarely shows passion and seems cool to her partner. The most sexy girls are, as a rule, Ekaterina Eduardovna.
Name Ekaterina: meaning, origin
This name has Greek roots. The word "katarios" is translated as "innocent, pure". What a cute meaning this name has. Another word immediately comes to mind - catharsis. It translates as cleansing.

In Western countries, the first letter "e" in this name is not, it can be pronounced, for example, as Katherine. In the Catholic tradition, even boys are referred to by the same name. Namely, Katherine. But back to the origin and interpretation. The name Catherine means "truthful,immaculate, pure. "It sounds very penetrating and beautiful, therefore, its bearer herself seems to be a strong and harmonious personality. When you hear it, associations with a noisy downpour and thunder peals immediately come to mind, and it seems that we are talking about an original, original a nature that prefers emotional relationships. Catherine, whose name you now know the origin of, is without a doubt a bright personality.
Character of Catherine
The bearer of the name is very impulsive, she knows her own worth and often cannot come to terms with the fact that there are people who are superior to her in some way. Secretly from others, she seems to herself a little flawed in some aspects and tries to prove to herself that this is not so. The girl loves to dream, she has an excellent imagination. As for love and friendship, the most important thing for her is stability, the ability to rise in her eyes and find peace of mind. Ekaterina is a responsible and kind person.

She is merciful and noble. I immediately recall the history of the origin of the name Catherine. In some ways, these girls justify it. Many people, when they hear this name, immediately imagine the empress - arrogant and domineering. However, in reality, as a rule, these girls do not have such qualities. As a child, Katyas are very proud, they try to study the best and communicate only with leaders. They are decisive, artistic, economical, but at the same time spare nothing for their friends. Catherine alwaysthey rely only on themselves and refuse the help of loved ones, although they themselves do not have a strong character that allows them to cope with all difficulties on their own. Changes in life, poverty or we alth are treated philosophically, they react to it adequately and calmly. They are distinguished by intelligence, restraint, moderate kindness, good taste and excellent manners. Ekaterina impresses those around her with her upbringing. It is distinguished by subjectivity, often takes on its own account what does not apply to it. She has a rather difficult character, but her life is full of interesting events and sparkles with bright colors. Every day is like a holiday for her. We can say that Catherine, the origin of whose name is no longer a secret to anyone, lives to the fullest. Many envy her, and the girl feels it, but tries not to show it.
Now you know everything about the name Ekaterina. If everything appeals to you, then you can safely call your daughter that.