What is "tin"? Origin and definition of the word "tin"

What is "tin"? Origin and definition of the word "tin"
What is "tin"? Origin and definition of the word "tin"

Some slang concepts and expressions may be completely inaccessible to the understanding of the person who encountered them for the first time. What is "tin", and why is this word used for almost any reason? Where did it even come from, and how to understand it correctly?

tin what is
tin what is

Different types of tinplate

If we turn to dictionaries, it will first turn out that we are talking about a thinly rolled sheet of steel coated with a layer of tin. Initially, it was a rather expensive type of metal, tinplate was made by hand, but with the automation of production, the cost began to fall rapidly. Tin cans, cheap utensils, and roofing materials were made from this type of metal. In this regard, the word "tin" acquired a disparaging color - this was the name of cheap "folk" cars. What does the expression "tin" mean now?

First of all, it is a predicative - a word from the category of state. For example, “scary” or “offensive” are predicative adverbs. The phrase "light in the soul" uses a predicate meaning not a literal light, but only a similaremotional feeling. These words make it possible to figuratively convey the state of mind, the emotional connotation of perception. In the same sense, the word "tin" is used. What can such a concept mean, if it is still not about rolled metal products or products from it?

what is tin
what is tin

Slang concept

When trying to find out what exactly the interlocutor means by saying "tin!" in response to some events, it is worth paying attention to intonation. The famous Ellochka the Cannibal from the book "The Twelve Chairs" had a similar word - "horror". It meant indignation, delight, surprise, and generally anything, depending on the situation.

What is "tin"? This is a similar concept that can mean anything. In most cases, this refers to an emotional reaction to something that goes beyond the usual and average.


Why exactly tin, what led to the tracing from the name of a thin sheet of metal coated with tin? Presumably, this is a derivative of "hard" - an earlier slang expression that determines the coloring of events, conversations, or some other phenomena. For example, to express a refusal in an unambiguous and categorical tone that does not imply a different reading - clearly, uncompromisingly and unambiguously.

Soon the exclamation "tough!" passed into the category of nouns, so the word "hard" appeared (accent on the last syllable). “This is some kind of tough guy” - the expression was used in the same cases, but here the concepts of “tough” and “cruel” were probably combined, so they becametalk about something terrible. According to the principle of simplification and tracing, the word “tin” appeared from this concept.

meaning of the word tin
meaning of the word tin

Emotional Color

Most often, the question "what is tin" appears among Internet users who have not yet fully mastered slang expressions. Having received such a brief comment in response to some message, the user cannot understand whether he was praised or scolded, what did the interlocutor mean? Moreover, young people have such a question less often, because this expression is part of youth slang and is often found in verbal communication.

Text communication on forums, social networks or instant messengers does not allow you to capture the emotional color of a phrase if it is not accompanied by an appropriate emoticon. What is "tin"? Determining the meaning of an exclamation is closely related to intonation. In the vast majority of cases, this is precisely the emotional inclusion in the situation, which can be translated as “wow!” or “nightmare, I really feel for you.”

what does the expression tin mean
what does the expression tin mean

Analogies and semantic synonyms

Almost any slang expression can find an analogy or a synonym, it is not forbidden to put them side by side without fear of redundancy. Emoticons, special icons and accompanying words largely determine the ability to understand. What is tin, we have already found out. Now let's figure out how to replace this word if necessary.

"Tough! What are you going to do now? - unequivocal sympathy and interest of the interlocutor. If you are going to express your emotional involvement in a positive way, then you can replace it with the words "class", "cool" and other derivatives, up to "cool". If marked "tin!" is supplied with a shocking video, it is literally “horror, look what is being done.”

what is tin definition
what is tin definition

Appropriateness of use

Any slang expressions are inappropriate in business correspondence, it would be a direct violation of etiquette. At the same time, the slang meaning of the word "tin" allows the use of this concept in fiction, in author's articles with the assumption of expressive expressions. Of course, personal correspondence is not regulated so strictly, but it is worth considering the age of the interlocutor so that you do not have to explain the meaning of each word afterward. According to the rules of etiquette, the younger interlocutor adapts to the older one, and not vice versa. This principle is also true for oral dialogue, the absence of slang expressions emphasizes respect.

It is especially worth noting such a specific area as the speech of an official, politician or official. The use of slang expressions does not make the speaker "closer to the people", but demonstrates incompetence and lack of a sense of proportion. If the “tin” appeared in the speech through the efforts of the speechwriter, then it is better not to involve this specialist in the future.

The imagery and liveliness of slang expressions allows you to build a unique emotional context. But as an artistic device, “tin” and other youth phrases should be used very carefully and in small doses.
