The vibrant life of Sulamith Messerer amazes with its richness and expression. The ballerina took her place in the profession, was able to realize her talent in the teaching field, influenced the world of ballet and at the same time lived with incredible passion and inspiration. If there are examples of a full life, then a striking example is Messerer Shulamith, whose biography is full of ups, drama and great achievements.

An unusual family of an artistic dentist
On August 27, 1908, a girl was born in a large family of a Moscow dentist, who, according to family tradition, was named by the ancient biblical name Shulamith. The Messerer family was very peculiar, despite a completely prosaic profession, its head was very fond of art, was an avid theatergoer and conveyed this feeling to all his children. He was distinguished by great erudition, was fluent in seven foreign languages, was friends with many representatives of the creative and scientific intelligentsia of Moscow,for example, with Professor Zhirmunsky and the famous singer Sirota. Mikhail Borisovich himself was also not deprived of acting talent, but it was realized only in home performances.
Messerer's children have chosen creative professions. Son Azariy became a theater director, later he headed the Theater. Yermolova. Daughter Rachel became a film actress, Elizaveta became a theater actress in Zavadsky's studio, and son Emmanuel became a musician. But the main family passion and achievement was ballet. Messerer Sr. was very fond of the theater, but the main admirer of dance art was the brother of Sulamith Asaf, who was able to convey his passion for dancing to his sister and thereby determined her fate. Asaf studied at a choreographic school and later became a soloist with the Bolshoi Theatre. In such an atmosphere, Shulamith simply could not pass the stage, especially since her natural data was magnificent.

Childhood of the future star
The early years of Shulamith Messerer were very happy. A large family, it had 10 children, prosperity, a creative atmosphere - all this had a fruitful effect on the girl. At the same time, from childhood she was distinguished by a bright temperament and waywardness, and these traits remained with her forever.
Family ties will be very important for Sulamith all her life, she always recalled her childhood with pleasure, which was for her a kind of memory of paradise. Her father and mother embodied for her examples of the best human qualities. She perceived her father as a patriarch, and her mother became an example of courage and selflessness.
The Messerer family artistry was also passed on to Shulamith. Therefore, at the age of 12 she was sent to a choreographic school, she was accepted immediately into the third grade thanks to her outstanding natural data. Already in the years of study, she demonstrated her "trademark" qualities: the highest diligence and endurance, even as a child she could rehearse for hours. Teachers noted her strong jump and hurricane temperament. She happened to study with outstanding ballet masters: V. Tikhomirov, E. P. Gerdt, V. Mosolov. Already at the school it was clear that Shulamith Messerer was an outstanding dancer. This confirmed the invitation to the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater immediately after graduation, in 1926.

Brilliant career as a dancer
Arriving at the Bolshoi Theatre, Shulamith Messerer quickly became a soloist. For her, Igor Moiseev puts on the play "Three Fat Men" based on the fairy tale by Yu. Olesha, in which she was able to demonstrate her best dancing qualities: jump, rotation, temperament, character. Later there were many premieres and successes, so she shone in the performances of The Red Poppy, Don Quixote, The Nutcracker, Vain Precaution, Bright Stream, Scarlet Sails. In all parties, she demonstrates her character and dances the most diverse roles. Her career developed steadily, she managed to go on foreign tours, she was the first of the Soviet ballerinas who managed to get a contract for a foreign tour, she danced for I. Stalin, was awarded the Stalin Prize. Messerer leaves his career as a dancer in 1950, but does not part with ballet.

Teaching career
While still a soloist, Sulamith Mikhailovna began teaching in a ballet class. And at the end of her career as a dancer, she was offered to stay at the Bolshoi as a choreographer-tutor and teacher. She also worked at a ballet school. Her pedagogical methodology was unique, she never expelled students and could liberate the most shy girl. For almost thirty years of her teaching career, Messerer has taught many wonderful dancers and actively participated in the creation of performances at the Bolshoi Theatre. She, as always in life, gave herself to the cause with passion and dedication.
Life is like a jump
At the end of the 70s, a difficult, almost unbearable situation for Messerer developed in the Bolshoi, they try to bring her to general requirements, force her to comply with some formal requirements. Sulamith Mikhailovna, who never tolerated restrictions on her independence, at this moment gladly accepts an invitation to work in Japan. In 1980, the USSR entered the war in Afghanistan, difficult times began, and Messerer, together with his son, decided not to return to their homeland. For several years they have been working in Japan, in fact, they form a national ballet school, which today continues to gain fame, based on the foundations laid by the Messerers. After working out the contract in Japan, mother and son leave for the USA, this is how their creative and teaching tandem develops, which gave them contracts with the best ballet schools in the world. But they found their place in the troupeLondon Royal Ballet, where Sulamith Mikhailovna worked for many years.

Influence on world ballet
Messerer Sulamith Mikhailovna, whose photo is in any ballet encyclopedia, left a noticeable mark on world choreography. She was not only an outstanding dancer, but also raised a whole galaxy of students who took prominent places in many theaters around the world. The greatest dancers studied in her class in London: Rudolf Nureyev, Sylvie Guillem, Natalya Makarova, Darcy Bussel, Antoinette Sibley. In addition, she raised her son Mikhail, who became a highly qualified teacher (he worked for many years at Covent Garden) and a famous choreographer, who since 2009 headed the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg. He is famous for his restored productions, in particular, he returned Asaf Messerer's performance "Class Concert" to the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater.
And of course, the name Messerer Shulamith is forever inscribed in the history of world ballet due to the fact that she raised the greatest dancer of our time - Maya Plisetskaya.

Shulamith Messerer and Maya Plisetskaya
Family ties have always been very important to the Messerers, the brothers and sisters kept in close touch. But unfortunately, not everyone's life turned out as brilliantly as that of Asaph and Shulamith. So, their sister Rakhil suffered a tragic fate: first her husband Mikhail Plisetsky was shot, and then she herself was sent to the camp. The children of Rachel were taken by Asaph and Shulamith. So in the family of a ballerina appeareda thin girl whom she raised as her own daughter, giving her the best that a mother can give - a profession. Sulamif Mikhailovna saw great natural inclinations in the girl, sent her to a ballet school and herself was her tutor for many years. It was she who staged the famous dance "The Dying Swan" for her 14-year-old niece, which became Plisetskaya's hallmark. Shulamith Mikhailovna always spoke of her pupil with love and rejoiced that she worthily continued their family dynasty. Plisetskaya and Messerer rarely saw each other, as they lived in different countries, but their connection was never interrupted.
Character like destiny
If there is a tough and cruel profession in the world, it is ballet. Messerer was able to realize herself in this difficult world thanks to her mind and character. All her life she demonstrated independence and passion. She gave herself to every task with all her heart. Messerer spoke 5 languages excellently, famously drove a car until her 70th birthday, and went swimming all her life. In her youth, she even had a serious choice between a sports and ballet career. Once she saw a professional swimmer on the beach, she was so fascinated by his perfect movements that she decided at all costs to learn how to move the same way. She comes to the pool and in a year achieves the title of champion of the USSR in swimming at a 100-meter distance. But still, she made a choice in favor of ballet, although she regularly went to the pool all her life.
Even as a husband, she chooses a man of an unusual profession - he was a motorcycle and auto racer, the founder of the Soviet school of figure-acrobatic ride on a vertical wall. Grigory Emmanuilovich Levitin became the father of Shulamith's only son, Mikhail.
Her character was manifested not only on stage, she passionately fought for roles, defended her case, contemporaries compare her to a volcano that is ready to erupt at any moment.

At her 90th birthday, Messerer also delivered a few pas from the can-can on stage, proving that she is still quite fit. And Sulamith Mikhailovna celebrates her 95th birthday in London, where the Queen awarded her the title of Lady of the British Empire. She cancels a trip to Japan, lamenting that planes have become difficult to bear.
The days of Messerer Shulamith ended in 2004, suddenly. Despite her venerable age, she was full of strength, energy and plans until the end of her days.