Restoration is a vital event for various cultural monuments. It helps to preserve a valuable heritage of national and even global significance. Therefore, only specialists in this field have the right to conduct it. In the article, we will briefly consider the features of the restoration of cultural heritage sites in Russia. We will find out how the work is carried out, how a license is obtained, what areas of work exist and what legislative acts regulate them.
What is culturally significant objects in our country? Their entire list is contained in a document drawn up by the Ministry of Culture. This is the Unified Register of Cultural Heritage Objects. It is in the public domain and was published in 2014.
The cultural heritage register has several important purposes and functions:
- improving the accounting of various culturally significant objects by creating a single information base;
- main source of data on culturally significant objects, their location;
- extent of protection zones of such culturally important objects of recognized importance for the peoples of Russia;
- automation of technological processes for maintaining information about culturally significant objects;
- Introduction of a register that combines information about all Russian cultural heritage sites in electronic and public form;
- formation of reports, provision of certificates and statements based on the document;
- recording data on monitoring the state of culturally significant objects;
- providing information about culturally significant objects to those who wish;
- information and technological interaction of various services based on the document.

Restoration (architectural monuments, paintings, sculptures, DPI, etc.) - a set of works that together ensure the safety of culturally significant objects.
The main task of such an activity is to recreate the most accurate former appearance of the object while preserving all its characteristic features. There are two main difficulties: to accurately determine the necessary materials and to select the most appropriate technology.
Restoration work can be at the same time design and production, survey and research.
The restoration of cultural heritage sites is as follows:
- Preservation. A forced measure to prevent deterioration of the appearance and condition of the monument. In itemergency work is being carried out.
- Repair. Work to maintain the facility in operational condition.
- Restoration. Works that ensure the safety of a culturally significant object.
- Development of a project to adapt a monument of culture or nature for modern use. Works during which all conditions are created for the operation of a historical object in real reality.
The following also stands out:
- reconstruction of architectural complexes;
- restoration of historical monuments;
- exploration and research activities as part of the restoration;
- projects for the restoration of monuments, their implementation under author's supervision;
- production work and technological control;
- scientific and methodological guide.

Types of restoration
A heritage restoration project may include the following activities:
- reconstruction and restoration of facades;
- restoration and re-creation of interiors;
- restoration of roofs, roofing;
- restoration of foundations, foundations;
- restoration of floors;
- restoration of landings and flights;
- restoration of parts made of artificial and natural stone;
- restoration of various metal structures;
- strengthening the soil of the foundations of the object;
- restoration of the engineering structure: water supply and sanitation, lighting,heating, power supply, air conditioning and ventilation.
Classification of works
Restoration of architectural monuments in the Russian Federation includes several types of activities.
- Development of project documents for the restoration, conservation and recreation of culturally significant objects.
- Drawing up design documents for the repair and adaptation of natural and cultural monuments.
- Conservation, restoration and reconstruction of foundations, bases, masonry, spacer structures and fences.
- Conservation, restoration and reconstruction of metal structures.
- Conservation, restoration and reconstruction of wooden parts and structures.
- Conservation, restoration and reconstruction of various stucco decorations, plaster finishes, artistic, decorative painting.
- Conservation, restoration, recreation of decorative elements, structures made of artificial and natural stones.
- Conservation, restoration and recreation of samples of arts and crafts, sculpture.
- Conservation, restoration and recreation of paintings - both easel and monumental.
- Conservation, restoration and recreation of various historical landscapes, as well as examples of park and garden art.
- Repair and further adaptation of culturally significant objects.

Legislative regulation
Programs for the restoration of cultural heritage sites in the Russian Federation are regulated by the following legislativeActs:
- FZ No. 73, adopted in 2002;
- "Instruction on the preservation, accounting procedure, maintenance, use and restoration of culturally significant objects";
- Code of restoration rules of the SRP-2007 group;
- SNiPs (used only in cases where they cannot harm the object).
To carry out the restoration of a cultural heritage site, an organization planning to undertake such work must obtain a license from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to start its activities. This stage of work is regulated by Federal Law No. 73 (2002), article 3. Licensing applies to objects of federal significance and objects under the protection of the Ministry of Culture.
Licensing itself is carried out according to the Federal Law No. 99 (2011) - "On licensing certain types of activities." And also according to the Regulation adopted by the Decree of the Russian Government No. 349 (2012). It is important to pay attention to the fact that the new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation supplemented the document with a number of changes that entered into force on November 26, 2017.
At the same time, third-party organizations draw the attention of restorers to the fact that in most cases it is not possible to independently obtain a license for the restoration of culturally significant objects. What is the price of cooperation? The cost of restoration of cultural heritage sites is within 300 thousand rubles.
The document is issued within 45 days. Its duration is unlimited. However, such a perpetual license is valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Documentation for obtaining a license
To issue a license for the restoration of cultural heritage objects, you need to provide the intermediary with the following package of documents:
- copy of the charter of the organization;
- copy of state registration certificate (OGRN);
- copy of tax registration paper (TIN);
- certificate of all changes in the constituent documents (GRN);
- copy of extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
- copy of the protocol on the establishment of the organization;
- copy of the order to take over as head of the firm;
- copy of the certificate of the State Statistics Committee on the assignment of statistics codes to the organization;
- free-form enterprise card;
- copy of the passport of the head of the company;
- copy of the education document of the head of the organization;
- copies of educational documents of employees who will perform the work;
- existing organization license;
- copy of office lease agreement or paper certifying ownership of it.

Sequence of work
The general scheme looks something like this:
- Collecting the necessary historical information about the former appearance of the object in the smallest detail.
- Determination of the degree of deterioration of the structure, its suitability for further use. Construction expertise.
- Determination of the scope of restoration work.
- Development of a detailed restoration plan, taking into account engineering,artistic and architectural features of the object.
- Carrying out preparatory measures directly at the facility itself, which will ensure the safety of the building during installation and construction work.
- Implementation of restoration activities.
- Delivery of the object to the customer.

Interaction with regulatory authorities
The organization that carries out the restoration of the object, throughout the continuation of the work, interacts with state control bodies:
- approval of project documentation for restoration;
- getting the task (the opinion of the owner, the customer is also taken into account, but is not decisive);
- obtaining a license from a government agency to carry out work;
- obtaining permission from the authority for the protection of culturally significant objects;
- delivery of documentation on the work (including the scientific report).

Restoration work is not an alternative to conventional reconstruction. Their implementation is a long process. It is obligatory to study the historical appearance of the object, prepare projects, obtain a license, submit reports to the Ministry of Culture. However, it is precisely such measures that make it possible to preserve a culturally significant object.