Who are transvestites? Transvestites and transsexuals - what's the difference?

Who are transvestites? Transvestites and transsexuals - what's the difference?
Who are transvestites? Transvestites and transsexuals - what's the difference?

Currently, there are several separate forms of sexual reincarnation among the representatives of the stronger sex. Let's see who are transvestites, transsexuals and homosexuals, as well as what are the defining differences between these areas.


first transvestite
first transvestite

The category of transvestites includes full-fledged members of society who, due to certain mental qualities, feel the need to use outfits of the opposite sex. Some transvestites get sexual satisfaction from this kind of self-assertion.

Oddly enough, the majority of transvestites lead quite ordinary sex lives, have traditional views on relationships of opposite sexes, have families and children.

Crossdressers and transvestites differ in a certain way. The first ones look quite courageous. However, they get excited by the use of ladies' accessories, wigs, cosmetics and other things. If we talk abouttraditional transvestites, then such people are predominantly ordinary fetishists who do not consider this kind of behavior a mental disorder.

First transvestite

who are transvestites
who are transvestites

The first transvestite in history has been discovered in a mid-18th century portrait by an unknown artist in a British art gallery. The woman depicted on the canvas in an elegant hat with a feather turned out to be a man. The painting, titled Chevalier d'Eon, is currently part of the collection of London-based art lover Philip Mould.


transvestites and transsexuals
transvestites and transsexuals

Most transsexuals consider themselves hostages of the situation. According to people of this orientation, they were destined to be born in the body of the opposite sex. Such people suffer from their own physiology, not parting with the idea of an early sex change.

Some transvestites and transsexuals believe that they will not be able to find peace, being in bodies unadapted to psychological needs. The feeling of constant discomfort often causes mental disorders, which are known as gender dysphoria. For this reason, some transsexuals, transvestites and hermaphrodites suffer from bouts of prolonged depressive states, which in the most severe cases lead to suicide.


crossdressers and transvestites
crossdressers and transvestites

Having figured out who transvestites and transsexuals are, let's look at the characteristics of homosexual personalitiesorientation. If we talk about homosexuals, then this type of men feels sexual satisfaction only with partners of the same sex.

Unlike transvestites, mental disorders here are caused not so much by the influence of the social environment, but by upbringing, imposed by a change in role settings, family relationships, and a penchant for role-playing games.

Reasons for a revolution in consciousness

How to become a transvestite? Professional psychotherapists attach great importance to the correct upbringing of a child from an early age. The tendency to reincarnation in babies can develop with a close correlation of their own behavior with the mother's. Often, people who were initially deprived of their father's attention think about how to become a transvestite. From year to year, the presence of an unhe althy structure of relationships in the family leads to a change in consciousness. The result is female identification.

There are other common points of view on the formation of a transgender orientation. According to some experts, the internal struggle of stereotypes and sexual characteristics often leads to deviations, when it is the homosexual side that wins.

As for transvestism, its development can have a whole host of motives and objective reasons. In some cases, the craving for reincarnation is caused by social circumstances, distorted sexual arousal and early sexual experience, as well as unhe althy fantasies. Such factors can have a rather short-term effect on the psyche, but forever.be deposited in the mind, becoming active in adulthood.

What drives men to dress up?

how to become a transvestite
how to become a transvestite

To understand who transvestites are and why some quite he althy representatives of the stronger sex decide to dress as a woman, it is enough to understand their conscious motives. For most individuals of this orientation, this kind of activity becomes an opportunity to escape from the surrounding routine and is good entertainment. A woman, previously held back in the depths of a man, gains freedom, begins to breathe deeply, which allows you to look at the world from a different perspective.

For other men, this activity gives them the opportunity to discover other horizons, find original ideas, and unleash their creative potential. At the same time, it is not at all necessary for them to remain in this role for a long time or resort to regular dressing up in women's outfits.

You can also look at who the transvestites are from a different angle. For the rest of the fans of such a transformation, dressing up is a harmless role-playing game, a kind of leisure, hobby and passion. Some transvestites enjoy the aesthetics of women's outfits, in which they seem more attractive to themselves.

How often does cross-dressing lead to the development of homosexual tendencies?

The bulk of transvestites are not homosexual, despite the fact that some men of this sexual orientation also prefer to dress in women's clothes. Act directlyassuming the guise of the opposite sex does not lead to erotic experiences. Such actions are only behavior that makes it possible to try on the mask of another person.

Are there women among transvestites?

transvestites and hermaphrodites
transvestites and hermaphrodites

There are examples when women become transvestites. The bulk of such cases are recorded among the population of European countries and residents of the American continent. In Asian countries, where transvestism has become widespread in recent years and has even become a way to make money on tourists greedy for curiosities, the transformation of women into a male image is extremely rare.

Attitude towards transvestites in domestic open spaces

In many developed countries, there are entire communities of lovers of dressing in women's outfits. Just look at the number of foreign Internet sites that are dedicated to this hobby.

In our country, the official position of the authorities towards such a phenomenon has not yet been formed due to its insignificant spread. However, Russian transvestites who want to openly declare to the world about such a tendency are likely to have a very hard time. Ridicule and moral humiliation are just the tip of the iceberg, not to mention possible beatings.

Even in the largest cities of the country, there is a minimum number of cases of reincarnation of males in a female form, and even more so requests for advice from sexologists or psychotherapists. Despite this, it is possible toit is safe to say that individual lovers of dressing up in women's clothes, if desired, can be found everywhere.
