For many centuries, people paid special attention to minerals. And not in vain, because to cheer up, improve he alth, protect yourself from evil forces - all this could be done by properly selected stones. Emerald is one of the varieties of beryl, it is a very valuable gem, some specimens of which are more valuable than topaz, diamond and diamonds. In the old days in Russia it was called smaragd, a similar name was also found among the Greeks - “smaragdos”, but the modern name, most likely, is of Middle Eastern origin. The Turks called the mineral “sumurud”, while the Arabs and Persians called it “zumurrud”.

It is very difficult to find absolutely perfect stones without obvious defects. Emerald in most cases has minor impurities of pyrite, chromite, calcite or molybdenite, cracks also reduce its value. Ideal gems are usually no larger than 5 carats.
If you believe the ancient Egyptian papyri, then this stone has been known to mankind for 6 millennia, and perhaps it was used before. Each nation has a different attitude to the mineral, butpositive qualities are attributed to him everywhere.
The precious stone emerald is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, it is also one of the 12 gems that were on the robe of the high priest Aaron. The mineral was revered both in Babylon and in ancient Egypt. Queen Cleopatra had her own mines in the territory of the modern Eastern Desert, in which slaves mined jewelry. The beauty had a habit of presenting nobles loyal to her with gems engraved with her image.
There is also a legend that these precious stones were used to make the holy chalice of the Holy Grail. The emerald was allegedly on the crown of Lucifer when he was expelled from heaven, the fallen angel fell and the decoration broke. A fragment of the mineral fell to the Queen of Sheba, and she, in turn, gave it to Solomon. After some time, a cup was made from the emerald, from which Jesus Christ drank, and then his blood was collected into it. This mythical jewel was sought after by King Arthur's knights, crusaders and representatives of the Third Reich.

These stones have always been associated with wisdom, happiness, luck, fidelity and purity. The emerald was especially revered in the East, its green color is compared with life, because all the flags of Muslim countries have this shade. Turks, Arabs, Persians firmly believe that the mineral brings courage, faith and foresight to its owner. Slavic peoples identify the emerald with wisdom, hope and composure. As an amulet against demons and evil forces, a gold-setemerald.

A stone whose photos of jewelry are admired, a mineral worthy of the royal crown - it was often worn by monarchs. It is believed that the emerald attracts joy and fun to its owner, so he patronizes people of creative professions, invoking the muse. Jewelry with it can often be seen on artists, musicians, writers. According to some sources, Byron, Petrarch and Dante wore this beautiful gem.