Beauty quotes are the sayings of aesthetes. The concept itself implies a harmonious perception of the surrounding world, one object or the perfection of several aspects.
Mystery of nature

Quotes about the beauty and wisdom of nature remind us that we all came from her womb.
- We love nature because we come to our senses, returning to its origins. Prishvin
- Nature has no mistakes, she does not like jokes and is always strict and truthful. Goethe
- Nature will be defeated only by those who obey its laws. Bacon
- Open valley, quiet sound of water, fading sun - the most ordinary things, the most precious. Reskin
- There is no slavery in nature, man invented it. Montaigne
- Nature breathes with the wind. Bars
- All the best that is created by nature belongs to everyone. Petronius
- The most beautiful things a person does for a lot of money. Only nature gives everything and immediately for free. Herzen
- In the most wonderful dreams, a person cannot imagine anything more wonderful than nature.
Peace concept

Quotes about the beauty and perfection of the world are ambiguous, like everything we touch.
- Outer beauty is a weapon, inner beauty is ammo. If both things coincide, then the whole world can be conquered. Kumykova
- She is infinitely beautiful and charming, like a piece of fresh meat for a starving animal. Roa
- Good nutrition and work are the functional meaning of beauty. Makarenko
- The beauty of the desert cannot be forgotten, even after a thousand years. Herbert
- The most beautiful person is the one who looks like you. Oginsky
- A person does not see beauty if he does not feel love for it. Morua
- If a person is noble and truthful, he already has beauty. Sukhomlinsky
- My main secret is that I am beautiful from birth. Jackman
- The anomaly is that we are attracted not only by the beautiful, but also by the ugly. Nikitina
The uniqueness of the Russian language
Quotes about the beauty of native speech from great writers make us proud of what we have and what we should always appreciate.
- Our language is a social asset that we have been creating for centuries. Graceful, voluminous, infinite richness of thought, anger, feelings and future. Tolstoy
- Natural beauty and power, abundance and strength - that's the Russian language. Lomonosov
- In difficult days, when I think about the fate of my country, only you, the truthful and mighty Russian language, give me support. You are given to the greatest people! Turgenev
- You are amazed at the price of our language: every letter is a gift. Every sound is a big pearl. Sometimes the name of an object is more beautiful than the thing itself. Gogol
- The Russian language in experienced and intelligent lips can create miracles of poetry - beautiful,generous and obedient. Kuprin
Fair sex

Quotes about the beauty of a woman turn the Russian language into poetic works. The main feature is that, even though they sound harmonious, they are full of humor.
- The quieter the female voice, the more beautiful it is.
- The most beautiful woman is the one who does not interfere in men's affairs.
- The true beauty of a girl can only be judged after the wedding.
- A beautiful girl is a treat for the eyes, a blast for the mind and a pocket purge.
- The secret of female beauty is sometimes such a secret that not every girl knows it.
- Beauty saves the whole world. The only question is what are they saving him from?
- Women try to be beautiful because men look more often than they think.
- When a beautiful woman behaves ugly, she loses 90% of her beauty.
Women in Russia

Quotes about Russian beauty confirm the opinion of the whole world that we have the most beautiful women. And this applies not only to appearance. The ability to understand, forgive, take care of children and husband, this is the real dignity that is truly appreciated among men.
- Soul, pure as a spring, that's the peculiarity of Russian women. Glinka
- Russian sexuality is not short dresses and stockings. It is a smile, the subtlest turn of the head and a kind look.
- The most beautiful thing about Russian women is vitality and patience.
- Russian girls are not afraid to draw attention to themselves. Brightness inclothing and courage make them recognizable in every city in Europe.
- Crazy girls, always ready for exploits. Immediacy and indifference to broken nails, that's why I love Russian women. Iglesias
- Russian women accept complements with dignity, while American women are waiting for a catch.
- There are many competent, educated and beautiful women in Russia. But there are also a lot of drinking men. Lauren
- The symbol of the nation - Russian women are responsive and strong. These are real fatal personalities who are able to change the life path of their companion. Sorin