Damn - what kind of curse is that? Word meanings, interpretation and examples

Damn - what kind of curse is that? Word meanings, interpretation and examples
Damn - what kind of curse is that? Word meanings, interpretation and examples

We all know that a pancake is a delicious treat. But we will not talk about this, or rather, not only. The noun has got to a zone of our special attention in other quality. Today we will consider “pancake” as a curse, but it will also not do without highlighting the culinary meaning.


damn it
damn it

If you look into the explanatory dictionary, he will say that the noun we are considering has the following meaning: "A thin sour dough cake baked in a pan." Question to connoisseurs, why did such a delicious dish as pancakes (this is part of our study) turn into a word-"weed" with a difficult to define meaning?

While experts think, we will say: Phraseology is to blame for everything. There is such an expression "Damn burnt." It has two main meanings:

  1. This is what they say about someone who does not know how to work, is unsuitable for work.
  2. Expression of emotions.

We owe him almost the interjection "damn". How was it?

Reduction of a phraseological unit to a word

parasite words
parasite words

Spoken language strives for economy. He wantspack the maximum number of meanings into the minimum number of letters. Therefore, indecent words or their replacements - euphemisms are in such demand. Of course, a well-mannered reader will say that it is not only a matter of economy, but also a lack of a rich vocabulary and poor education. It may be so, but now we are trying to understand what kind of curse "damn" is, this is our main topic.

It's too long to say "damn it's hot" every time, to some extent even inconvenient. And when the adjective is removed, then people pronounce and do not even notice. This, by the way, is the difference between parasitic words. The latter penetrate so deeply into speech that they completely cease to be realized.

Functions of "decorative elements" in speech

meaning of the word pancake
meaning of the word pancake

Why is "pancake" so versatile? To answer this question, let's consider what functions an "insert element" can perform.

  1. Expression of emotions: joy, disappointment, sadness, pain, delight, annoyance.
  2. A bunch of words in a sentence.
  3. Memory booster. After the words: "Damn, what's his name?", the person tries to remember the name. And when it comes to the subject, the situation is similar. Only the questions change. For example: "Damn, where did I touch the notebook / pen / keys?".
  4. Let's pause and think.
  5. Subconsciously keeps the interlocutor's attention.

It turns out that parasitic words are not so useless as people think. There is so much to learn from a concept if you just give yourself the trouble to think.

Listthe most popular words that disfigure speech

Since we started talking about such a burning topic, why not provide the reader with a more or less extended list of "verbal garbage". Yes, not everything will be included in it, only popular ones. Everyone, no, no, but allowed himself such blunders. So:

  • as if;
  • here;
  • mean;
  • in short;
  • in general;
  • well, yes;
  • basically;
  • like that;
  • simple;
  • clear.

Enough is enough. Perhaps the reader himself is able to continue this wonderful list. But back to our main topic.

When did the word "damn" come into active use?

It happened in the 80s or even 90s of the last century. Before that, an indecent word denoting a dissolute woman was replaced by other consonant definitions - “look”, “brother”. You can be sure of this if you look at the thieves' songs of that time. Although some sources claim that "damn" is a curse that arose already in the 60s. 20th century. There are two hypotheses, so the reader is free to choose the one that he prefers.

By the way, some people understand that the object of research is still a substitute for a word that is not used in polite society, so they ask not to express themselves in front of them. Few people know this story, but teachers and teachers of Russian cannot be fooled. With them, it is better to follow the flow of speech, otherwise you can run into reefs.

Why shouldn't you "decorate" your speech with "vignettes" in the form of "pancakes"?

damn swear word
damn swear word

It would seem that a person uses a flour product as an interjection in an unconventional sense? Unfortunately, such inattention to his speech goes sideways to him. What does the linguistic “contamination” indicate? Here are some options:

  1. Uneducated.
  2. Ignorance.
  3. Poor vocabulary.
  4. Confusion of thoughts.
  5. Unacquaintance with the Russian literary language.
  6. Nervousness.
  7. Uncertainty.
  8. Fear.

In addition, for the addressee, the conversation turns into torture. Of course, not only the meaning of the word "pancake" is to blame here, but in general all those elements that distort speech. And if, for example, he is nervous, this is one thing, and if the use of “weeds” is an indicator of illiteracy, then it must be eliminated urgently. A person is so arranged that without an incentive he will not work on himself. Therefore, it is possible that the empty content is present in his speech before the first major fiasco.

Should I stop eating pancakes?

damn it's a swear word
damn it's a swear word

Yes! Decisively and definitively. All of the preceding narrative insists that the reader do this immediately! But what are the reasons, is “damn” a swear word? Strictly speaking, no. Even if a man or woman at an exam at a university says: “Damn, I can’t remember the definition,” then they may not be taken out with an escort. A comrades' court does not threaten them either. But it's important to remember which word "pancake" replaces. If you think about it more often, then perhaps the desire to swear will disappear by itself.

Of course, there are still professions where swearing is almost professional slang. One can recall the speech of M. N. Zadornov, who talked about the study of scientists why the Russians won the war. It turned out that they spent the least words on combat teams. The reader probably guesses how.

The rest, those who don't need mate so much, should remember that pancake is a dirty word, and it's better to forget about it.
