Darwin Award: the most ridiculous deaths

Darwin Award: the most ridiculous deaths
Darwin Award: the most ridiculous deaths

Charles Darwin is known throughout the world as the creator of the theory of evolution. According to the scientist, its main driving force is natural selection. In the ruthless world of nature, stupid and weak individuals die, while smart and strong ones survive, leaving offspring, to whom the mind and strength of their ancestors are inherited. This is how the monkey transformed into a human.

Human beings are not as vulnerable now as they were in ancient times, and therefore the process of natural selection has stalled a bit. In the modern world, even stupid and weak Homo sapiens can survive and leave offspring. But there are pronounced cretins who pass away even before they give birth to children. In this way, they help humanity, because without their genes everything will be much better.

The Darwin Award, for which there are nominees every year, is just given to people who "have taken their contribution from the human gene pool." Most of the winners are awarded posthumously, but there are also "unique" ones who received the prize due to depriving themselves of reproductive organs in the most sophisticated way. In this article, we will list the top Darwin awards.

darwin award
darwin award

1. Rectal Alcoholic

First place goes to Michael Warner of Texas. He owned a small shop and liked to drink. But he injected alcohol into himself in a non-trivial way, namely through the anus. According to his wife, 58-year-old Michael often gave himself enemas. This was explained simply - due to a sore throat, Warner could not drink alcohol, like everyone else.

Somehow he and his wife went to a party that was Michael's last. He asked his wife to pour two 1.5-liter bottles of sherry into him. As a result, the poor fellow simply lost consciousness, and the next morning he was found dead. After a blood test, it turned out that the alcohol content in it was 6 times higher than the norm. So, Michael topped the list of "Darwin Award Winners". Who is in second place?

2. Mole Killer

Second place unconditionally goes to the 63-year-old German, who was ruined by the desire to exterminate the mole that settled in his house. The pensioner tried everything, but to no avail. Then the German decided to resort to a radical method: he connected metal rods to a high-voltage line and stuck them into the ground. Despite the security measures taken, the current still got to the plot of land where the pensioner was standing. In general, he went to the next world with the mole.

darwin award nominees
darwin award nominees

3. Deadly Argument

Darwin Award and third place in the top go to two friends from the city of Valparaiso. They decided to play "in a coward" for a bet. The essence of the game was as follows: who will not derail longer in front of the approachingby train, he won. Midnight was chosen as the time of the dispute. It all ended in tragedy: the victorious Patrick Stiff was shot down to death. The driver didn't even slow down because he didn't notice the debaters.

4. Demolition of barn

Darwin Award and fourth place in the top for a resident of Virginia, who decided to demolish the old barn. He started the chainsaw and began dismantling the structure. Either out of ignorance, or greatly carried away, the poor fellow sawed through the supporting beams. In the end, the whole structure fell on the diligent worker.

top darwin awards
top darwin awards

5. Chasing two hares

Fifth place went to 29-year-old Oscar, a computer literacy teacher. The Darwin Award went to an American for doing two incompatible things: driving a car and typing on a laptop. At high speed, he flew into the oncoming lane and crashed into a Hummer. The teacher died on the spot, and the passengers of the SUV received only a few bruises.

6. Liquid Nitrogen

Sixth place belongs to our compatriot who decided to impress his girlfriend. On the Internet, he watched a video of how a man dipped his hand in nitrogen and pulled it out unharmed. It is a pity that he did not fully study all the features of the experiment. The man in the video wet his hand with water, which became a barrier between the skin and nitrogen. Therefore, she remained unharmed. The Russians should have watched the video more carefully. But he did not do this, but got a canister of liquid nitrogen and decided to repeat the experiment in front of his beloved, putting his hand into the container. Our unfortunate hero did not last long. The pain became unbearable, and he pulled his hand out, but in doing so, it touched the canister anddumped its contents onto his crotch. Needless to say, everything froze over there…

darwin award most ridiculous deaths
darwin award most ridiculous deaths

7. Gun phone

Darwin Award (the most ridiculous death) and seventh place for 47-year-old Charles Barger. During the night, he was woken up by a phone call. Trying to grope for a pipe while awake, Barger took the revolver, brought it to his ear and pulled the trigger.

8. Fell off the roof and exploded on the toilet

Eighth place went to a resident of Los Angeles, who repaired the roof of his house. Before climbing it, he took precautions and tied himself with a safety rope. The prudent American tied his second end to the bumper of his car, standing in the yard. The only thing he didn't do was not warn his wife. While her husband was fixing the roof, she got ready to go shopping, got behind the wheel and drove off. The poor man, ripped off the roof, kept her company on the trip to the first store.

Surgeons saved his life, but the story didn't end there. In honor of her husband's discharge from the hospital, the wife decided to have a party. The arrival of smoking guests was expected, so she began filling lighters with gasoline over the toilet. A lot of fuel spilled into it. After that, the husband went into the toilet and sat comfortably with a newspaper, lighting a cigarette. When he finished, out of habit, he threw his cigarette butt into the toilet. From the explosion, the husband received burns incompatible with life. In general, the Darwin Award, for which nominees come from all over the world, went to the poor fellow quite deservedly.

darwin award winners
darwin award winners

9. Too much alcohol

In ninth place is a well drunk man who was walking home and got hit on the head. Despite the broken skull, he got up and continued on his way. A block later, he was hit by a motorcyclist, breaking the unfortunate arm. He nevertheless got to the house, but stumbled on the porch, fell, broke both legs. In the morning, his wife found him dead. The medical examiner's report read: "The cause of death was alcohol poisoning."

10. Death Pen

Darwin Award and tenth place for a woman walking in the mountains. She saw a light feather on the ground and wanted to pick it up, but the wind blew, and it ended up near the fence. Instead of going further, the unfortunate woman rushed to catch him and fell from a height of 300 meters. She died the next day from a traumatic brain injury.

darwin award winners
darwin award winners

11. Safety glass

Eleventh place went to Canadian Harry Hoy. He was one of the best lawyers in Toronto. Among his entertainments was a demonstration of the strength of the windows in the office. By this he frightened visitors and colleagues. To check, Harry ran and threw himself at the glass. The 24th attempt of the lawyer was crowned with success. He broke through the glass and fell out of the window of a skyscraper.

12. Love for nature

And rounding out our top California nerd. He loved nature very much and tried not to pollute it. Being in one of the reserves on the rocky coast of the ocean, the nature lover decided to relieve himself. In order not to pollute the soil, he began to do it from a cliff in the sea, but could not resist and crashed to death.

These were the brightest winners of the Darwin award. We wish you never be one of them!
