Immoralism is Meaning, currents, reflection in philosophy

Immoralism is Meaning, currents, reflection in philosophy
Immoralism is Meaning, currents, reflection in philosophy

Morality is a concept that everyone is familiar with. This is what a normal civilized society is based on. An unspoken moral law, not written anywhere, but sacredly revered by the individual. And immoralism - what is it? Does it characterize an immoral person? Does it have a place in philosophical currents? We invite you to discuss this together.

Immoralism is…

The word comes from lat. immoralismus, where in - "not", moralis - "moral", "moral". Today, immoralism is an integral worldview position, which consists in the denial of all moral principles.

But if we look at the concept from the point of view of philosophy, we will highlight here its completely different meaning. Immoralism is a critical type of thinking, independent of the prevailing moral norms, which is an equal participant in the cultural dialogue.

immoralism is
immoralism is

If we look at the term from a historical angle, we will see that immoralismus is that antithesis, invariation. She was quite a powerful social force, having a considerable impact on society.

Let's pay your attention to the fact that between immoralism and immoralism it would be absolutely wrong to put "equal". Last termmeans only unwillingness to follow social moral norms: both in general and only in certain situations.

Currents of immoralism

Having analyzed what immoralism is, let's briefly present its two main currents:

  • Relative. Supporters of this direction believe that morality should not be an absolute dogma for all time. It changes over time, depends on the field of application, a particular society. In other words, outdated moral standards need to be rethought.
  • Absolute. Adherents of such a trend completely exclude morality as such. Up to the fundamental differences between good and evil.
what is immorality
what is immorality

Immoralism and philosophy

You already know the meaning of the word "immoralism" in the philosophical interpretation. Such an ambiguous system of views was characteristic of both its early and later forms. Let's look at specific examples:

  • Relativism, nihilism, agnosticism did not exclude a number of immoral positions.
  • In absolute form it can be found in the teachings of skeptics, sophists. It is characteristic of the teachings of Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Shestov's early works.
  • Proponents of relative immoralism include the Stoics, Epicureans, Cynics, modern determinists and Marxists.

As for Russian philosophy, here it showed its own originality. The followers of immoralism can be called L. Shestov, K. Leontiev. The relative current was supported by V. Ivanov, V. Rozanov, D. Merezhkovsky. exclusivityRussian understanding of immoralism is that philosophers proposed to go beyond morality in order to know true being. For example, Shestov argued that one can find God only by leaving the moral boundaries established by society.

the meaning of the word immoralism
the meaning of the word immoralism

Now you and I know in general terms what immoralism is. The concept does not characterize a person who violates the moral laws of society. Its meaning is more philosophical, calling for a rethinking of moral principles, a distant look at them, a rejection of these boundaries for the sake of a deeper knowledge of existence.