Types of worldview. Philosophy as a worldview

Types of worldview. Philosophy as a worldview
Types of worldview. Philosophy as a worldview

In the most general sense, a worldview is a system of a person's ideas about the world around him, about his place in it. The specificity of this system determines the activity of the individual, forms traditions and customs. Over the course of many centuries of history, the human worldview has undergone significant transformations.

Philosophy as a worldview
Philosophy as a worldview

At each stage of the development of civilization, society is characterized by a certain worldview, and its types are the dominant systems of views and ideas in different periods. There are four types: mythological, religious, philosophical and scientific. Hence, the ratio of philosophy and worldview is the ratio of the particular and the general.

Mythological outlook is characteristic of primitive people. This is a fantastic idea of the world around us, expressed in the form of fairy tales, traditions, legends and myths, which were passed from mouth to mouth for many years, mainly before the advent of writing. It determined the moral position of primitive people, acted as the primary regulator of behavior, a form of socialization, paved the way for the emergencethe next type of worldview.

Worldview and its types
Worldview and its types

Religious worldview is also an organized system of ideas about a supernatural being - a god or a group of gods. But unlike the characters of myths, the main characters of religious legends claim to unconditionally accept their authority. On the other hand, in a society dominated by a mythological worldview, human activity is completely determined by the culture of the dominant myth, while an individual may or may not accept religion. The latter, however, always has negative consequences for the subject in religious countries, and often in some secular states.

Correlation between philosophy and worldview
Correlation between philosophy and worldview

Philosophy as a worldview, in comparison with the previous types, is a relatively progressive system of judgments about the surrounding world, since it is based not on groundless ideas and images, but on rational thinking and logical laws. Philosophy as a worldview is a way of explaining the phenomena of the world and the place of man in it. Philosophical concepts offer detailed solutions to the main question of philosophy, the rationale for the moral position. But they do not claim to be universal and do not involve rituals characteristic of religious and mythological systems.

Philosophy as a worldview and science have a common rational nature. But science is objective knowledge about the world, substantiated theoretically and confirmed practically. In addition, the scientific worldview issystematized knowledge with industry differentiation.

Philosophy as a worldview is a prerequisite for the emergence of science and contains the methodological system used by modern scientists.

Philosophy acts as an intermediate stage between the primitive, and later medieval "shielding" of inexplicable phenomena by sensual images of gods, mythological heroes and the formation of rational tools of knowledge.