Everyone knows that it is quite difficult for children of famous people to live in the shadow of their parents. This rule is no exception and the daughter of Boris Yeltsin Tatyana Yumasheva. Her fate interests many of our fellow citizens. Let's find out how Yumasheva Tatyana Borisovna lives, consider her biography, professional career and family problems.

Tatyana Yumasheva was born in 1960 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in the family of Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin and Naina Iosifovna Girina. At the time of her birth, her father worked as a foreman in the Ur altyazhtrubstroy construction department. A year later, he became a member of the Communist Party, and two years later he was appointed to the post of chief engineer of the Sverdlovsk house-building plant. When Tatyana was 6 years old, Boris Nikolayevich was already the director of this enterprise. Soon the girl went to school number 9 - with a mathematical bias - in the city of Sverdlovsk.
Meanwhile, her father was moving up the party ladder. Since 1966 hebegan working in the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU, and by the time his daughter graduated from school (in 1978), Boris Nikolayevich was already the first secretary of the regional party organization.
Graduation from school for Tatyana meant farewell to childhood.
First marriage lumpy
After completing her studies at school, Tatyana Yumasheva, and then still Yeltsin, entered the Faculty of Computational Mathematics of Moscow State University in Moscow. It was quite a prestigious and promising, as it was then considered, speci alty, especially since the training took place at the most elite university in the Soviet Union.
It was while studying at Moscow State University that Tatyana met her betrothed, Vilen Ayratovich Khairullin, a Tatar by nationality, whom she married in 1980. In 1981, their first child was born, who was named in honor of his grandfather Boris. But already in 1982 the marriage broke up. This happened due to the fact that the newlyweds were forced to live in different cities: Tatyana returned to Yekaterinburg after the birth of the boy, and Vilen continued to study in Moscow. Then he moved to Ufa, where he actually had a new family. Tatyana could not stand this and filed for divorce.
And in 1986, Vilen Khairullin renounced parental rights to his son Boris, who has since been named Yeltsin.
Career of Tatiana and father
In 1983, Tatyana Borisovna graduated from the university and began working in her speci alty at the Salyut design bureau, which was engaged in developments in the field of space technology. She worked there until 1994. This period of her life can be considered almost completelydedicated to career and son Boris.

Meanwhile, Tatyana's father, Boris Nikolaevich, was moving further and further up the party ladder. He became a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, was appointed head of the Moscow City Committee, and was also a candidate for the Politburo. But after sharp criticism of the party line, his career progression stalled.
Changes were brewing in the country, and far from everything was decided by the party nomenklatura. In the late 80s, Boris Nikolayevich was elected a deputy, in 1990 - chairman of the Supreme Council of the republic, and in June 1991 - president. After the collapse of the USSR, at the end of 1991, Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin became the first head of a sovereign and independent state - the Russian Federation.
Tatiana Dyachenko
Just under the name Dyachenko, Tatyana Borisovna became recognizable by the general public. After all, she wore it when her father became president of Russia, and special attention is always paid to presidential children. It was much later that she became known as Tatyana Yumasheva. Her biography says that the life of the girl, in connection with the presidency of her father and a new marriage, has changed radically.
The second time Tatiana got married in 1990 to Alexei Dyachenko. The person of her new husband is very mysterious. At first it was believed that he was a small businessman and director of a woodworking company. But later it turned out that he was a dollar billionaire and a major shareholder of Urals Energy. When this reincarnation took place is not known for certain. In addition, Alexey Dyachenko is in the majoritybusiness-related documents appeared under the name of Leonid, thus, as if sharing his ordinary life with commercial activities.
Even the acquaintance of Alexei and Tatyana is shrouded in a veil of mystery. So, according to Yeltsin's daughter herself, they met at a ski resort, although it is reliably known that both of them at that time were employees of the Salyut design bureau. Later, the newlyweds quit from there, as they did not see prospects in scientific work, and went into the banking business. In 1994, Tatyana started working in the branch of the Zarya Urala credit institution, but her financial career did not last long - the woman soon went on maternity leave.
In 1995, Tatyana Borisovna gave birth to Alexei Dyachenko's son Gleb. The child was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Naturally, such an event could not fail to attract the attention of the yellow press. Why did Tatyana Yumasheva give birth to a down? This question interested many inhabitants. Of course, there is no unequivocal answer to it, but it is clear that grief and illness do not bypass even very rich and influential families.
After the birth of her son, Tatyana did not return to banking, becoming in 1996 an adviser to her father, Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Alexei also left this type of business, concentrating on the oil industry.

In 1999, a loud scandal erupted when the names of Leonid (Aleksey) and Tatyana Dyachenko surfaced during the proceedings in the US Congress on money laundering cases. In the same year, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, due to a difficulthe alth condition, was forced to resign and leave the presidency. He was replaced by Vladimir Putin, who had previously been prime minister.
However, even after that, Tatyana Borisovna still rotated in the government circles of the country for some time, holding the position of adviser to the head of the Presidential Administration until 2001 inclusive.
Meanwhile, the relations of the Dyachenko couple were getting colder, the spouses saw each other, for a number of reasons, less and less. The logical result was a divorce in 2001.
Currently, Leonid (Aleksey) Dyachenko continues the successful oil business, being one of the leading executives and owners of Urals Energy.
Third marriage
In the same 2001, Boris Yeltsin's daughter got married for the third time. Valentin Yumashev became her new chosen one. Since then, the woman has been known as Tatyana Yumasheva.
Valentin Borisovich was born in Perm in 1957. He received a journalistic education and for a long time worked in his direct profile. In 1995 he became the editor-in-chief of the most popular Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. A year later he was appointed Advisor to the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, and in 1997 - Head of the Presidential Administration.

Long before these appointments, Valentin Yumashev met the presidential daughter, as he often met with the family of the Russian leader in the course of his professional activities. It was he who came up with the idea to appoint Tatiana as his father's adviser. Indeed, the administrationValentin Borisovich did not lead for long, until the end of 1998. After that, he went into business, and more specifically, he took up development activities.
Valentin Yumashev's feelings for Tatyana flared up as the relationship between her and Alexei Dyachenko cooled. There are strong suggestions that the romance between Valentin Borisovich and Tatyana Dyachenko began even when the latter was married.
Already in 2002, Valentin and Tatyana Yumashev had a daughter, Maria.
At the moment, the Yumashevs have been married for almost 15 years, and nothing yet suggests that this union can be terminated. Thus, marriage with Valentin Yumashev is the longest for Tatyana.
Father's death
The death of her father was a heavy blow of fate experienced by Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana Yumasheva. This man has always been a support and support for her, was ready to substitute his father's shoulder in difficult times. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin died in April 2007 in one of the central hospitals in Moscow due to severe heart failure.

Tatyana Yumasheva suffered the death of her father hard. The photo depicting Tatyana Borisovna and Naina Iosifovna at the funeral of Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin is presented above.
Moving to Austria
Back in 2009, Yumasheva Tatyana Borisova and her husband received Austrian citizenship, while remaining citizens of Russia, which is permitted by the law of both countries. They say that in order to obtain such documents, Valentin Yumashev used hisbusiness connections. In particular, he used the help of the head of the Magna STEYR concern Gunter App alter.
In addition, the Yumashevs have long had real estate in Austria, but they only moved there permanently in 2013.
It's hard to say why Tatyana Yumasheva left Russia. Perhaps this was facilitated by a change in the attitude of the country's leadership towards her, perhaps she learned something about the impending foreign policy problems in Russia and the economic crisis, or maybe she simply considered that Austria at the moment is a better place to live than her homeland.
Community activities
At the same time, even while in Austria, Tatyana Yumasheva remains the head of the Foundation of the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, founded back in 2000. Its origins were such prominent public and political figures as Anatoly Chubais, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Alexander Voloshin and Tatyana's current husband Valentin Yumashev.
The Foundation is engaged in charitable activities, in particular, it supports young talents in the field of culture, science and sports.
Two sons and a daughter - this is the main thing that Tatyana Yumasheva received from three marriages. Children will always be for us the main reason for joy and at the same time for sadness. Tatyana Borisovna is no exception in this regard. We spoke briefly about her children above, and now let's take a closer look at their lives.
Boris Yeltsin Jr. was born in 1981, he is the eldest son of Tatyana Yumasheva. Thus, now he is already a mature man. His father, VilenKhairullin, renounced parental rights back in 1986. Many journalists characterize Boris's lifestyle as reckless. He loves parties and quite often changes his mistresses, which at one time even caused him a conflict with his grandmother, Naina Iosifovna, who refused to maintain relations with her grandson, whom she had previously idolized. Although Yeltsin Jr. is now well into his 30s, he is still unmarried and has never been married before.
As mentioned above, the second son of Tatyana Yumasheva, Gleb Dyachenko, suffers from Down syndrome. He was born in 1995, when Tatyana Borisovna was married to Alexei (Leonid) Dyachenko. Despite a rather ill he alth, twenty-year-old Gleb is actively involved in sports. So, at the moment he is the European champion in swimming among people who suffer from Down syndrome. He also took seventh place in this discipline at the World Championships in Mexico. Single.

The youngest daughter of Tatyana Borisovna from her last husband is Maria Yumasheva, born in 2002. She currently lives with her parents in Austria and studies at a local prestigious school. Until 2013 she studied in Moscow.
Here they are so different - the children of Tatyana Yeltsina-Yumasheva. Perhaps this difference is due to the fact that they were all born from different fathers. Nevertheless, Tatiana loves each of them in her own way.
Besides, Tatyana Borisovna has a stepdaughter Polina, who is the daughter of her current husband Valentin Yumashev and his first wife Irina Vedeneeva. Polina was born in 1980 in Moscow. Like her father, she began her professional career in journalism. In 2001, she married the famous Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska. In the same year, their son Peter was born, and two years later their daughter Maria.

Thus, at the moment, Valentin Yumashev is a grandfather. But it is not known when Yumasheva Tatyana Borisovna will become a grandmother. Her children have not given her grandchildren yet. There are many both objective and subjective reasons for this: the riotous lifestyle of the eldest son Boris, Gleb's illness, the childhood age of his daughter Maria. But let's hope that in the future Tatyana Borisovna will still be able to babysit her grandchildren.
General characteristics
It is difficult to give a holistic description of Tatyana Yumasheva, as much in her life remains a mystery to us. Many people consider her a strong-willed and self-sufficient nature, a successful woman who is worthy of her famous father. At the same time, there are enough such journalists who write about Tatyana Yumasheva exclusively in a dismissive tone. They consider her an empty shell, who would hardly have achieved anything on her own without her father-president and influential husbands.
In any case, successful life partners still need to be found, and this is very difficult. It is even more difficult not to get lost in their shadows. And just Tatyana Yeltsina-Dyachenko-Yumasheva did an excellent job with this.