From ancient times, people moved around the Earth. Human migration is one of the oldest phenomena in history. Since the boundaries of civilizations and states have been delineated, such a thing as immigration has appeared. What is in front of us - we will analyze today.

Immigration is entry into another country. That is, this term is considered by the host state.
History of immigration
Immigration to Russia began on a significant scale under the reign of Peter the Great and continued until the 1920s. Most of the immigrants were from Europe. The Soviet Union, however, suspended immigration and the reverse process - emigration. With the collapse of the USSR, the situation changed dramatically. Significantly increased immigration from Russia to other countries. Nowadays, it is growing every year. Where do Russians mostly go?
Countries of immigration
The most popular countries where Russians immigrate are the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Great Britain, Australia and Spain. Each of these countries has its own policy for immigrants and a list of requirements for them. The easiest countries toimmigration - Australia and Canada. This is due to a wide range of programs for specialists in various industries. The lack of skilled workers, as well as the orientation towards citizens of European nationalities, makes it relatively easy to get into these countries and subsequently obtain citizenship there. With the rest of the states from the above list, things are more complicated. Undoubtedly, the United States of America has been and remains attractive to Russian citizens.

Immigration to the USA has a number of difficulties and peculiarities, but if you have a clear goal - to move there to live, you can go different ways to achieve it.
Green Card, or work visa
This method is primarily suitable for those who have already found an employer in the United States who is ready to accept a foreigner to work with them. The employer in this case faces a number of difficulties. First, he needs to apply to the employment department with a clear explanation why an American citizen cannot apply for this position. Further, it is necessary to prove that getting a job by an immigrant will not lead to a deterioration in the working conditions of American workers, as well as to their reduction. As you can see, in order to complete this path, the employer must be very interested in hiring a foreigner. There is another way to obtain a Green Card: when the application is submitted independently. For example, individuals with talents or extraordinary knowledge may expect immigration to be open to them. What should these people know or be able to do?The interests of the US government are clearly identified in special lists on the official websites of embassies. If a person has the abilities from this list, then, having proved them, he may well expect to receive a work visa. A simplified Green Card scheme is also available for investors.
Family reunification
Scheme for citizens with relatives in America. Immigration to the US for them becomes a very simple action. A citizen of the United States provides documents for his next of kin for issuance of an immigrant visa. Family members eligible for such a visa include children, spouses, parents, siblings.
Considering such a concept as immigration (we have already considered what the term means), we must not forget that the reasons for it can be not just a desire, but also a forced necessity. Refugee status, and with it the opportunity to stay in the country for a year, can be obtained by citizens who are persecuted in their homeland on racial, political and sexual grounds. Moreover, a refugee visa can be obtained both while in the United States and in your own country. But in any case, evidence of a threat to life or manifestation of discrimination must be detailed and documented. After one year of refugee status in the United States, the alien is eligible to apply for citizenship.

Despite the existing methods, it is worth remembering that in the United States anyimmigration. What is meant by this? The United States accepts no more than 480 thousand people per year under the family reunification program, no more than 140 thousand - under the Green Card. The limit on the number of refugees changes every year, but is always regulated and clearly marked. This data suggests that even if you have all the grounds for obtaining a US visa, you can wait several years before the turn comes.

As the people say: "It's good where we are not." Apparently, this is one of the reasons why immigration is so attractive for a Russian person. What is hidden in it, pleasant and mysterious? Probably, the hope is that in foreign countries there is more green grass on the lawns. And, of course, to each his own, because for many, for example in the USA, the grass really turns out to be greener and the sun is brighter.