Nietzsche's brief philosophy: basic concepts and specific features

Nietzsche's brief philosophy: basic concepts and specific features
Nietzsche's brief philosophy: basic concepts and specific features
brief philosophy of nietzsche
brief philosophy of nietzsche

The name of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most famous in the world. His main ideas are imbued with the spirit of nihilism and harsh, sobering criticism of the current state of science and worldview. Nietzsche's brief philosophy includes several main points. We should start by mentioning the sources of the thinker's views, namely, Schopenhauer's metaphysics and Darwin's law of the struggle for existence. Although these theories influenced Nietzsche's ideas, he subjected them to serious criticism in his writings. Nevertheless, the idea of the struggle of the strongest and the weakest for existence in this world led to the fact that he was imbued with the desire to create a certain ideal of man - the so-called "superman". Nietzsche's philosophy of life, in short, includes the provisions that are described below.

Philosophy of life

From the philosopher's point of view, life is given to the cognizing subject in the form of the only reality that exists for a certain person. If you highlight the main idea, Nietzsche's brief philosophy denies the identification of mind and life. The well-known statement "I think, therefore I am" is subjected to harsh criticism. Life is understood primarily as a constant struggle of opposing forces. Here the concept of will comes to the fore, namely the will to it.

The will to power

Nietzsche's philosophy of life in brief
Nietzsche's philosophy of life in brief

In fact, the whole mature philosophy of Nietzsche comes down to the description of this phenomenon. A summary of this idea can be summarized as follows. The will to power is not a banal desire for domination, for command. This is the essence of life. It is the creative, active, active nature of the forces that make up existence. Nietzsche affirmed the will as the basis of the world. Since the entire universe is chaos, a series of accidents and disorder, it is she (and not the mind) that is the cause of everything. In connection with the ideas of the will to power, the "superman" appears in Nietzsche's writings.


He appears as an ideal, the starting point around which Nietzsche's brief philosophy is centered. Since all norms, ideals and rules are nothing more than a fiction created by Christianity (which inculcates slave morality and the idealization of weakness and suffering), the superman crushes them on his way. From this point of view, the idea of God as a product of the cowardly and weak is rejected. In general, Nietzsche's brief philosophy considers the idea of Christianity as the implantation of a slave worldview with the aim of making the strong weak and elevating the weak to an ideal. The superman, personifying the will to power, is called upon to destroy all this lies and sickness of the world. Christian ideas are consideredas hostile to life, as denying it.

philosophy of nietzsche summary
philosophy of nietzsche summary

True Being

Friedrich Nietzsche vehemently criticized the opposition of some "true" empirical. Allegedly, there must be some better world, opposite to the one in which man lives. According to Nietzsche, the denial of the correctness of reality leads to the denial of life, to decadence. This also includes the concept of absolute being. It does not exist, there is only the eternal cycle of life, the countless repetition of everything that has already taken place.
