Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Non-possessiveness is a trend in the Orthodox Church that appeared in the late 15th - early 16th centuries. The founders of the current are the monks of the Volga region. That is why in some literature it is referred to as the "teaching of the Trans-Volga elders." The guides of this movement preached non-acquisitiveness (selflessness), urged churches and monasteries to refuse material support
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Rigorism is an exclusively moral attitude, worship of the rules and real adherence to principles, which does not know any deviations from the framework and laws. Rigorism can be traced in different directions of people's lives
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The younger generation is rightly considered the future of the country. Public attitudes towards this social group range from pessimistic grumbling to genuine admiration. But how are things really?
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Practically all seekers of the meaning of life met the name of the Indian philosopher, sage, great yogi and guruji - Jiddu Krishnamurti. He is one of the brightest spiritual teachers of the last century. Once he retired from public activity, although he was revered by almost the entire world elite, including Nobel laureates, heads of state and other representatives of the intellectual niche
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Since ancient times, the question of what is the life of people, worried human society. People are beings endowed with consciousness, so they cannot help thinking about the meaning, purpose and conditions of their existence. Let's try and consider this issue in more detail
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Superman is an image introduced into philosophy by the famous thinker Friedrich Nietzsche. It was first used in his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". With its help, the scientist denoted a creature that, in terms of power, is capable of surpassing modern man in the same way that man himself once surpassed the monkey. If we adhere to Nietzsche's hypothesis, the superman is a natural stage in the evolutionary development of the human species. He personifies the vital affects of life
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The history of the creation of the first scientific theory belongs to Euclid. It was he who created the mathematical "Beginnings". Do you know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis? What is the structure of the theory and what functions does it perform? Find out the answers to these and many other questions in this article
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We all notice that the world is subject to change. This applies to our environment, loved ones, things, emotions and thoughts, as well as music and habits. The world is not stable by nature, and every day we meet something new
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Existential questions have worried humanity at all times. The most common of them sounds something like this: “How to get rid of the sense of the meaninglessness of earthly existence?”
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“Materialism and empirio-criticism. Critical Notes on a Reactionary Philosophy” is V. I. Lenin’s main work on philosophy. Written in the second half of 1908. Published in 1909 as a separate book by the Zveno publishing house under the pseudonym Vl. Ilyin. The book was written in 1908. The reason for writing it was the collection of articles by V. Bazarov, A. Bogdanov, A. Lunacharsky, S. Suvorov and others “Essays on the Philosophy of Marxism” (1908), as well as books by P. Yushkevich, Y. Berman and N. Valentinov
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
As a student of Plato, Aristotle spent twenty years at his Academy. However, the habit of thinking independently led to the fact that in the end the philosopher began to come to his own conclusions. In fact, having created the foundations of modern European science and logical thinking, the philosopher distinguished himself in the field of psychology. What Aristotle wrote about the soul is still being studied in higher education today
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Very often one hears from people that they cannot do this or that act, because they lack willpower. For example, start exercising every morning or stop eating sweets in large quantities. This requires a certain amount of effort on the part of the individual. What is will? Does it exist in every person? Is it possible to develop willpower?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) - an outstanding German philosopher - was born in the city of Stuttgart in the family of an official. Hegel's philosophy was different in that he did not try to understand the essence of everything with its help. On the contrary, everything that exists was presented as pure thinking and became philosophy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Even among the homeless there are people who are able to come to the rescue in difficult moments, despite the fact that they themselves are far from in the best position. And even athletes whose lives are spent in constant struggle with rivals sometimes do things worthy of respect in relation to their opponents and people who have nothing to do with sports
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Every day we use thousands of words in our vocabulary, without even thinking about the fact that many of them are exact psychological terms. Among these, there is one of the most common - desire. This word comes from the lips of people more than often, and it happens that in reality it does not correspond to what was said
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There are many approaches that describe what consciousness is in completely different ways. Accordingly, there is no single definition of this concept in science; philosophers, psychologists, and esotericists are still trying to reveal it. Scientists define consciousness in completely different ways, each describes its content in its own way
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Thomas Reed is a writer and Scottish philosopher best known for his philosophical method, his theory of perception and its wide impact on epistemology. Also a developer and proponent of the causal theory of free will. In these and other areas, he offers an insightful and important critique of the philosophy of Locke, Berkeley, and especially Hume. Reid has made significant contributions to philosophical topics, including ethics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of mind
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Even Heraclitus said that everything in the world determines the law of the struggle of opposites. Any phenomenon or process testifies to this. Acting simultaneously, opposites create a certain state of tension. It determines what is called the inner harmony of a thing. The Greek philosopher explains this thesis with the example of the bow. The bowstring pulls together the ends of this weapon, preventing them from dispersing. It is in this way that mutual tension generates higher wholeness
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Kindness is a creative force, the power of creativity and love. She extends her hand, she lights the way, she inspires life, she calms and heals. Kindness makes people happy and inspires
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Marcuse Herbert was one of the representatives of the Frankfurt School. In his writings, he tried to prove that many human desires are false and imposed by society. What else did he say in his works?
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To understand the difference between European and Eastern civilizations, it is enough to listen to what they say in the Arab world about the eternal topic - about love
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Here, perhaps, there can be no two opinions. Both in life and in philosophy for people, kindness is a virtue, it is a value. It if to look from universal positions. Each of us would like to deal with someone who is indulgent to our mistakes, with someone who is ready to forgive and understand, who sincerely wants to support. Indeed, for most people, kindness is such a quality in which "to wish and do good" for others, first of all, becomes a need of the soul
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What is truth? How does it differ from truth? How do these concepts relate, and can any truth be considered the only true one? This article will help you understand all this
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Possibility and reality in philosophy are dialectical categories that reflect two key stages in the development of each phenomenon or object in thinking, nature or society. Consider the definition, essence and main aspects of each of them
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
You can often hear such a thing as objectivism or subjectivism. What semantic load do they carry? Objectivism - what does it mean? What is the meaning of the word in philosophy? We hear a lot about how circumstances affect people. Is it so? Can a person influence circumstances? What is the meaning of his life? In sacrificing oneself for the sake of another, or in selfishness and a comfortable relationship with oneself?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The philosopher Frank is known to a greater extent as a follower of the Russian thinker Vladimir Solovyov. The contribution of this religious person to Russian philosophy is difficult to overestimate. Literary figures who lived and worked in the same era with Semyon Ludwigovich Frank said that even in his youth he was wise and reasonable beyond his years
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Carl Gustav Jung was born on 07/26/1875 in the family of one of the priests of the Evangelical Reformed Church in a Swiss town called Keswil. His family came from Germany: the great-grandfather of the young philosopher led a military hospital during the Napoleonic wars, and his great-grandfather's brother served as chancellor of Bavaria for some time. In our article we will focus on the philosophy of Jung. Let us briefly and clearly consider his main philosophical ideas
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John Rawls was one of the leading American philosophers who specialized in moral and political philosophy. He was the author of The Theory of Justice, which is still considered one of the most important publications in political philosophy. He was awarded the Shock Prize in Logic and Philosophy and the National Humanities Medal
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Once Socrates said: "Truth is born in a dispute." And after a while he created his own system of polemics, which seemed paradoxical to many philosophers, since it broke all concepts that were considered infallible. The Socratic method of dispute is still used in many areas where it is required to imperceptibly lead the opponent to the desired conclusion. Elements of this system are used by psychologists and psychotherapists. So Socrates is modern today even more than 2000 years ago
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In ancient philosophy there is a time when it reached its peak in the development of materialism. It is difficult to say about the specific period when this happened, since thinkers from different eras of Antiquity participated in the development of the doctrine itself. Among the well-known are Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus. The article will consider in more detail what kind of doctrine it is and what its essence is
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Gaston Bachelard is a French art critic and thinker who devoted his whole life to studying the philosophical foundations of the natural sciences. History knows very few people with such diverse interests, and therefore now special attention should be paid to both the scientist himself and his works, which undoubtedly became a huge contribution to science
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The life path of the philosopher Vasily Rozanov covers the period from 1856 to 1919. He was a famous writer, publicist and critic. He is considered the founder of a new literary genre. His personality is surrounded by inconsistency and secrets even after a whole century
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The myth of the eternal return says that everything always comes back. That is why every person is responsible for his actions, because he will certainly be rewarded with everything. The concept of Nietzsche's eternal return is one of the fundamental ideas of his philosophy. The author used it to designate the highest form of affirmation of life
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Philosophy in the Soviet Union, having become part of Marxism, turned after the October Revolution into an ideological weapon of the new government. Its supporters launched a real uncompromising war with dissidents. Representatives of all non-Marxist ideological schools were considered as such in Soviet philosophy
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Every enlightened contemporary knows the name of the famous Chinese Confucius. And not in vain. Many eastern countries used the teachings of the ancient thinkers to build a state ideology. His thoughts greatly influenced the lives of many people. His books are on par with Buddhism in China
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Thanks to the philosophical works of the humanist Leonardo Bruni, people were able to look at society and interaction in it from a different perspective. He was a follower of Salutati. The main works of Leonardo Bruni and information about his life are presented in the article
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Mimansa is a Sanskrit word meaning "reflection" or "revered thought". According to Hindu philosophy, this is one of the six darshans, or ways of looking at the world. The other five darshans are yoga, samkhya, vaisheshika, nyaya and vedanta. Mimamsa is generally considered to be the oldest of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. She had a significant impact on Hindu law
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Marxism and neo-Marxism are two related philosophical movements that are attracting public attention in different parts of the world. It so happened that the events of the last century, when the USSR collapsed, when capitalism began to be restored in many powers that had previously rejected it, were accompanied by the loss of its authority and demand for Marxism
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Since the end of the twentieth century, the debate around universalism has intensified. Against the claims of universal knowledge made in the name of Christianity, Western rationality, feminism, critiques of racism, scholars have shown that the problems are actually much more complex. While their criticisms are valid, universalism is not only compatible with the approaches that have condemned it, but is largely, in a certain sense, implied by them
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
"Thinking reed" is not a phrase composed of random words. The reed is easy to break, that is, directly destroy. However, the philosopher adds the word "thinking". This suggests that the destruction of the physical shell does not necessarily entail the death of thought. And the immortality of thought is nothing but ex altation. In other words, a person is simultaneously both a particle of everything that exists and the “crown of creation”