Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It's hard to find a person who has no idea what morality is. But far from everyone agrees with its necessity. Perhaps they are really right, and he althy egoism and the desire to fully satisfy all their needs, albeit at the expense of others, is the only right decision? In this article, we will consider the functions of morality, as well as discuss its necessity for the normal development of society as a whole and each person individually
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What are human values, and do we follow them in life? When do we turn to the wisest book on morality - the Bible? How do we see ourselves, and what do we think others should value?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Monism is a philosophical position that recognizes the unity of the world, namely the similarity of all objects included in it, the relationship between them and the self-development of the whole that they form. Monism is one of the options for considering the diversity of world phenomena in the light of a single principle, the common basis of everything that exists
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Contemplation is an ancient spiritual practice. In the teachings of Zen, mystical contemplation is the basis on which all spiritual development of a person is based. The ability to contemplate is an art that not everyone can comprehend. Contemplation is not for beginners, only an experienced seeker can contemplate
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The epistemological function of philosophy is connected with the knowledge of the surrounding world. There are several doctrines explaining the mechanism of this process
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Mysterious country China. In those days, when the tribes on the European continent were still running in skins and were distinguished by extreme cruelty, the Celestial Empire was already at a high level of development of science, culture, and art. The ancient Chinese sages saw the essence of things and comprehended the truth. Chinese wisdom has grown from the depths of centuries and remains relevant today
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Many ideas of Nicholas of Cusa contradicted the feudal system and undermined the authority of the church. But it was he who initiated the philosophy of the Renaissance and became an outstanding representative of the culture of his time
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The term "reflection" was introduced into philosophical use by Lenin, but the existence of this term casts doubt on the rationality of the individual
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The life principles of a person are the unspoken rules that he follows. They form the individual's behavior in a given situation, his attitudes and opinions, actions and desires
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The sayings of Confucius about life seemed too simple-hearted to the inhabitants of his village, they obviously wanted to hear something more ornate, worthy of a teacher and philosopher, and he reserved more complex phrases for imperial ears
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Perhaps one of the most significant philosophical questions in the history of all mankind, which absolutely each of us asked - "what is the meaning of life." No one can give an exact answer to it, and this is not taught in school. But how sometimes you want to know exactly what we live for and what we must do
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Among the second generation of Greek philosophers, the views of Parmenides and the opposite position of Heraclitus deserve special attention. Unlike Parmenides, Heraclitus argued that everything in the world is constantly moving and changing. If we take both positions literally, then neither of them makes sense. But the science of philosophy itself practically interprets nothing literally. These are just reflections and different ways of searching for the truth. Parmenides did a lot of work on this path. What is the essence of his philosophy?
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Which of us in our youth did not read the famous work of the greatest German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche "Thus says Zarathustra", making ambitious plans and dreaming of conquering the world
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In our lexicon such a thing as a rhetorical question has long been fixed. This is a form of speech created to give it richness and expressiveness. In the modern world, this term most often means a question that does not require an answer. Let's try to understand everything in more detail
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Any parable is a short story. The conclusion from it is some kind of moral maxim that the author or narrator of the parable of happiness wants to convey to the listener or reader
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American philosopher Ken Wilber, considered the most translated writer of our time, brings complex things to readers in simple language. It helps a person to develop spiritually, improve himself and learn to understand the surrounding reality
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Short biography of Lucius Annaeus Seneca Jr. - a Roman philosopher, a talented orator, a prominent political figure distinguished by enviable eloquence, a writer whose works are still the subject of close attention
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Boundless generosity… Is it possible? Some will say no. But there are those who will say yes, without doubting the truth of this quality. Non-resistance to evil is the moral law of love, which has been considered more than once by thinkers of different eras. And here's what they have to say about it
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Most of humanity is deeply convinced that a living person has a soul, but a robot cannot possess it. In the case when the spirit is the definition of living matter, it is secondary. However, in the cosmic sense, the spirit is the Higher Mind that creates matter. However, none of the believers can intelligibly explain what is hidden under this belief. One thing is known: the soul is an intangible concept
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“…what is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel, in which there is emptiness, or fire, flickering in a vessel? So wrote the poet N. Zabolotsky in the poem "Beauty will save the world." And the catchphrase in the title is known to almost every person. She probably touched the ears of beautiful women and girls more than once, flying off the lips of men fascinated by their beauty. This wonderful expression belongs to the famous Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky
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Regardless of material and social status, most people think about how to live better. A millionaire dreams of a billion, a “hard worker” dreams of a higher salary, and a beggar dreams of a delicious lunch. All people are different, but almost everyone wants their living conditions to become more comfortable, and their activities and days to be interesting and full of new impressions
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Despite the high style of the phrase "futility of being", it means a simple thing, namely the phenomenon when a person feels the meaninglessness of everything that happens. He has a feeling of aimlessness of the existence of the world and himself. Our article will be devoted to the analysis of this state of the human spirit. We hope it will be informative for the reader
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Dale Carnegie, the famous American writer, once said: "It's an old and indisputable truth that you catch more flies with a drop of honey than a gallon of bile." The meaning of the statement is absolutely clear. But why the indisputable truth? The answer to this question can be found in the article. What does such an interesting term mean? Why did he appear?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Gourmets are the creators of the cultural ideal who are engaged in research in the culinary arts. They are capable of thinking, preparing and serving food at its best
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Jean-Paul Sartre was born in 1905, June 21, in Paris. His father was a naval officer who died when the boy was only one year old. He was raised by his mother, grandparents. Sartre was a writer, philosopher, playwright and essayist. In 1929 he graduated from high school and devoted himself to travel for the next ten years, teaching philosophy in French lyceums
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The great and mighty Russian language! It perfectly combines not only complex constructions, explanations of reality, society or the existence of God in the works of Mikhailovsky, Berdyaev or Solovyov, but also the beauty and simplicity of ordinary folk sayings and proverbs. A vivid example of this is the wise phrase: "Live and learn"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This article is about how to use evidence, what it means and how to make your point of view as motivated and objective as possible
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Dreams, desires, preferences and customs of people are so different that for each individual the essence of happiness will be different, and sometimes it will be the exact opposite of the joy of the rest. Our world is full of many diverse forms, types of material and spiritual concepts
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Zinovieva Olga Mironovna is a well-known Russian public figure, philosopher, philanthropist and philanthropist. Today, her name is inseparably linked with the spiritual heritage of Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev. It is amazing, but, despite all the difficulties of life, she still tirelessly carries the ideas of her husband to the broad masses
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Tommaso Campanella is a famous Italian writer, philosopher and politician. A tireless fighter for freedom of thought, he spent almost half of his life in prison, where he wrote all his major works
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Dialectics and metaphysics are concepts that differ in opposite philosophical views of the world. In them, movement opposes rest, and the internal source of development - external
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Aristotle's logic is an expression of his philosophical outlook. This science has passed through the millennia, but has retained its basic laws and principles that help to think and strengthen the mental abilities of a person
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The article will tell you about the basics of philosophy in a simple and understandable language. Its goals, objectives, approaches, similarities and differences with science will be given
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One of the greatest humanists of the Northern Renaissance, Erasmus of Rotterdam, was born in Holland in 1469. He was the illegitimate son of a maid and a priest who died very early. He received his first education in 1478-1485 at the Latin school in Deventer, where teachers were guided by the internal self-improvement of a person through the imitation of Christ
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Theoretical and empirical knowledge is an opportunity to get closer to understanding the causes of various phenomena, their relationship. The study of social phenomena is a complex methodological task that requires taking into account many factors
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Social progress is part of our life. The world around us is constantly changing: new industrial solutions, home appliances and machines are not the same as they were 20-30 years ago
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Ancient Roman philosophy is characterized by eclecticism, like the whole of this era. This culture was formed in conflict with the Greek civilization and at the same time felt unity with it. Roman philosophy was not very interested in how nature works - it mainly talked about life, overcoming adversity and danger, as well as how to combine religion, physics, logic and ethics
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Philosopher, preacher, scientist, thinker, clergyman - Anselm of Canterbury contained all these concepts. He was a true son of the Church and proudly carried the light of the Christian faith wherever he went
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Among the many philosophical systems that recognize the primacy of the spiritual principle in the world of material things, the teachings of J. Berkeley and D. Hume stand somewhat apart, which can be briefly described as subjective idealism. The prerequisites for their conclusions were the works of medieval nominalist scholastics, as well as their successors - for example, the conceptualism of D. Locke, who claims that the general is a mental abstraction of the frequently repeated signs of various things
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Dialectics in philosophy is a way of thinking in which things and phenomena are considered in their formation and development, in close interconnection with each other, in the struggle and unity of opposites. The dialectical method is opposite to the metaphysical one, which is directed to the origins of being as such, to the search for the original nature of reality