Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian philosopher: biography, books

Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian philosopher: biography, books
Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian philosopher: biography, books

Practically all seekers of the meaning of life met the name of the Indian philosopher, sage, great yogi and guruji - Jiddu Krishnamurti. He is one of the brightest spiritual teachers of the last century. Once he retired from public activity, although he was revered by almost the entire world elite, including Nobel laureates, heads of state and other representatives of the intellectual niche.

Krishnamurti, like any other righteous sannyasin who tried to convey the words of God to society, did not seek popularity, but to be heard not only by the so-called high society, but also by the rest of the population of our planet.


The future spiritual teacher was born in India on the 11th day of the last spring month, 1896 in a small town called Madanapalle. A small brahmacharya appeared in the family of an employee of the Department of Taxes. The Jiddu Krishnamurti family was quite we althy, since its members belonged to the highest caste - the Brahmins (in tot althere are four official castes in India).

His father was in the Theosophical community, and his mother was a Hare Krishna, in fact, it was in honor of the god Shri Krishna that they named their son. Plus, Jiddu Krishnamurti was the 8th child in the family, just like Lord Krishna. Somehow his mother made a prediction that her youngest son, still in the womb, will receive excellent karma, he will be special. Then she decided that it was necessary to give birth to him in the temple: in a room intended for prayers. It was truly an out of the ordinary situation. Where is it seen that children are born in the sacred house of god?

Krishnamurti in his youth
Krishnamurti in his youth

Immediately after the birth of the future Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, an astrologer was invited to him, who compiled a natal chart for the baby. He then confirmed once again that the boy would become a great man, although in the first years of his life it was hard to believe.

Jiddu Krishnamurti was a very weak and sickly child. He suffered from distraction and excessive daydreaming. He was not at all interested in schoolwork, which is why the teachers began to think that he was simply underdeveloped or mentally retarded. But the boy also had strong features, for example, observation. He could watch insects for hours.

The main quality of Jeddah was undeniable generosity. There were times when he gave his books, textbooks to children living in poor families. And if his mother gave him sweets, he ate only a small part, and distributed the rest to his brothers and friends.

The amazing ability of the youngKrishnamurti

Krishnamurti began his acquaintance with the Vedic scriptures while going to the temple with his mother. There he discovered the secret meaning of the Mahabharata epic. And when his sister died, Jiddu was granted the gift of clairvoyance. Then he began to see her in the same place in the home garden. After that, another mother, who had gone into the world, was added to the visions.

Among the flowers, he could often observe beautiful Apsaras, and sincerely did not understand why the rest could not see this, therefore, all further remarkable events in his life no longer surprised him.

Krishnamurti and the Theosophical Society

In 1909, the young philosopher had already begun to practice his personal teachings and gained celebrity supporters. Jiddu Krishnamurti was noticed by one of the significant members of the Theosophical community - Charles Leadbeater, who saw his aura, which was different from other people. According to his analysis, Jeddah stood out for its absolute lack of selfishness. He confirmed for the third time that in the future the boy will be able to influence the surrounding community by becoming a spiritual teacher.

Jiddu gives a lecture
Jiddu gives a lecture

And now, at the age of fourteen, Jeddah was introduced to the head of the Theosophical community named Annie Besant and two spiritual Tibetan teachers. All three confirmed his important mission in this life. They said that the boy should be brought up and trained according to European standards, but without the slightest pressure on his spiritual component. As a result, Krishnamurti became a participant and a member of the esoteric part of the community. Within a few months hewent on astral travel, writing down his insights on paper. Then a book was published based on his memoirs, which was translated into 27 languages. But the most striking impression was the invitation to the Great White Brotherhood. This happened after another astral journey to the home of one of the Tibetan teachers.

Krishnamurti and the "Order of the Star"

By 1911, Krishnamurti, under the auspices of the head of the Theosophical Society, founded the International Order of the Star of the East. The main idea was to unite all those who believed in the coming of the world Spiritual Teacher. During this period, Jeddah continued to study in Europe, and the order grew in numbers. By the 30s of the last century, Jeddah leaves for California, where his most intensive spiritual development begins.

Jeddah and his followers
Jeddah and his followers

After visiting India, he continues to conduct educational activities and even wants to become a sannyasin, that is, to renounce everything worldly. However, over time, he developed his own philosophy regarding how a person should develop. According to the ideas and teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, problems in life can be solved without any gurus or mentors. He said that one does not need to look for any intermediaries in order to gain spiritual freedom, and there is no need to perform various rituals, worships and ceremonies in order to know oneself and draw closer to God.

Dissolution of the Order

Based on the opinion of Krishnamurti, truth has no definite paths, and faith is originally born inside a person and does not need followers, therefore, nothere is no need to create orders, sects and even religions. You can organize your personal faith only with the help of active meditation on Jiddu Krishnamurti, which is not secret knowledge, but the person himself is a hidden book, his inner treasures are available only to him and no one else.

Moreover, Jeddah declared that there is no point in the collective search for happiness and truth. Within a few years, the order descended to a level where all members were waiting for the next enlightenment from their Messiah. In their opinion, he should have endowed them with special knowledge instead of leaving for personal self-development. Therefore, Krishnamurti decided to dissolve the organization, because of which he lost almost all of his followers, because the members of the Theosophical community could not accept such a simple truth. Only Annie Besant remained with him.

House of Krishnamurti
House of Krishnamurti

As a result, after the dissolution of the order, Jeddah settled in California and lived a quiet, calm life until 1947. But even here he was not left without those who wanted to get a little enlightenment. For example, Charlie Chaplin and Greta Gabo began to follow his teachings.

Krishnamurti's personal life

Despite the fact that Jeddah was a spiritual teacher, he decided not to suppress feelings of love in himself, especially when he met a beautiful American woman in the 21st year of the last century. Unfortunately, this did not lead to anything serious, and they parted ways. Then Rosalina Williams appears in his life, who made an irreplaceable contribution to the opening and development of the Happy Valley school. However, they do not stay with her for a long time, Rosalina eventually leavesmarry a friend of Krishnamurti.

Life after death

The teacher died from the most terrible disease of the modern world - cancer, in 1986. The tumor appeared in the pancreas, but it happened already at the age of ninety. At the behest of the sage, after cremation, his ashes were scattered over Indian lands, in the UK and the USA - where he was revered the most.

During his long life, the philosopher managed to write a whole collection of books. Jiddu Krishnamurti opened several schools around the world, including Brookewood Park and Happy Valley. Today, the fund left over from Krishnamurti is helping to open schools in his homeland, mother India. And his teachings are distributed by followers in the form of audio and video materials.

Krishnamurti Center in Hyderabad
Krishnamurti Center in Hyderabad

Basic philosophy of the sage

If you read Jiddu Krishnamurti's quotes and aphorisms, you will notice that he called for abandoning the desire to follow any authoritarian teachings and try to listen more to yourself, your inner Self, your Soul. To be happy, he said, one must be free. Freedom means the mind not being attached to various images, concepts, systems and fantasies. Today we are trying to find some Messiah who will tell us what to do and what not to do, but this is not the right path to self-knowledge.

I don't want to teach you anything, I just want to be a lantern and shine for you so that you can see better, but then you have to decide for yourself whether you want to see what you are looking for.

Hebelieved that only in self-study of one's insides a person can know the true destiny, therefore he denied any form of religion.

burning candle
burning candle

He said: "You are the society that you always talk about. Our entire surrounding world, all the community that fills it, depends on a particular person. However, difficulties appear when each person begins to share oneself to the Ego or "observer" and to the "observed".

The complete bibliography of the sage

Absolutely all collections of the sage's books are a kind of philosophical doctrine, the meaning of which is described above. Some books were published thanks to the remaining diaries of Krishnamurti, others were created on the basis of transcripts and recordings of open lectures that the teacher gave during his lifetime.

In Freedom from the Known, Jiddu Krishnamurti directly tells his readers: "I have nothing to teach you." And this is true, since all knowledge is within us from the very first day of the birth of our bodies and reborn souls.

Book of Krishnamurti
Book of Krishnamurti

Now almost all books can be found translated into Russian. Therefore, it is worth knowing the collection that has accumulated over the years:

  • "About the most important. Conversations between Jiddu K. and David B."
  • "Conversations with Krishnamurti. Favorites".
  • "Notebooks".
  • "Freedom from the known".
  • "Beyond Violence".
  • "The only revolution".
  • "Immediatelychange".
  • "At the feet of the teacher".
  • "First and last freedom".
  • "The Beginning of Knowledge".
  • "Bombay Talk".
  • "Comments on life" in three books.