What is will? The concept of will. Russian will

What is will? The concept of will. Russian will
What is will? The concept of will. Russian will

Very often one hears from people that they cannot do this or that act, because they lack willpower. For example, start exercising every morning or stop eating sweets in large quantities. This requires a certain amount of effort on the part of the individual. What is will? Does it exist in every person? Is it possible to develop willpower?

The concept of will

Will is a function of the human psyche, thanks to which we are able to exercise control over our actions and manage our actions, making this or that decision, to achieve our goals.

The will encourages people to achieve their desires and at the same time allows them to be controlled. With the help of it, a person is able to overcome difficulties, get out of difficult life situations. People whose will is not developed prefer to go with the flow, do not seek to change their existence for the better. It is easier for them to give up their dreams than to make an effort on themselves and take action.

what is will
what is will

Volitionalhuman qualities

The concept of will includes a number of qualities of a human character. These include, above all, self-control and endurance. These qualities are manifested in the ability of a person to restrain, when necessary, his emotions in order to avoid committing rash actions that can lead to disastrous consequences. For example, don't start a fight even if you've been insulted or humiliated.

Another strong-willed quality is decisiveness. It lies in the ability of a person to overcome internal doubts and hesitations, quickly move on to active actions, whether it be setting a goal or taking steps towards achieving it.

Independence of a person is also one of the volitional qualities. People should be able to make decisions, guided only by their own principles and beliefs, be independent of other people's opinions.

Perseverance and stubbornness, as well as purposefulness, can also be attributed to strong-willed qualities. They help a person not to deviate from what was planned, to continue striving and acting, even if not everything works out right away.

God's will
God's will

Freedom and will

Very often the word "will" is associated with freedom. In expressions such as "release" or "unleash", these words are almost synonymous. However, there are significant differences between the two words. Will is a broader concept, in contrast to freedom, which implies the ability of a person to live and act as he wants. At the same time, the will can to some extent restrict freedom, forcea person to act not only as he wants, but also as common sense requires.

There is also the concept of "free will", which means that a person has a choice independent of external circumstances. People have the right to make their own decisions - how to live, what values to set as priorities for themselves, what goals to choose and how to strive to achieve them.

concept of will
concept of will

What is the will of God

Many are wondering whether a person has a choice at all and whether he can influence his own destiny. What is the will of God? How does it manifest itself in our world and can it be influenced?

God's will implies that everything that happens in our lives is predestined from above. There is nothing that can happen without the knowledge and permission of God. The will of the Almighty is unchanging and does not depend on any external factors. People are not able to influence her, no matter how much they wish. It is hidden, inaccessible to the understanding of mankind.

Under the guise of God's will, people could do anything - kill, steal, while saying that it was destined to do so. However, this is far from being the case, and the responsibility of a person for his evil deeds is not removed. In addition to the hidden, there is also a comprehensible, or open, God's will for people. It is reflected in the Bible and tells people how they should live, what to fear and what to strive for. A person is responsible to God when he does not do His will, rejects His laws and neglects them.

word will
word will

The will of the Russian people

Eachthe country, as a rule, has its own distinctive features inherent in its inhabitants. Russia is famous for the unbending willpower of its people. In the history of our state there are many examples of its manifestation. Only thanks to unprecedented willpower, Russia has managed to win many wars and maintain its sovereignty to this day.

One of the most striking examples when the will of the people manifested itself in full force is the blockade of Leningrad. It lasted almost 900 days. During this time, many people died of starvation, but the city did not give up, despite all the difficulties.

Of course, not all Russian people have a mighty will. At all times and in our country there have been many traitors, cowards, ready to sell their fatherland. However, most Russian people still have willpower, and it manifests itself not only in dangerous times for the country, but also in everyday life.

will of the people
will of the people

How to develop willpower in yourself

Very often people decide to dramatically and radically change their lives, gathering all their will into a fist. For example, a person wants to start playing sports from tomorrow. To do this, he decides to get up early every morning, do exercises, run, and after work go to the gym. However, out of habit, after a couple of days of such a rhythm of life, a person gets so tired that he completely abandons his idea, and he no longer wants to train willpower. As a result, instead of a positive result, it turned out only worse.

How to develop strong-willed qualities without hurting yourself? First you need to stop postponing the start of your actions,citing some reason. For example, promises “I will start exercising from Monday” or “I will not eat sweets from the beginning of the month” do not strengthen willpower, but, on the contrary, make it even weaker.

What is will? It is the ability to manage behavior in order to achieve one's goals. That is why you need to start moving towards them today. It's much easier to get up and do a few exercises right now than to jump straight into heavy loads later.

Willpower training is a systematic process. It is impossible to become a strong-willed person in one day, you need to go to this for a long time and gradually. Every time you make even a small effort on yourself, you get closer to your goal. The main thing is not to kill the desire to develop willpower with wrong actions.
