Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Such a question as the transmigration of the soul has always worried humanity and continues to worry us today. In philosophy, this phenomenon was called metempsychosis and gained many supporters. Different religions and philosophies do not treat this concept in the same way, however, despite this, the study of the phenomenon is only increasing in popularity
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It's popular these days to say that thoughts are things. However, physics as a science refutes this, because a thought cannot be touched and seen as an object. It has no form and no speed of movement. So how can this abstract substance influence our actions and life in general? Let's try to figure it out
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Frege's triangle is a concept, a symbolic image, a definition, a direction and even a scientific regularity at the same time. This is a logical construction that explains the differences between the meaning and meaning of any concept. With the help of this "figure" you can consider any subject area. This formula is also applicable to art, sciences, the information field, languages and other things
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Phenomenology is a philosophical trend that developed in the 20th century. Its main task is the direct investigation and description of phenomena as consciously experienced, without theories about their causal explanations, and as free as possible from undeclared biases and premises. Phenomenology is a discipline and method of studying philosophy, developed mainly by the German philosophers Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The life path of a person has the potential to both bind him to something and to release him. To navigate this dual nature of experience, the ancient Samhya school of Indian philosophy (“that which sums up”) divides reality into two categories: the knower (purusha) and the known (prakriti). Unmanifested prakriti is a reservoir of limitless potential, consisting of three fundamental forces called gunas (sattva, rajo and tamo), which are in balance with each other
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Often in order to make our speech more figurative, bright, unusual, we resort to the use of beautiful, loud-sounding phrases. But in order to use someone else's quotation in speech, you need, firstly, to know its meaning (this is especially true for those who like to boast of their knowledge of Latin); and secondly, it would not hurt to ask who is the author of this or that aphorism. About the one who said "there is no limit to perfection" - read in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In theory, all people recognize the value of human life, however, when it comes to practical things, people have doubts. Did Hitler deserve to be spared his life if there was such an opportunity? Should a pedophile maniac live or die? These questions touch on the basic moral values of human life and the idea of whether life is the most important value. Let's talk about what values are, how they are related to the meaning of life
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To have an idea about the development of philosophy is necessary for all educated people. After all, this is the basis of a special form of cognition of the world, which develops a system of knowledge about the most general characteristics, fundamental principles of being, ultimate generalizing concepts, the relationship between man and the world
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Let's start with what the functions of philosophy are. First of all, they can be characterized as the main areas of application of philosophy, through which it becomes possible to realize its inherent goals, objectives, and the purpose of science. The functions of philosophy are usually distinguished as follows: worldview, methodological, mental-theoretical, epistemological, critical, axiological, social, educational and humanitarian, prognostic
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Here you live nicely and calmly, with two feet on the ground and with a full social package. And then suddenly the day comes; not just a day, but a day that is not ordinary at all. You look around: at the multi-apartment mountains and marked plains and you don’t understand what’s what here. The traffic light is already green, but you don’t want to go at all. And I want to think about life, about myself and about the endless cosmic desert. Who are we and why are we breathing here? Is there anything "deeper" in life than my work from 8 to 5?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Today he is known as an outstanding philosopher. Russell Bertrand's quotes can often be found both in scientific works and in ordinary journalism. Head of the English philosophy of subjective idealism, founder of English realism and neopositivism, author of The History of Western Philosophy, logician, mathematician, public figure, organizer of the British anti-war movement and the Pugwash conferences. It seems that he managed everywhere, even despite the fact that he lived far from the most simple time
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Reflections on the topic of alternative reality - this is what prevented philosophers of ancient times from sleeping at night. Among the Romans and Hellenes, in ancient treatises, one can find confirmation of this. After all, they, like us, have always been interested in thinking about whether there are their counterparts in worlds parallel to ours?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the modern world, there are many expressions that eventually become catchphrases. These are reflections of people on the topics of life, power, the existence of God. One of these phrases has become an axiom over the centuries. They tried to interpret it in different ways, to use it as an excuse for those lawlessness that the state government often does, or to expose the people who allow these actions
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Bertrand Russell once said that science is what you know and philosophy is what you don't know. The vastness and temporary non-materiality of the subject can make this special form of knowledge of the world inaccessible to beginners. Many simply do not know where to start studying philosophy. The list of references provided in this article will give a good start and support in further acquaintance with this form of knowledge
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The law of the transition of quantity into quality is the teaching of Hegel, who was guided by materialistic dialectics. The philosophical concept is the development of nature, the material world and human society. The law was formulated by Friedrich Engels, who interpreted Hegel's logic in the works of Karl Max
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Economists say that a good is anything that can satisfy a person's needs. But from the point of view of philosophy, the good contains a specific positive meaning or meaning, a phenomenon or an object that satisfies certain needs of people and meets the goals and needs of society
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Philosophy is the love of wisdom. However, the path to it is thorny and long. Starting with the vital research of the most ancient thinkers, we are slowly approaching the voluminous scientific works of modern philosophers. And just in front of this bridge over the abyss, Hegel's triad stands proudly
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Religion is an important and necessary phenomenon of the spiritual life of man and society. The history of mankind does not know a single people that would be alien to religious consciousness and experience. This article answers questions such as: "What is the philosophy of religion? How did it originate and what is its relevance? Where can I find answers to these questions?"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Philosophy is present in the life of every person. Anyone who is capable of thinking is a philosopher, albeit an unprofessional one. It is enough just to think about how many times in your life you thought about why it happens one way or another, how many times thoughts went deep into the essence of this or that term, process, action. Of course, countless. So what is philosophy? Who are the most famous philosophers who founded entire schools of thought?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
When you have to talk on the phone, and the guy is not yours yet, but you just need to charm him, it can be difficult to find not only words, but also a topic. Simple tips to help you
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is a moral duty, in principle, is known to each of us. However, not everyone thinks about what exactly the concept of moral duty entails
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A person throughout his life thinks a lot, which gives rise to a lot of thoughts in his head, which gradually materialize
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Probably everyone knows the expression - appreciate what you have. But does everyone want to do this? Most, on the contrary, tend to complain about their lives and consider what they have as an insufficient condition for a happy existence. We are talking not only about material we alth, but also about children, he alth, talent, efficiency and other things that cannot be touched
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The article presents some of the best philosophical books, as well as small descriptions and information about the authors
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The statement that truth is born in a dispute is known to everyone. Whether it corresponds to reality is another question
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How to love a man to be an ideal wife, lover and mother, not only in his eyes, but also in the eyes of everyone else, our article will tell
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What kind of men want to see an ideal woman, and is there any single image for everyone, you will learn from this article
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A philosopher rarely relies on brevity, and therefore a huge amount of mental research is multiplied by voluminous content. Therefore, studying the works of even one philosopher can take a very long time. There is no other way, unfortunately. There is no fast way. However, familiarization with some quotes from one famous thinker will help arouse interest in the doctrine. And as you know, when you like something, time flies by unnoticed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Absolute idea is something that gives impetus to the emergence and evolution of the natural and spiritual worlds, a kind of active principle. And a person needs to comprehend this absolute idea through reflection
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Thomas Hobbes was born in Malmesbury on 5 April 1588. He was an English materialist thinker. His concepts have spread in such scientific fields as history, physics and geometry, theology and ethics
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Any woman likes surprises, and unexpected ones. At the same time, you don’t need to present expensive presents, you can just buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers or show your attentiveness and give your chosen one some little thing she needs. After all, such a nice gift on a simple, non-holiday day will cheer up your lady
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Diogenes of Sinop is the hero of many anecdotes and stories that amuse society. But this ancient Greek eccentric created a whole philosophical concept, following which a person acquired happiness
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Often the best qualities of a person, inherent in him by nature, without proper application, simply die in an individual who lives only for the sake of eating delicious food, sleeping comfortably and driving himself in a beautiful expensive car
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Philosophy is of great importance for modern society. Every person, probably, at least once in his life thought about who he is and why he was born. The existence of humanity itself is meaningless without philosophical thinking. Though not realizing it, the individual becomes a part of it. Reasoning about life and death leads to the fact that humanity is increasingly immersed in the philosophical essence. What is philosophy? Few can give a clear answer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
If you do not think about life and do not implement plans, then it will be uninteresting. Yes, perhaps comfortable, perhaps even bright momentarily, but the thoughtless construction of life sooner or later begins to strain a person with its senselessness. Sooner or later, the question of the meaning of life arises. Why do you need to live? Damn question. Because you can only answer it yourself, based on your feelings. How should one live so that the years are lived not in vain?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Responsibility for young souls is one of the most serious in a person's life. What should be the pedagogical credo of the educator so that he can be entrusted with a developing personality?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Caring for the patients of clinics and hospitals is extremely difficult, but such a necessary thing. The demand for junior medical personnel is constantly growing, especially in Western Europe and the USA. But at the same time, the requirements for qualifications and personal qualities are also increasing. For example, knowledge of a foreign language and the successful completion of a characterological test are increasingly required
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In our time, people are increasingly becoming supporters of cosmopolitan views that were previously condemned. Nevertheless, now one can also notice a fairly clear division in the sphere of worldview that concerns the origins of
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The lofty goals of knowledge are set by science and art. Cognition here acts as a process of revealing the inner essence of things, phenomena and events, their relationships in search of truth
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The surrounding world is perceived by a person through his psyche, which forms an individual consciousness. It includes the totality of all knowledge of the individual about the reality surrounding him. It is formed due to the process of cognition of the world through its perception with the help of 5 senses. Receiving information from the outside, the human brain remembers it and subsequently uses it to recreate a picture of the world. This happens when an individual, based on the information received, uses thinking